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Very educating
I'm a first-time listener and all I can say is this is a great listen! Very insightful!
Great Information- Genuine Men
The guests and host are great. I’ve learned quite a bit in just a few episodes. That being said, I’m not a fan of the whole trivia/casual conversation in the beginning. I’m sure plenty of people love it. For me, I’m coming to get educated not necessarily entertained and I think everyone else who is coming to learn would agree since it takes up quite a few minutes in a society where time is valuable and it’s already a long-form show and it just makes it longer.
He’s a down to earth guy
This is a great podcast for the everyday man. The host is down to earth, has an engaging tone of voice and you can tell he really wants to help. You can tell there is still some technical issues to work through with the feedback on the microphone but overall if you are looking for a podcast aimed at helping men be their best selves, this is a good one.
One simple question
I loved the episode with one simple question… what else have you got? That is applicable in so many ways. I did a workout this evening and I think about how that question applies there. Great episode!
A fantastic interview. Brent is an amazing host that seamlessly blends fun personal questions with professional insightful questions. His deep digging questions brings out the very best information in an understandable manner. As a man who has personally dealt wtih weight loss and regain he also brings personal insight into the issues the obese man deals with. Some of those issues are actual weight loss and regain, others deal with the emotional side, while others deal with masculinity and social standing. I am as honored as delighted to have been a guest on Brent's The Fallible Man Podcast.
Empowering men to reach their full potential
The Fallible Man Podcast is an invaluable resource for men striving for self improvement. With insightful guest, and practical advice, it provides the tools to excel as husbands, fathers and individuals. Whether you are a seasoned listener or just starting your journey this podcast will empower you to unlock your full potential, highly recommended for any man, seeking personal growth and fulfillment. M. Aurelius
The Podast For Dads, and Men Who Are Planning To Become Dads!
Brent is a Pro and makes the interview and experience enjoyable and relaxed. As a host, he was prepared, asked great questions, and contributed to every question with positive feedback and flow. This show simply checks all the boxes. Tune In!!! #BOOM!!!
Great Show
A must listen-to show for all men looking to improve their lives in any way
Good affirming talks on how to be a better man
This is a frank podcast with specific steps for better self-image and positivity.
Great podcast for men and dads.
Many topics covered that serve men in the topics they deal with on the daily. From health, to parenting to business. Helpful resource.
Brent is an amazing host
I love the mission Brent is on. He is passionate excellent audio and video def subscribed
Brent is a Very Cool Host
Brent asked awesome questions that led to a great discussion on communication and reaching your potential. In addition, the topics led to information that will help listeners on a personal growth and leadership journey and provide them with communication practices that they can easily adapt. Brent has created an outstanding way to take his experiences and those of his guest, to help build community throughout the virtual world.
Podcast for making real men
Love the advice for men. It is a great podcast for men who are looking to challenge and grow themselves.
This mom of sons and coach for moms thanks you!!
Wow! I just listened to your podcast on how being the “bad” parent is actually not bad and I’m now a listener!!! I’m a mom of five sons, ages 19 and up, and a mental health coach for women. I wasn’t sure if I would jive with your episode or message as I’m a 52 yo woman, though boy am I grateful for an open mind!!! 💯 YES to your message on the necessity of boundaries. I have a super popular parenting teens class where I teach this yet the way you say it in the message is clear and super helpful. I’ll be sharing it with some of my dad clients. Thank you! Now I’m off to listen to more 💫 Susie Pettit
Fantastic podcast!
As a man, myself approaching my golden years, and having made so many mistakes and poor choices in my life, I am on my own personal journey, to better myself, hopefully to recapture my manhood before I leave this earth. This podcast and the host, Brent have opened up a whole new world for me for self improvement, healing, self-confidence, self-worth, and how to treat others in the way that I would like to be treated. This could be a book. It should be the man’s guide to living a fulfilling life. Great job, you have a new listener.
Redefining manhood
Brent tackles the intricacies of manhood, offering practical wisdom on personal growth, fatherhood, and mental health. A must-listen for men seeking authentic guidance and self-improvement. I definitely appreciate shows like this that explore the most vulnerable side and bust some of the stigma surrounding masculinity.
Excellent for men
Great topics for men looking to better improve themselves and their relationships.
Us guys get beat up at so many angles. It’s refreshing to hear the conversations that happen on this show that help us become the best version of ourselves
Interesting and intelligent opinions and insights
I love the heartfelt and genuine way that Brent shares his thoughts. He obviously wants to make a change and create lasting success in family and relationship roles, and I think it's great!
So good!
I’m so happy this podcast exists. I loved the episode on how to navigate relationships in the digital age - super helpful and practical tips! Thank you! 🙏🏻🔥
Good podcast for guys and mental health
I know this podcast offers more than mental health conversation for men, but it is a show that promotes the importance of mental health. And like they say in the show, don’t wait to ask for help when you are at the deepest portion of the darkness! Great show. Great host. Great guests.
Just what I needed to hear!
I just listened to 5 reasons we struggle with personal development. All 5 were really inciteful and honest. I really needed this to push myself further along my personal development journey.
A real take!
Real life examples with meaningful tips and strategies. Always something to take away from each episode. I particularly found the “box breathing” strategy very helpful!
Every man should listen!
The podcast is awesome! So many valuable resources for men looking to grow and improve in all areas of life. Thanks for providing so many useful insights for personal growth and empowerment as well. From Bona and Team Capsho!
Different than most podcasts I listen to!!
Very different than most where there’s tons of sugar coating to make you feel all warm and fuzzy but doesn’t last long. This just gives it a raw and authentic vibe that will last forever. Love it!
Very real and authentic conversations. No posturing, no fluff, just real and raw.
Dave's Fallible Man Podcast: Unleash Your Awesome!
Unlock Your Potential with the Fallible Man Podcast. Dave has the chops. He truly wants to help men by helping them with their mindset.
Perfect suggestion!
There are sooo many men in my life who can (and do) get value from this podcast.
A bold take
As a father I’m totally in for this show. It’s a bold take on manhood and fatherhood. I can wait to binge the older episodes.
Great host!
Thank you for having me on your show, Brent! Your empowering message is powerful and really needed in the world today. It was great to meet you and your wife.