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Why You Should Start with a "To-Don't" List, Not a To-Do List

Do you really want to make a positive change in your life? I mean really want to? It is gonna take work so you can’t really just do it half way. that is what most people do and you see how that works. One of the biggest problems I see people run in to is not knowing where to start

In this short but impactful episode, Brent tackles one of the most common challenges in personal development—knowing where to start. Overwhelmed by information and guidance from countless experts, many people feel paralyzed. Brent offers a simple and practical approach: create a "To-Don't" list. Drawing from his own experiences and insights, he explains why eliminating unhelpful habits is the key to unlocking your potential and moving toward your goals. From ditching junk food to avoiding mindless distractions, this episode provides actionable steps that can help you make a positive change starting today.


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Why You Should Start with a "To-Don't" List, Not a To-Do List

[00:00:00] Do you really want to make a positive change in your life? I mean, really, really want to. It's going to take work. So you can't really just do it halfway. That's what most people do. And you see how that works. Well, one of the biggest problems I see people run into is not knowing where to start. Maybe they legitimately don't know.

More often I think there's just so much overwhelming amounts of information out there that most people are either afraid to make the wrong choice of where to start, or there's just so many gurus and so many coaches and so many self help channels and so many, many, many, many experts. And. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

That honestly, they just are stuck in paralysis because they don't know where to start. Who's right. Who's not, who do I listen to? Who shouldn't I write? It's very confusing these days. Who do you follow or listen to and where do you even begin? So may I offer you a simple yet effective place to start from no gurus required guys, take it or leave it.[00:01:00]

I promise this is the simplest place to start and it will help you find the right track. Try the very simple to don't list. Let's get into it. It won't take long. Here's the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential, growing to the men we dream of becoming while taking care of our responsibilities, working, living, being good husbands, fathers, and still take care of ourselves?

Well, that's the big question. And in this podcast, we'll help you with those answers and more. My name is Brent and welcome to the Fallible Man podcast. Now guys, if you wanted the bullet point version of this, you can bounce right now. There's no magic formula, no 10 step program. Today is just a big idea kind of moment.

And it's only going to take a couple minutes of your time. This is so straightforward. I'm actually going for a record short episode today. By the way, my name is Brent and welcome to the fallible man podcast, your home for all things, man, big welcome to our longtime listeners and to our first time listeners.

Thanks for giving us a [00:02:00] shot. There's a lot fighting for your attention these days. And so we really do appreciate you taking the time to be with us for a few minutes. I promise today, this is so easy. It really is just going to take a few minutes. You know, from my earliest memories, there's one thing I always knew very clearly in my life.

What I shouldn't do. Like, my parents were pretty clear with the rules and growing up I had pretty clear set perimeters about what the don'ts in life really were, right? What I should not do was one thing I rarely had any questions on. What I should do, that's a little bit harder. So, while you may not know where to start, For your goals, the chances are you already know way more than you even realize about what won't help you achieve those goals.

Think about it. This is a really simple concept. The to don't list, right? You may not know everything about nutrition or what the perfect diet is for [00:03:00] you, but you already know you should just junk food, drive through sugar, gas station burritos, and other things like that, right? You may not know exactly how to get in shape, but you do know you need to put the trash food away.

You need to turn off Netflix, get off the couch and probably start moving more than you already are. Pretty straightforward, right? You may not know everything you need to get that job or the promotion you want or the promotion you want or to start a business, but you probably already know what's not working or helpful for you.

And that is watching Netflix or fretting about it or, or. You know, just getting lost, panicked about it and anxiety. This approach will work for far more than you actually think it will. So next time, start with your to don't list. By the time you start following it, you're going to have a much better idea of where to start and you're already going to have made [00:04:00] some progress.

You see many people fail to even start on the to don't list before they start on the to do list, right? The easiest place to start. is things you already know you shouldn't be doing. That's where I start all of my clients when it comes to the gym or when it comes to personal development issues is what things aren't working for you, what things are standing in your way.

The majority of us know exactly what the problem is. I know exactly what I need to do to eat better. And the first place I'd start is going into my kitchen and clearing out all the junk that shouldn't be in there. Right? Super, super simple concept, but it's something we tell people about. And it's not something we generally talk about because it's not something that can be packaged or sold.

You already know what needs to go on your to don't list to start towards whatever goal you're aiming for. [00:05:00] Now, just for accountability, I'll try and put mine in my bi weekly email tomorrow. So be sure and sign up for our bi weekly email if you're not a part of that. It's a bi weekly newsletter, exclusive content.

There's a sign up down in the show notes. It's got insider news, exclusive content that only goes to my mailing list, but I'll throw this in my portion of that for tomorrow. So check it out. So start with what you want not to do, and you absolutely will be better tomorrow because of what you did today.

We'll see on the next one. This has been the Fallible Man podcast. You're home for everything man, husband and father. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a show. Head over to www. TheFallibleMan. com for more content and get your own Fallible Man gear.