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The Knights of Standards and Practices Missed This One

The most devasting and self sabotaging words in the English language come out of people’s mouths everyday. In fact, more often they are just a thought that comes over and over again crushing your success and dreams.

In this episode of the Fallible Man Podcast, Brent discusses the most destructive phrase in the English language: 'I'll do it tomorrow.' He explores how this mindset has sabotaged countless dreams, goals, and daily habits. Brent uses a humorous South Park reference to highlight how detrimental this procrastination mantra can be. He shares a personal anecdote about how being 'legitimately busy' led to a decline in his gym routine, urging listeners to break the habit by taking immediate action. Stay tuned for practical advice on overcoming procrastination and living a more intentional life.

⬇️ From Good to Great: 5 Pillars of Success for Men ⬇️




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-- Time Stamps --

00:00:00 The Most Devastating Words in the English Language

00:00:49 The Power of South Park's Comedy

00:02:01 The Curse of Procrastination

00:07:04 Take Action Today






The Knights of Standards and Practices Missed This One

The most devastating and self sabotaging words in English language come out of people's mouths every single day. In fact, more often than that, they just come through as thoughts over and over and over again, crushing your success and your dreams. They've killed off more discoveries, inventions, explorations, and six pack abs than anything else in this world.

And you probably use them all the time. So let's get into it. Here's the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential growing to the men we dream of becoming while taking care of our responsibilities, working, living, being good husbands, fathers, and still take care of ourselves?

Well, that's the big question. And in this podcast, we'll help you with those answers and more. My name is Brent and welcome to the Foundable Man Podcast. Love South Park. One of my great guilty pleasures in the entertainment industry is is South Park. True comedy. Nothing is safe or sacred. [00:01:00] So none of it's actually offensive.

Well, maybe none of it's actually offensive to me because anybody's fair game and anyone with a sense of humor understands that they make fun of everybody. So they're not actually picking on anybody because if you make fun of everybody, it's just a form of comedy. It's not actually picking on anybody.

Now, one of the episodes from season five is called it hits the fan and it has the whole world coming apart because the s word becomes normalized after being on a tv series and so it becomes normal everyday topping and everybody stops starts dropping the s word over and over and over again and the show is complete with demon dragging rising from the depths and an ancient order of knights coming to Kill the curse word, right?

Because they're the words [00:02:00] of curse. Well, we've normalized a thought, a phrase that is actually devastating to your life. And those words are, I'll do it tomorrow. By the way, my name is Brent. Welcome to the Fallible Man podcast. You're home for all things man. Big shout out to Fallible Nation. Those are long time listeners and a big warm welcome.

If you're our first time listener, Hey, thanks for giving us a chance. There's a lot competing for your attention. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Be sure to connect with me at the fallible man, almost anywhere. I'm particularly active on Instagram and let me know what you thought of the show.

And if you really enjoy it, be sure and share it with a friend and check out the other show link down in the show notes for your next episode. Now, there are several iterations of this horrible word or phrase. I will do it tomorrow. It might sound like it can wait until tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. One more day [00:03:00] won't hurt.

I don't really have time today. You get the idea, right? Now, I didn't think. I was much of procrastinator. In fact, my wife will tell you, she is the procrastinator in the family. I was never really a procrastinator, or at least I didn't think I was a bad procrastinator, but I use the, I have too much work version of this all the time.

And I didn't realize it for the longest time. I'm too busy today. I'll squeeze it into tomorrow's schedule. It wasn't procrastination, right? It's legitimate because I have legitimate busy work. Yeah. I mean, that makes it not procrastination. Yeah. It turns out I am legitimately busy most of the time. In fact, I'm rarely not busy.

So everything in my life requires me to intentionally make [00:04:00] time to be able to include it in my life. So the I'm busy really was just procrastination masquerading. In kind of self righteousness of me being busy, but I'm always busy. And everything I do add, really, it's like, I have to shift my schedule to add things to my schedule.

Everything requires intentionality in your life. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this. Maybe I am, but I kind of doubt it. I use the I'm legitimately busy excuse to take me from a seven day a week gym habit that I had for years. To, uh, I've only worked out a handful of times in the last six months because I'm super busy habit because it turns out that the habit of not working out embeds and it's [00:05:00] much easier to embed and take hold as a habit than the I'm working out regularly habit.

Odd how that works. I'm, you know, pretty sure I'm not the only one that's experienced it, but it's way easier to get in the habit of not going to the gym Then to get in the habit of carrying on a healthy routine. How many times, how many things have you put off because, well, it can wait until tomorrow.

I'm curious. This is, this is your part of the show. This is a legit question for you. How many times have you put off doing the things you need to do, the things you know you need to do by putting them off until tomorrow? How many dreams have you let go by putting it off until tomorrow? How many successes have never happened in your life because you waited until tomorrow?[00:06:00]

Like I said, that can take a lot of flavors. I don't have time right now. Oh, it can wait a day. Oh, I'm really busy today. Bogdan, right? It takes a lot of flavors is procrastination in any form. But those words of I'll do it tomorrow have robbed you of so much value in your life, dreams, goals, ideals, passions.

Because I'll take care of tomorrow. Curiously, how many of you will hear this and it's going to strike a chord and it's going to stir something in you. And you're going to hear this and be like, whoa, I've used the, I'm a legitimately busy thing to get out of so much that I didn't want to do. But how many of you are going to hear this and it's going to stir something up, but you're going to wait to update your schedule and put that [00:07:00] thing on your schedule until tomorrow.

Don't think about it. in the show right now and take action on something that you've been putting off and you will be better tomorrow because of what you did today. This has been the Fallible Man podcast, your home for everything man, husband, and father. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a show.

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