Welcome to the Colosseum: How to Win your Freedom

Welcome to the Colosseum: How to Win your Freedom S02E29 of The Fallible Man Podcast
In this Episode we look at how the greatest misdirection in history never actually ended; instead it evolved. I loved entertainment as much as the next guy but the Colos...

Welcome to the Colosseum: How to Win your Freedom S02E29 of The Fallible Man Podcast

In this Episode we look at how the greatest misdirection in history never actually ended; instead it evolved. I loved entertainment as much as the next guy but the Colosseum was there to make sure the people stayed in line. We look at how this idea not only grew and expanded but it became the matrix.

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** Full Disclosure: I usually work the podcast audio separately, due to some technical difficulties this episode had to be ripped straight from the video, I apologize if that puts you off. Please try a different episode, that is not how I usually do it.** 


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