Welcome to the Fallible Nation!


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Great host, great show!
I had a blast being a guest on this show. Brent is the real deal and has a heart for men becoming all they were created to be. Check it out!
Great Manhood Podcast
Wow, what a great resource to find. So many episodes on topics focus’s on all the the different roles men have in their lives. I appreciate the different lengths of the episodes as well.
Thankful for finding this
Not normally a show I would go looking for but this show gives actionable steps for being in situations as a man like a husband and a father. You don’t know what you don’t know and this helps navigate that
Good Content for Men and All People
It’s easy to listen to an episode and start to think that it isn’t applicable. However, I have found that listening to this podcast, there are topics that are absolutely pertinent to my life and the way the host presents his topics is well done. For example, there is no pointing fingers. It’s a “This has happened to me, it can happen to you. Let’s fix it together” type of mentality. That is great as it causes the listener to be more open to the suggestions (ie dopamine topic) I look forward to listening more in the future.
It’s definitely for someone
Just not me. I definitely don’t fit the profile of who this show is being targeted to, however, I am a strong advocate of safe spaces and speaking your truth and it’s great that David has harnessed his message and uses it responsibly and effectively.
I’ll come back and listen to another
A solid podcast with a strong point of view. I’ll come back and listen to another!
Great topics and insights
This is a great podcast for men who need some quick and digestible tips. I love that the episodes are both longer and short. Helpful information and to the point. Appreciate it!
Good show with practical, organized advice
Well planned out, short episodes with practical advice to help men focus their efforts on their spouses, children and other adult responsibilities.
To err is human; to share your err is brave. TFM is a harbor in the tempest of 2020s manhood. He speaks from experience, and shares practical ways for men to be the men they want and need to be. Throw your hesitation on the boneyard, and take a listen.
Seriously Needed for Men of Character
I found the episode on rites of passage for boys and I couldn’t agree more. Our children need strong male figures to lead them and teach Godly principles and this podcast clearly does that by helping men become men of character. Will be listening!
Time for personal growth
This is a great podcast if you want to get out of your comfort zone and become a better man. I am always looking to get 1% better each day so I am excited to have discovered this podcast. The short, bite sized, straight-forward conversations make this podcast not just a valuable resource but a catalyst for change.
Thank you for your show
Female listener appreciating the support you offer man. I think many of us ladies would want our husbands to listen to you show. Keep up the good work.
So good
I am a woman, and really enjoy the podcast. I think it’s also good for women to hear a men’s approach to things as well. I really enjoyed listening!
Great podcast for people looking for support
A supporting podcast that breaks its ideas down simply and gently pushes you to where you want to be with your relationships and goals. The host did a good job carrying the show.
I’m excited to find out something like this exists for men! My husband is always bringing up how there’s not a whole lot of resources for men. I specially liked the episode on the right passage for boys. Highly recommend it!
Absolutely essential!
Wow I am blown away by this podcast. I will admit I am a woman and I know this podcast is not geared towards me but as a wife and mother I am ecstatic to have found this podcast. I sent the link to my husband because I think he can get so much out of it. Seriously just very thankful to have come across this podcast.
Important show!
What an important show for men to listen to! Even though I am not the target audience, I really enjoyed listening to the episodes and learned something new on each episode. I appreciate the host’s vulnerability and honesty.
On point
What a great podcast. I enjoyed the straight to The point talk. Great show to listen to each week to stay focused on the goal.
Amazing show!
I am so glad I came across this show! I’ve taken so many actionable and practical nuggets of advice to implement. Love tuning in!
Helpful Content!
I appreciate how this podcast is not pretending to be anything other than a person trying to help other people be their best selves. The information is valuable, and while it is geared towards men, the parenting advice would apply to any parent, regardless of gender. Definitely worth a listen.
Be a better man, husband, dad, human being
Every episode has a great lesson on being not just a better man, but also a better husband, a better father and simply a better human being.
Really great work!
I was so thrilled to listen to this show and learn to my surprise it’s really a great resource for men who want to live a full life but also many of the tips extend to anyone it’s not exclusionary by any means. Really great work!
Better versions of themselves
The content is dedicated to helping men become the best versions of themselves and provides practical advice
Helpful show!
I’m not the typical demographic for this show, but I’m so glad I took the time to listen! I especially loved the episode about de-cluttering. A great show! A just listen for anyone looking to up-level their life.
Great Concept - Fascinating Topics
The Fallible Man addresses everything from strong marriages to drug abuse and addiction. I am a man who has a strong marriage, three brave sons, and a constant struggle with addictive patterns. While I don’t connect with all the methods the guests speak about, I am deeply grateful for the work of men who help other men. Collaboration is always the foundation to victory.
Better men made everyday
This podcast has been a blessing, there’s a lot of valuable advice on being a better person to yourself as a whole.
Bite Size Gold!
David is a legit rockstar. He breaks down his content in actionable yet bite sized pieces that make it not only easy to consume, but leaving you wanting more. I’ve appreciated discovering his show BIG TIME! Tap in and subscribe just like I’m doing.
4 Communication Tips is right on!
I love how straightforward and to the point he is. We have so little time (it seems) these days, and I got real value from this podcast. Well done David Dowlen!
All men must subscribe and listen. Brent is a great addition to our podcast network.
Brent is inspirational, emotional, and knows how to advise his audience. I have been listening to his podcast since it came onto our network.The episodes are clear cut and his advice helps us to become better people all around. A great addition to the New York Podcast Network.
Emotional intelligence
Loved the episode about emotional intelligence and approaching it well for men. Shared this with my partner - the more we have this conversation, the less stigma men can carry around having emotions!