Welcome to the Fallible Nation!

Brent "The Fallible Man" Dowlen


Men's Coach/Podcast Host/Speaker

My name is Brent and I am an entrepreneur mostly known for being a Men’s Relationship & Personal Development Coach, the Host of The Fallible Man Podcast, a Speaker and an Event Coordinator.

No matter what I have done in the many industries I have worked for over my lifetime I always ended up becoming a trainer for the company. It is a theme that repeats itself wherever I go. So I decided to embrace it and focus on helping people level up where they feel they need a hand.

So I started a Book (which I still have not finished), which launched a Podcast and became a company, a conference and a life. Now I focus on helping Men live one choice better every single day. Helping them develop authentic masculinity and seek out their purpose. That is how you grow; 1 choice, 1 decision, 1 step better day by day.

I have been married for over 23 years and have 2 young daughters who are at the root of all I do and one of the great joys of my life. Daddy is probably the favorite of all the things I have been called in my life. Family is everything to me.