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The Everyday King

The Everyday King

Welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast, your home for all things Man, Husband and Father. We provide content to help men become the men they want to be. My name is Brent and I Am the Fallible Man!
---------------I was reviewing this and realized I said Davi...

Welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast, your home for all things Man, Husband and Father. We provide content to help men become the men they want to be. My name is Brent and I Am the Fallible Man!

---------------I was reviewing this and realized I said David instead of Daniel at least 2 or 3 times, Sorry about that ----------

On today’s Show: We are going to talk about Royalty and our misconception of the idea. The idea of sovereignty and what it takes to be a king or a leader in general. Stay with us to the end and learn about the 3 traits you need to focus on to be King.

Body talking Points:

  1. Misconceptions of Royalty, modern royalty the queen actually has little say. This is not new, “David in the lions den”
  2. Sovereignty - Complete independence and self-government. The revolutionary war and ourselves
  3. Leaders- Have the same qualities as Good Kings, all you must do is change the cloths
  4. Honor – defined as: adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct. “You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.” Aristotle
  5. Integrity – 1 the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. 2 the state of being whole and undivided. Integrity is the Jelly to this PB&J of attributes, Honor and Integrity are almost inseparable. To be King you must have both of these things or you will never be a good king. “Without integrity and honor, having everything means nothing.” Robin Sharma
  6. Humility – a modest or low view of one’s importance – Counter culture.

Final thoughts: Movies have crossed this barrier before like we discussed at the beginning. While it is the movies, there is some truth to it. Kings are traditionally male, but not every king is a Man.

Shakespeare “Twelfthnight” - Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Your fate awaits you.

You can be a King, greatness is in you if you foster it. It my be your friends, you co-workers or your family. Being King is a servant leader position, if you build these traits then you will have “subjects” they will flock to you. Rule wisely