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No One Likes A Copy Cat

No One Likes A Copy Cat

Welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast, your home for all things Man, Husband and Father. We provide content to help men become the men they want to be. My name is Brent and I Am the Fallible Man!
On today’s Show We are going to talk about the value of indi...

Welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast, your home for all things Man, Husband and Father. We provide content to help men become the men they want to be. My name is Brent and I Am the Fallible Man!

On today’s Show We are going to talk about the value of individuality in a world full of clones. How just being you can alleviate stress in your life. Finally, how just being you is beneficial to society at large. Stick around to the end for the 3 thoughts that grant you freedom to be who you are and be happy!


  • Individuals are world changers: Look at the Wright Brothers, Susan B Anthony, Galileo
  • Keeping up with the jones is a path to destruction, so stop.
  • Giving yourself permission to be you is relaxing, once you stop being other people and start being you will find a sense of peace
  • Just being you causes thought and change in others – that is good. They don’t know how to react to people not being like everyone else.
  • You bring something unique to this world, as the sum of all your experiences and influences there has never been another you

Final thoughts: 3 thoughts that grant you freedom to be who you are and be happy

  1. You can achieve what you desire to – Have a Growth Mindset
  2. You have value – Respect yourself and others will as well
  3. No one can illicit anything from you without your consent