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Unlock the Power of Presence: Transform Your Fatherhood and Life

In this episode of The Fallible Man podcast, host Brent discusses the importance of simplicity in fatherhood by emphasizing the transformative power of being present. He explains that being truly focused and attentive, whether while working out or spending time with children, can lead to massive gains in all areas of life. Brent highlights practical tips for developing the skill of being present and encourages listeners to apply these concepts to enhance their relationships with their children and improve their overall effectiveness as fathers and men.

In this episode of the Fallible Man podcast, host Brent delves into the often-overlooked yet powerful practice of being present. Brent argues that this simple yet transformative approach can significantly impact not only fatherhood but also personal development, relationships, career, and overall life efficiency. By being fully present—focused and attentive in every moment—you can achieve better outcomes in various aspects of your life. Brent also shares practical strategies for developing the skill of presence and invites listeners to connect on social media and sign up for his newsletter for exclusive content. Tune in to discover how being present can make you a better dad and the best version of yourself.


Being present in all things can greatly enhance your quality of life and interactions. Here are five tips to help you stay present:

1.    Practice Mindfulness: Regular mindfulness exercises, like meditation or deep breathing, can help train your mind to stay focused on the present moment. Start with a few minutes each day and gradually increase the time.

2.    Engage Your Senses: Pay close attention to what you can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch in your current environment. Engaging your senses helps ground you in the here and now.

3.    Limit Multitasking: Focus on one task at a time instead of juggling multiple activities. This not only improves the quality of your work but also helps you stay present and engaged in each activity.

4.    Practice Active Listening: When interacting with others, give them your full attention. Avoid interrupting and make an effort to understand their perspective fully. This fosters deeper connections and keeps you present in the conversation.

5.    Create Routine Check-Ins: Set reminders throughout the day to pause and assess whether you’re fully engaged in what you're doing. Use these moments to take a deep breath and refocus on the present task or experience.

Incorporating these practices into your daily life can help you develop a greater sense of presence and mindfulness.


Navigating Parenthood: The Key Question Fathers Should Address for Their Children


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-- Time Stamps --

00:00 Introduction: The Secret to Fatherhood

02:43 The Power of Being Present

03:21 Defining Presence

05:19 Applying Presence to Fatherhood

07:38 Practical Tips for Being Present

08:30 Conclusion: Embrace the Power of Presence

09:20 Stay Connected with The Fallible Man




The Secret to Exceptional Fatherhood: The Power of Being Present

In a world where complexity often overshadows simplicity, we tend to overcomplicate even the most important roles in our lives, like fatherhood. But what if I told you the secret to being the best father you can be boils down to just really one simple thing. That's right. Just one powerful transformative practice that could change everything.

podcast, we're diving deep into this game changing concept. So let's get into it. Here's the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential growing to the men we dream of becoming while taking care of our responsibilities, working, living, being good husbands, fathers, and still take care of ourselves.

Well, that's the big question. And in this podcast, we'll help you with those answers and more. My name is Brent and welcome to the Fallible Man podcast. As people, we really like to make things over complicated. I'm not sure what our obsession with complicated seems to be. [00:01:00] But we complicate just about everything far beyond what's really necessary, including fatherhood.

We've offered a lot of advice over the seasons on this podcast about fatherhood. And I stand by every single word that hasn't changed. However, we've offered insights to help you be the best father you can be, but. Today, we're going to break it down today. We want to offer some of the most powerful advice we can offer you.

I'm being the best father. You can be that really brings all the other aspects in those other things we've shared with you are still critically important, but if you can get your mind wrapped around this, you'll be well on your way to be the best father you could ever possibly be. This critical aspect of being the best version of you will come down to one simple thing.

By the way, my name is Brent and welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast. Your home for all things man. Big shout out to [00:02:00] Fallible Nation, that's our regular listeners. And a warm welcome to our first time listeners. Hey, if this is your first time with us, Thanks for checking us out. There's a lot of competition out there.

There's a lot of noise. And so we truly, from the bottom of our hearts, appreciate you taking a little time to check us out. Be sure to connect with me at the fallible man on most social media platforms. I'm easy to find. I'm especially active on Instagram and Facebook. So look for me there. Connect with me.

Tell me what you thought of the show. I'd love to hear your opinion. And if you really enjoy it, share it with a friend that that helps a whole lot more than anything else you can do. It's just share this with someone who needs it. Because our goal here is to equip men to be the best version of themselves.

So, so back to this one critical aspect, right? The one simple thing, so, so simple, powerful thing that you can do to be the best father possible [00:03:00] is the power of being present. Now, if you want no further insight or explanation, then go ahead and bail now. I get it. Some people just want the punchline and then they'll work it all out on their own, but.

Would you consider letting me share a little more insight into this subject? Just hear me out. I promise. I'm not going to take a whole lot of your time today. So what does it mean to be present? Right? It's you, you hear that word thrown on social media a lot, but you're not always giving a clear idea of what it is.

And it's not complicated. It's simple. So we're just going to define it like this. Being present is as simple as being focused and attentive to what you're doing, when you're doing it, where you're doing it, and being nowhere else mentally, emotionally, or something else. Simple enough. It's just being locked in to the right now.

Pretty, pretty simple definition. Now, let me break it down for you. [00:04:00] Just, just to make this really easy to comprehend what I want you to understand out of this. I've been a personal trainer for years. You can go to the gym day after day and never achieve your full fitness goals. Physical capability, unless you learn to be fully present in every moment of your workout.

Now, I know this because like I said, I've been a trainer for a long time and I go to the gym and I see the same people on the same treadmills doing the same thing, but I don't ever see a lot of people making a lot of progress forward. So to make progress, I'm saying you need to be present. In the experience of the work, feel every inch of the movement, feel the weight, the plane of motion, every breath, feel your heart beating, the pain, the stretch, the effort you're putting in, be present in all those things.

If you can do that, you will [00:05:00] experience progress that you've never experienced before in the gym. It is insane if you can get your brain into the moment you will have huge gains. This one simple yet difficult task will actually change your whole life. But, let's apply it to being a dad. What do you believe will be the outcome if you take that same approach that we just talked about?

Talked about with weights. If you took that same approach with your children, or even your wife, for that matter, let's stay focused on children for the sake of the conversation, because that's where my main focus is today. What would happen if the next time you were doing something with your child, you were 100 percent present.

Now I know some of you guys are out there going, yeah, I'm present with you. You know what? I, I always thought I was present all the time with my kids. And most of the time I've done a pretty good job at it, but. There have been [00:06:00] times where I'm not I I've been physically there but checked out So maybe you're having a tea party with your daughter are in my case fishing with your oldest daughter because she liked to fish Maybe you're playing ball or hot wheels or something with your son.

No text. No social media No phone. No computer. No calendar. No TV. No, no, no, no distractions Just focus on your child. Every word, every conversation, every idea, a hundred percent focused on being with your child. Making eye contact, affirming what they're saying, doing whatever they're doing. If they're on the ground playing, being on the ground, playing with them, playing, laughing, engaging actively with them, what would be the outcome of such focus and devotion are simply put presence in your relationship as a father with that child.[00:07:00]

Now let's apply this to being the best version of yourself. For your family in every aspect of your life, right? Cause that's where this is all centering around. If you were to be present in everything you did from workouts to personal development, from your job to your marriage, to being a father, to taking care of household chores, what would be the outcome?

Would you be more efficient? Would you be more effective, more attentive to things, more precise. So I'm not going to be a dead horse guys. There's a lot of ways to work on being more present. A lot of things you can do to grow in your ability to be present because it's a skill. It can be grown and developed.

I put a list in the show notes of ways that have been proven to work in the development of presence. Ways that science has taught us and research has [00:08:00] taught us. These are proven ways to grow in your ability to be present in the moment, what you're doing now, not all of them will work for you. That's why I put a list of five down in the comments are down in the show notes.

So you can go look that way. You can find that list. You don't have to replay this, but find out which works best for you because I can't tell you which one's going to work best for you. I know the ones that work better for me, but give it a try. It will be an absolute game changer. Imagine the difference in your life.

If you approached fatherhood and every aspect of your life with the full power of presence, no distractions, no divided attention, just pure focus on the moment and the people that matter most. This isn't just about being a better dad. It's about being the best version of yourself in everything you do.

Now doing that will make you a better dad. It will make you a better partner, husband, whatever [00:09:00] relationship you're in. So if you're ready to take that step, check out the show notes for practical ways to develop this crucial skill of becoming more present in the moment. So if you're ready to take that step, check out the show notes for practical ways to develop this crucial skill of being more present now, guys.

If this rung a bell with you, be sure and go down below into the show notes. There's a sign up for my bi weekly newsletter. It has exclusive content that I don't put anywhere else. And that that's actually a passion project of mine. I love writing that for my, uh, subscribers because I feel a deep connection with the people who actually subscribe there as well.

So get exclusive content, more lists like this, more ideas like this, where I can actually kind of develop them out. As well as keeping up with everything else, the fallible man learned to be present guys. It was one of the most powerful things I've ever done with my daughters. I'm not [00:10:00] perfect at it, but I work at it every day because being being their dad is such an important thing to me.

I want to be the best dad and the best version of myself for them. And being present is key to that. And I think it will absolutely change the game for you if you're willing to put in the effort. Be better tomorrow because of what you do today and we'll see you in the next one. This has been the Fallible Man podcast.

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