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Mental Health Episodes

Nov. 15, 2023

Achieve Optimal Mental Well-being: Insights from Alan Cox on the Pillars of Mental Health

If you're feeling trapped in a cycle of anxiety and stress, constantly worrying about the future and unable to find peace in the present moment, then you are not alone! Despite trying numerous stress-reducing techniques and seeking temporary distract...
Guest: Alan Cox
Oct. 4, 2023

Leveling Up in Life: Overcoming Gaming Addiction and Improving Men’s Mental Health - Dr. Agam Dhawan

Do you want to experience a significant improvement in your well-being and overcome the challenges of mental health and gaming addiction? Today, our guest, Dr. Agam Dhawan, will be revealing the solution that can help you achieve this desired outcome...
Guest: Agam Dhawan
Sept. 8, 2023

Self Improvement for High Value Men: Master YOUR EQ

Are you ready to tap into a secret power that can transform your relationships, your resilience, and even your own mind? Join us on Fallible Man, where we dive deep into the art of mastering emotions, a skill that changes the game of life. Discover h...
Aug. 16, 2023

Upgrade Your Emotional Operating System: Understanding and Prioritizing Men’s Mental Health - David Milan

Do you want to break free from the burden of societal expectations and improve your mental health as a man? Are you searching for a solution that can help you achieve a greater sense of self-awareness and overcome the stigma surrounding mental healt...
Guest: David
July 19, 2023

Breaking the Stigma: Marc Paisant Opens Up About His Struggles with Men’s Mental Health

Does this sound familiar? You're told that if you just man up and suppress your emotions, everything will be fine. But deep down, you're feeling the pain of unresolved mental health issues that continue to affect your well-being. It's time to break f...
Guest: Marc Paisant
March 15, 2023

Lost Kings: The Impact of Prison on Men with Steven Snook

Step inside the dark and gripping world of incarceration with “Lost Kings: The Impact of Prison on Men with Steven Snook ", as a former felon reveals the shocking truth about the lasting impact of prison on men. Get ready for a heart-wrenching and ey...
Guest: Steven Snook
March 1, 2023

Overcoming Fear & Embracing Change: Coach Ryan Zofey’s on Personal Development

After growing up in a disempowering environment, Ryan Zofey, a 7th grade dropout, learns to transform his perspective and rise above his fears by leaning into self-love and appreciation of his past struggles, ultimately discovering the power of vulne...
Guest: Ryan Zofay
Feb. 10, 2023

How To Take Back Control Of Your Life | The Dopamine Dilemma

Do you feel like life is controlling you, instead of the other way around? In this video, we explore the science behind the dopamine dilemma and how it affects our daily decisions. We will be discussing practical strategies to help you take back cont...
Feb. 1, 2023

Out of the Fog: Healing from Toxic Relationships for Men with Shannon Petrovich

After learning from her own toxic relationship, Shannon Petrovich takes an assertive approach to reclaiming her self-worth and healing her broken heart - while discovering the powerful tools needed to help others do the same. "That you really should ...
Jan. 27, 2023

5 Ways to Pull Yourself Up After A Dream Has Crashed And Burned

We’ve all been there, caught in the moment of where a dream dies. It’s especially painful when you’ve put a lot of effort into what you were doing, made more so by how long you’ve held this particular dream. The temptation when this kind of disaster ...
Dec. 30, 2022

Decluttering Your Life for the New Year: 3 Steps to Succeed at Your New Goal

It’s that time again…the annual promise that 2023 will be your year! While these yearly ambitions are exciting and motivation is high at the beginning of the year, by month two, many of these goals tend to trickle off. The simple truth is you’re goin...
Dec. 28, 2022

Addiction - How to live with and love an addict with Intervention Specialist Rob Lohman

In this episode of The Fallible Man, Rob C Lohman uncovers the hidden depths of addiction and helps us understand the nuances of living with and loving an addict, and how to recognize when someone is struggling with a dependency on something.   You w...
Guest: Rob C Lohman
Dec. 21, 2022

Trauma, A Father’s Love and Hope | The Peter and Belle Anthony Story

After a traumatic experience, Peter and Belle Anthony's father-daughter relationship is put to the test as they both strive to take small steps towards self-care, connection, and understanding - a journey of love and redemption for the holidays. "It'...
Oct. 5, 2022

7 Proven Truths for Men who Want to Results in their Life | Wisdom from the Movie Fight Club

“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate, so we can buy sh*t we don’t need. We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we’ll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won’t.”...