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How to Overcome Your Subconscious Fears and Blocks with Hypnotherapy with Kate Semeniuk

How to Overcome Your Subconscious Fears and Blocks with Hypnotherapy with Kate Semeniuk

"Hypnotherapy is just helping people accessing those blocks that are holding them back."
Kate Semeniuk is a certified hypnotherapist who helps people with a variety of issues including addiction, anxiety, panic attacks, and fears. She uses hypnotherapy t...

"Hypnotherapy is just helping people accessing those blocks that are holding them back." Kate Semeniuk is a certified hypnotherapist who helps people with a variety of issues including addiction, anxiety, panic attacks, and fears. She uses hypnotherapy to help people access their subconscious mind in order to find the root cause of their problems. This form of therapy can be very beneficial for those who have tried other methods without success. Specializing in RTT or Rapid Transformation Therapy; Kate helps people solve their blocking issues in 2 to 3 sessions In this episode, you will learn the following: 1. How hypnotherapy can help people access the subconscious mind to find answers and make changes in their lives 2. How traditional talk therapy can sometimes be addictive and lead people to not make changes in their lives 3. How addiction can be a way for people to numb themselves from emotional pain Resources: Website:








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Here s the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential and grow into the men we dream of being while taking care of our responsibilities, working, being good husbands, fathers and still take care of ourselves? That's the question in this podcast. We'll help you with those answers. My name is Brent, and welcome to the Falbal Man podcast.

Welcome to the Fallible Man podcast. You are home for all things man, husband and father. Shout out Fallible nation. You guys keep us doing it on the airport, on shows like this. And if this is your first time listening, we're thrilled that you're stopping and join us and grateful that you're choosing to spend some time with us today.

My name is Brent, and today my special guest is Kate Semeniuk, who is a certified hypnotherapist, and she's going to share with us what hypnotherapy is, how it works, and what it can do for your life. Kate, welcome to the show. It's an honor to be here. Thank you for inviting me. I am so excited about this, Kate, for a variety of reasons, and we'll get into that, but I'm just really excited.

I was watching some of your YouTube videos earlier, getting ready for the show, and, hey, congratulations on that. That is an undertaking. I do YouTube as well, and I know what a pain that is. So you're doing great work and I was really enjoying something earlier, but I don't want to get a hold ahead of myself too far. So let's start with my go to question, because I get to research my guests, so I don't do full introductions because that doesn't really tell people about you.

So, in your own words, who is Kate Semeniuk?

Kate Semeniuk is someone who hit her rock bottom at some point in her life and was trying to figure it out. She came to hypnosis. That's something that helped her the most. She tried a lot of approaches, but hypnosis was something that dived so deep into her beliefs, into her childhood memories. I'm kind of refrain that the same.

And now she's like, you know, I divide my life before 34 and 34, because before 34, I was like, in the system of just surviving. I wasn't surviving at all, though. I had more than enough, you know? But after 34, everything changed in my life. Everything changed, like the whole belief system, the law, the perspective, the picture of the world, right?

Everything changed. And because it's changed me, I believe that it can change for someone else. So I started to pursue that career and I became a hypnotherapist in a very unique modality, right? Something that is so new, it's only seven years on the market, let's just say, and people have incredible results. And if you change one life, you change the world.

That is a beautiful thought. That's one of our goals here. We just want to help one person. That's a huge chain reaction. I was actually explaining that to my ten year old just last night.

So Kate, when we connected on Pod Match and you reached out, it caught my attention because I don't know anything about hypnotherapy. And to be really honest, I honestly thought it was probably something that I saw on the TV and movies, but I didn't know it was actually a real thing. And I'm sure that TV and movies has not been really Brenteficial to your discipline. So in kind of a simpler explanation because you're going to have to slow it down for me a little bit. What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the type of therapy. It isn't different from any other therapy, it just has a different approach. Talk therapy. Let's just say we compare talk therapy and hypnotherapy. Talk therapy is talking to your logic, your conscious mind, and which is 5% of your life, and chemotherapy is 95%.

It's talking to your subconscious mind. All your triggers are your flashbacks, all your marriage, all your automatic skills and experiences. It's all coming from the subconscious mind. So if you want to change something, why not access in that subconscious mind? It's not something that is manipulated because people have misconceptions.

They have this as hypnosis. It has the basis for the hypnotherapy, but it's not hypnotherapy was one of the first methods of the therapy before the traditional therapy psychology came into so when this traditional psychology came into right, it was a lot of hypnosis therapists of their job. So they started to go on stage because people choose these suggestible people, they make them think that they probably don't want to. However, in reality, you cannot give suggestions once or twice that will make people do what they don't want to do. Usually they trust the hypnotist.

The hypnotist on a stage will choose the most susceptible people. They know who to choose. They know they have the best body language skills. However, it's completely different from the hypnotherapy as a therapy because hypnotherapy is just helping people accessing those blocks that are holding them back. And that's what's different from the traditional talk therapy.

Do you run into a lot of skepticism in this? Don't run into the skepticism, though. People are very fascinated by hypnosis. They will ask a lot of questions though. Is that something that you like under hypnosis?

And I say you probably would if I asked you. But you will never do something that will harm your body. So the people will never do something that will harm their body and mind. So they usually will not accept suggestions that are hurtful or traumatic, right? They will only accept suggestions that their mind feels safe.

So if it's safe to bark for fun, they may do that. But in therapy why would I do that? I want to go to the root cause of the problem. The people come with exciting panic attacks, sexual problems, confidence, selfesteem depression, all of these issues that are trying to resolve with different other methods and it's not helping them. Then I just have this little trick that help them, guide them to find the answers and then everything other works better for them.

The talk therapy works better for them because they understand the root cause, right? Their habits are working better, they're forming better habits, they're becoming better versions of themselves because it's easier after you reprogrammed your mind. So we're probably going to ask a lot of questions. My goal is to just help our audience understand that this could be another very valuable tool in the toolbox. And so I want to ask the questions that people are going to ask, right, those initial questions to help pave that way.

And hopefully this may move mountains in some of our audience's life. So I'm very excited about the show today because I'm always looking for another tool to be able to help people and help people become the people they want to be. And so this really speaks to me when you talk about talking to the subconscious mind. I was just talking about on my live stream the other night about how powerful your subconscious is. So I'm really excited.

And you did a great video, by the way, on the difference between Hypnotherapy and clock therapy, which is what most people are a little more familiar with, right? That's what we think about when we see it in movies with someone laying on the couch or sitting in a chair talking to a therapist. And that's most of our exposure to for those of us who haven't been through therapy, that's most of our exposure to therapy. Will you just talk us through a quick difference between Hypnotherapy and doing talk therapy? Yeah, absolutely.

So the main difference is, as I said, it is the type of level of the mind that you're reaching. So the talk therapy, as you said, right, you come in into the office, you build trust reports with the council or social worker or a psychologist. They're talking to you, they're giving you amazing tools, they're asking you amazing questions. And you release some emotions, maybe cry, you get emotional, you come home and you're all ready to change your life and somehow you fall back into the same pattern and you feel like, OK, I'll just go for another session, right? I'll go for another session.

And that goes on and on and on. In hypnotherapy, there is no need for multiple sessions. There is no need because you act in the subconscious mind, which stores all of those blocks, roadblocks, limit and beliefs, everything that you formed as a child, not having a choice, not having a voice, maybe some traumatic emotional moment, we transform them. That's the most powerful tool. So this is the biggest difference, the length of the treatment, the amount of the consciousness that you are reaching.

So hypnotherapy is deeper. Therapy is amazing. As a coaching, I would say, right? Or some people already on a very high level of consciousness, they can just use the tools and influence them every day, and talk therapy will be great for them. But a lot of people are driven by these triggers from the past that keep replaying.

So the difference between another difference is that some people become addicted to talk therapy. And this is like a very thin phenomenon, right. So people don't really see the reason to change. Why would I change if I still go and ask for help and ask to relieve emotions? Well, hypnotherapy is very emotional, strong, deep.

You sometimes reluct a lot of emotions. Sometimes you even feel a little bit more emotional after that, a week or two, right. You can let go. You start to let go. Especially by the way men feel this huge dive in animal because they suppress their emotions so well and so strong.

And it's coming from the childhood, from belief that they had that for them to change, the shift is even bigger. Wow. Okay.

Laughing when you said people get addicted to talk therapy. I've known a lot of lonely people who I could see them getting addicted to therapy. Just to have someone who really listens to them for an hour every week, which is kind of sad that people don't have friends that do that for them. I've known people who've been in therapy for years and years, and it's like, I thought this was supposed to be a solution. I thought this was supposed to be, we work on this and we clear things up and we're better.

Exactly. And in the beginning, the email was like that. It was a solution based therapy. But before Pythonalysis came into the life, people were also okay, they had the support, maybe families. Right.

They were connected to nature. Right. They had other tools that they could use to relieve motions. Right. When psychoanalysis came in, the main idea was to help people as soon as possible.

Right. But then all the pharma business came into place. Right. We have to think about the bigger picture of the psychotherapy. It's multiple sessions, it's the insurance coverage, it's that stability, that routine that the people are used to.

So they unconsciously become addicted and they're not that motivated to make a change in their lives because, well, I'll just go for another session. Oh, she probably will have something for me. Oh, I'll ask Mike UPLA. Right. So where is the decision making tool?

Where is that actionbased solutions? So that's why he's therapy never dealt with prescribed medications, for example, right. Like, it's not like we're against it. No, but we love to work in combination with the traditional medicine. Like, you have to work my body and mind, otherwise there will be no results.

So hypnotherapy usually is a very holistic way. It's not bound to business. It's not tied to business. While psychotherapy in many ways now is tied to business. Antidepressants is a big market.

Absolutely. And people have to be now very careful how they can they're canceled for how they like, what is the approach right. What kind of results they're getting. And not just years and years absolutely. Of therapy, because usually you don't have those years.

Who wants you to spend years in therapy? Yeah, that doesn't sound a particular interest to me. So let me get to the deep question of the show. All right, ready for this? What is your favorite ice cream?

I love keto ice cream from Costume.

I definitely love I'm on keto diet. Right. So that's why I unfortunately cannot indulge in the ice cream the way some people can. Hey, my wife is on keto and we have keto ice cream bars, I'm pretty sure from Costco in the freezer. And I've tried them.

They're not bad. We can all gum together an ice cream, whether you can have it a lot or not. Right. People who are lactose intolerant, who still love ice cream, and God bless them, they've now made lactose free ice cream, which is amazing. Right.

So we can all come together on the question. Absolutely. What are some of the things that you found are particularly that this form of therapy is particularly Brenteficial for specific range or just a lot of things? Absolutely. So I find that when people come to me and they are just exploring hypnotherapy as one of the methods, but they haven't tried any other methods.

Right. They don't have that desperate desire to change, while people who come to me that say, okay, I'm done, I'm tired, like, I've tried everything for years. I've had that phobia for 20 years, and I stopped functioning normally. Right. Especially the fear of driving, social anxiety, fear of flying, these things that hold you back.

So people who've tried other methods, it didn't work for them. They come to me, and that's when the results are the best, because people are more committed, they have tried something else, so they see the huge difference. Right. The main issue that works great in hypnotherapy is addiction. Addictions, anxiety, panic attacks, fears, phobias.

So these are things that get triggered, that have this unconscious trigger that you kind of know, but you don't know where it came from. So that's your mind comes into the conflict because you don't understand where it comes from. You get more anxious and more frustrated not knowing. And when you find the trigger, you're like, oh, that's why I was afraid of driving. And fear of fear.

It's just a symptom. It's just a symptom. The real cause root is going so deep into your childhood most of the time. There are some cases that the trauma was formed in the adulthood, for sure, but most of them come in from childhood police.

So I saw on your platform you help people with weight loss issues, with sexual dysfunction, with anxiety. I saw the addiction part and when I finally quit smoking, it took me years to quit smoking. I was at a point where I was willing to if someone could actually give me an honest help without trying to stick me on a drug I wish I had known about because that was so difficult for me to do. Yes, that's very cool. Yes.

Brands with smoking, it's really pretty sure your audience will be interested, right? So the smoking is the connection is not in the pain. The connection. Right. So I started to smoke at twelve, right?

And I quit smoking. But my first connection, because I was so disconnected from my parents, from myself so I was seeking that connection and when I smoked for the first time, I didn't like it. No one likes it for the first time, but the second and the third it gets really good. So when your mind remembers what helps your body to survive, to numb the feelings, to relieve the feelings, it will do it even if it hurts your body. Like we don't understand that addictions are not to harm addictions to save ourselves.

So let's just say that I had drugs addiction. People say well, that they are harming you're, doing good, bad for your health. Absolutely. But the mind doesn't understand that. The mind wants to keep us safe all the time.

So if the person is a drug addict, that drug has a function in their body to save them because without the drugs, they will be in such huge emotional pain that they can do something to themselves. So their mind connects to the drug. Like oh, this is a normby, this is nominee, this is released and this is just forgetting everything, right? And the mind remembers that and always brings you to do the same thing. The same with smoking, right?

The same with smoking. We connect emotion with the cigarettes and when we smoke, when we inhale, it's a release and we feel like oh good, then it becomes a habit. Of course. But by the way, when people quit smoking, right, without understanding the reason and the root, right? It sometimes makes them crave something else, like craving sugar.

That's why people are afraid oh, if I quit quit smoking, I'll start gaining weight. It's not because of the smoking, it's because the problem wasn't resolved. So it morphed into another issue, right? It's like you still want to connect emotion to something. So you connect to sugar or you connect to some drinking, jumbling, gaming, whatever it is but some sense, in a matter of a month or six months, it's morphed into some other issue, right?

Not always, but in many cases it is. That's why there is a belief that if you quit smoking then you start gaining weight because you start like munching on stuff, right? Yep. No, I channel my in workouts, I quit smoking and joined the gym and just I mean, it wasn't healthy starting because I would drive myself into the ground in every workout to get that same stress relief. Because smoking was a stress relief for me.

The first transition was a little rough because I would I pound myself in the ground 2 hours solid, just soulcrushing crawling out of the gym. It did get healthier after a while, I got that under control. But yeah, I knew I couldn't just drop cigarettes and not have something else to get that outlet for me. Yes, and that's the best way. I would say if you quit smoking, working out is the best connection you can make.

So that was a healthy connection. I tried a bubblegum over the years and a few other things that never worked. Yeah, absolutely. So addictions are sitting in our subconscious mind. They are, right?

This is a release. Release of what? Different people is different. That's why psychologists, sometimes they put people in groups oh, that means this, oh, that means this. No, every person is different.

It's so unique. That's why when I go into hypnotis with people and that's how hypnotis works, we think that hypnotists something so weird and so weird feeling. No, like let me ask you brands, have you ever driven somewhere and you forgot how you got there? Oh, yeah, lots of times. You go to the grocery store, the pork and lies like how did I even go through all of the street lights?

I was kind of on autopilot. You sell hypnotize yourself when you are watching the movie and it's so interesting that your wife or your kid is talking to you, you don't even hear that. You don't even respond because you're so organic, right? When we are going to sleep, this is the deepest hypnotic state, right? This is the deep trance where we are sleeping and recovering and the logic switches off because when you bypass the logic, you bypass your logic just in your emotional subconscious mind.

That's it. When you close your eyes, you already bypass the logic for the most part, right? You don't see the world, you don't see how the world reacts. That's why it's so great when people close their eyes in a session, even in the talk therapy, because they don't look at the verbiage and they don't see their reaction. So they can open up better, they do not overthink.

And that's when you can come and pull all the weeds out better than if you're just with open eyes or talking to the talks about this, right? Hypnosis is the natural state of mind. We go into hypnosis every single day, multiple times. Zooming out is self hypnosis, right? Well, you zoom out and you're like oh, okay.

15 minutes later you're like this is also self snow. So when I go into the notice, we investigate people's lives. They become their own investigators. They look for those little triggers when it happened, how it happened, in order to understand. Because when you're a child, everything you form the belief.

You don't even understand them, but they replay in your life. This is a good thing for your audience to know that from our conscious mind, our logic knows the time. It understands the time today, tomorrow's, future, plans for the future, think about the past, everything. Logic can do that. Subconscious mind doesn't understand time, never.

So that's why when you learn how to walk, you can still remember how to walk. When you learn how to drive, you still remember how to drive. You can pick up those skills really fast automatically to use them. It's a function of the subconscious mind to not know the time. So it will never forget the quantum and never forgets and it always listens, even at night.

So because it never forgets and it doesn't know time, every time you get triggered, your mind goes into that same event that happened, you know, like it's happening right now. That's why people go into the panic attack trigger and their mind understand, oh, this is exactly what happened to you ten years ago or 15 years ago. Get out of here. And your body sometimes doesn't listen. You don't listen to your body.

So your body was like ma'am give you panic attacks, get out of here.

Watch triggers, right? The same with, like any other issue, same with depression, the same with anxiety, the same with addiction, weight loss, fears and phobias and self confidence and self esteem. Awesome. So this is good announcement, no time. So it will always replay like it's happening today, every event.

That's why we get triggered. Excellent. Now, guys, we're getting to know Kate and a little bit about hypnotherapy in the first half of the show and dealing with the internal questions that I know you want to ask, right? Because these are the questions. When she contacted me, I went, I want to understand this.

I don't really know what this is. So I hope we're answering those. The second half of the show we're going to dig into not only how it works is we've already started on, but we're going to dig into how it can help your life and the possibilities with it. Guys are going to roll to our sponsor and we'll be right back with more from Kate. How well do you sleep at night?

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We're here with Kate semantic discussing hypnotherapy, how it works and how it can be a possible tool to help in your life. If you guys have been on the show before, you know I am all about digging into any tool that can help you grow yourself as a person and become the person you want to be. And I'm fascinated, guys. Kate is speaking directly to me in this because my limited understanding of how powerful the subconscious is, it's just being totally reaffirmed here in this conversation about how much that can affect your life. I hope you guys are digging this.

Be sure and check out Kate. I will have her website and all her contacts in the description of the show notes. Just like always, if you're on the video version, it's on the screen. Let me ask you as we get into the second half of this, what purchase of $100 or less have you made in the last year that has biggest impact on your life?

Yeah, I took as psychology course. That was my investment, like $98. And that was like a three week of intense self work. And that was the bath. I love that.

Was that through someone specifically? Yeah, it was like psychologist, right. Who was making the online very practical. It's because it's from Ukraine, right? It was so cheap.

Alright. I'm a big fan of online courses. I think there's a lot of value. It's so exciting because there is so much education available to anyone these days. It is just so exciting.

But I've never had someone actually say, of course I got a course. I've heard people talk about books. I had one guy who fell in love with shorts. He bought three pairs of the same exact shorts because they're the best thing he's ever had. He's like, Dude, you don't understand how comfortable these are.

I was like, for $100, they better be super comfortable. Wow. I'm thinking. But no, I always like to ask because you never know what's going to tick a box in someone's brain, right? They're going to go, hey, I've never heard of that book.

I didn't think about taking a course online. Right? I certainly never thought about buying $100 pair of shorts. So it's always interesting to see what marks value for both.

We've talked a little bit about hypnotherapy works, how hypnotherapy works, and if I read your site right, you not only do in person work, but you can do remote sessions like this, like we're talking now. So, like on Zoom or something with clients? Yes, I do sometimes on Zoom and people sometimes that's where people sometimes become a bit skeptical. If you're like, oh, can you hypnotize me like mine? I was like, yeah, absolutely.

I'm not hypnotizing you. You are hypnotizing yourself. I'm guiding you, but you are doing the work I'm not doing. You're not touching you. I'm not though, in person, right.

Sessions I do kind of touch people's hand or arm I do, but it's just for connection. I can do that online as well. So I do online sessions. OK. So if I were to come to you we already talked about I quit smoking several years ago.

My daughters were the why. It's like I don't want this to be a part of their life. And that was a big enough motivation for me to fight the struggle and get my way out of that. But if I was to come to you, right, for a session, I said I emotionally overeat. I know I do that.

I get stressed out and my diet goes straight out the window and I'm eating out of the tub of ice cream or whatever, I know I do that. I can be honest about that. So if I was going to you and say, hey, I'm struggling with this, how does that even start? Yeah, usually I do like little intake for right. So I do the intake when I ask them.

I'm not asking them any questions. That the traditional therapy. Some of them do. Right. So I'm going to ask about the childhood all the time.

I all the time ask about other additions that they either had or having. Right now it's all interconnected. I ask about emotional presence of the kids connected. Where was the abuse, if there was something right. Bullying, anything.

Right. Any pressure from the parents. Right. And high interest. I will absolutely dive into that.

But only for 15 minutes. Because we can talk for hours. No. Usually what people tell me in the intake is completely different. When they tell me in the hypnosis.

Is it because we're so guarded when we're conscious? Absolutely, because you are conscious and you're processing everything from the way you know it. I asked them, how was your childhood?

My dad was an alcoholic, for example, but it was okay. And I was like, okay. And that's a red flag for me. When people say it was okay, I know I have to go there and have noticed I know I have to go into their childhood because there's something that they repressed so deep that they are now saying it was okay. When people say, oh, it was horrible, sometimes it was horrible, like now they kind of understand better.

They understand more if they say it was an amazing childhood. It was an incredible childhood. I don't know why I have these panic attacks. Then it's also perplexed. Just going to go there to see where those beliefs are formed.

Right. So I do the 15 minutes intake form and then we dive right into this notice. It's a short induction, very short induction. It's RTT method. Right.

So it's a rapid transformational therapy. That's why it's. Called rapid because it's rapid. It's one session, and you kind of reframe the belief. You find the root.

Because when we go into notice, I bring them into their childhood. So I regret them. I regret them to look at the past events, to see where those panic attacks started, where is it connected, fears, phobias, whatever the issue overeated where they connected food with emotion. Food is not supposed to be the emotion original. It's just a few, right?

But most of us act emotion to food, and this is why. Because we are born, and the only source of food is a formula, breast milk, and it's sweet and fatty. So we will always crave subconsciously. We will crave sweet and fatty because it's a soothing thing, right? It's a soothing effect on us, right?

So this is why we connect. And because we didn't have that maybe closure when we were born, right? Maybe we off the brush too early. Maybe we were on parents who disconnected? Whatever it was.

We find the connection in food. So I find I go into the regression, and I find with the client that when we find through the Cost, we connect. I tell them, now we're going to collect these memories and these scenes and events that you went to with the presenting issue, and they're like, oh, that's why I know. And then I tell them about the rules of mind, how this conscious mind works, right? And everything they are in their very emotional brain, like in a relaxing when we do that, we start to refrain them.

I tell them, what do you know now? I want you to look back from your adult mind right now and with that child, perform that belief, that connection. What do you know now that you didn't know as a little child? And they have a light bulb moment. They're like, oh, I don't need to eat that much.

Like, I have other stuff, or they understand that I'm an adult, but I have a choice. I couldn't choose anything when I was eight, but I have a choice now because I'm 45. So they become their own. They kind of find the healing within themselves. We do different tools, how we reframe those beliefs.

I give them different suggestions, guiding them to kind of, oh, now I see with the phobia as well, when it happened, why you started to be afraid of lying. And then every time they drive to the airport, they don't panic. They look with vaccinations. It's like, oh, so, yeah, that's why I was, like, afraid. And just to understand, for yours, we had a client, right, who was afraid of flying, right?

Because he had a fear of dying, and that's very often that happened. He had a fear of dying because he didn't live his life. He didn't do what he so that fear of dying came to his life to understand, oh, I haven't even lived. So I'm playing a role. I'm doing not what I want, you know, I'm not enjoying the life.

I'm only 35. I still have something to do. And they are afraid of dying. The fear of dying intensified when we don't follow our hearts, when the fear of dying intensifies. Of course you have fear of driving, fear of being out of control, fear of pipe, fear of swimming or fear of flying.

Right? Being out of control. When they understand that, then they drive to the airport. I was like, oh, that's why I was afraid of flying. Because you bring it into your conscious mind.

You bring the issue into your conscious mind. Stop bothering. You still believe you still might have some feelings, you know? But excitement and anxiety have the same exact body sense. The same exact body sense.

It's just a picture in our mind is different. Okay? I get the connection to childhood. I like Chunky monkey. I don't know if you had.

It called Chunky Monkey by Brent and Jerry's, and it's banana ice cream with chocolate chunks and walnuts. I love the ice cream. One of my favorite ice cream. But it's because growing up in the south, we went to church ice cream socials on a regular basis. And if my mom and my grandmother made homemade ice cream, was always banana ice cream.

So, like, I can sit down with a pint of Chunky Monkey. It's like it brings back that memory and those comfortable thoughts. So I get connecting food and emotion. And that happens to many people. Many people connect food with and sometimes it's with great emotions, right?

Something that's great, like, if you can balance it right? Right. Then there is nothing back to bring up a good emotion. If you can balance that, if that comes out of control, then you need to look what's happening in your life. What are you not getting?

If you're too much if you feel like, okay, I had three daughters.

Yes. If you have one and you're like, okay, that's good. But if you have three, then you need to like, okay, what is happening in my life? Maybe I'm just setting out a commitment with my boss. Maybe kids just like, we're not listening to me and not really understanding what I'm saying.

Maybe there's some stress, some kind of pain. So find the pain points in that day when you actually create more than you should. I love what you said about okay being a warning sign for you. I saw someone posted something the other day on social media and said, when dad says he's okay, that means I'm exhausted, I'm beat up, I'm frustrated. I'm stressed out.

I'm ready to fall down. I'm hungry. But it's okay because dad is going to do whatever he needs to to take care of his kids, right? But, yes, I hear people all the time. We're so programmed to say that.

How are you doing? I'm okay. Automatically kind of. Yeah. When I hear people say that.

So I'm glad that's not just like my brain going, oh, people actually go, oh, there's something else there. Probably, yeah, absolutely. It's a red flag for everyone. And a lot of people do disregard that's not my problem. They'll figure out their own issues.

But at the same time, when we say I'm okay, we again, saved by a habit. What happened in your maybe teenage years that you learned to suppress it and say, okay, I'm okay.

What is happening? Why you cannot resolve it, why you cannot try to? Because a lot of people do resolve. Like, you go to the gym, right? You work out, you maybe like, journal or do whatever it takes.

Reprogram yourself, right? But for some people, they don't like, I'm okay, I'm okay, it's fine, it's fine. And they keep it for years and for years, and then they find that it's hard for them to function because of the anxiety and all the issues that are coming up from not expressing the emotion. Guys, if getting something out of this, be sure to give us a thumbs up. Leave us review on Apple podcast and be sure and go over and check out Kate and what she's doing.

She is opening my eyes to all kinds of things. I hope you guys are getting half as much out of this as I am. Kate explained that you use a rapid transformation therapy or RTT with the hypnotherapy. And it caught my attention because of the time we talked about, right? I'm not going to go spend six months laying on someone's couch talk to that just doesn't work for my life.

I work a full time job. I got two little kids. I've got my own business going. My wife has a business going. There is not time for me to go spend an hour a week on somebody's couch talking, hoping we make a breakthrough.

So tell me, how do you just tackle this? So this is why I went, this is what happened to me. I went to therapy for many, many sessions, and it didn't change anything. It did change something, and probably I started to learn more about the brain gas, but still subconsciously all triggered every single day. Anger, issue, frustration, anxiety, worry, constant overthinking is funny.

A headache. Like, all of those issues were just like, crushing down on me. And then I took I started to really think about that. There must be something much deeper than just talking. And then I started to research, just Google, right?

Deeper way of changing your brain, something like that. And then it came like, oh, it's hypnotherapy, right? It's hypnosis. So I started to self hypnosis, right? I started just to feel, how does it feel like, oh, nothing dangerous, really, nothing.

Nobody is manipulating me. I'm not doing anything. I'm actually going inside and unlocking everything. So I did more work by myself in South Dakota. That the therapist did for me for a year.

Wow. Right? That's how it came to the realization, okay, but what if someone guides me direct where needed? It could be even faster. Right?

I did it. I first believe, kind of transformed in a couple of months before I found out about RTT. And then I found about RTT and then I had my first session and I had my first session on weight loss, by the way, because I was like about £30 more weight. Right. And I did it and it didn't change.

Not like I was starting miraculously lose weight. No, I completely changed my perspective of the food. Like the food was just a fuel. And I remember that she told me, you are a Ferrari. Like you are the best car.

You know she was telling me that, right? Imagine you have the best car in the world. A $100,000 car. We should prove the cheap gas engine. No, the same as your body to best car, your best machine.

Right. And that just got me more than that. I uncovered why I was like the lack of lack of love. Yes. But then these suggestions that every time I looked at the food, I was like, no, I'm not going to put that in my body.

I'm not like my therapist. The artwork, why it's so fast? Because it changes your perspective on the things. Right? It changed.

You understand that, oh, I'm not going to do that for myself. Right. So I understood the root and the cause. When you do go to the cause, that's why it's so rapid. You're not just talking, you're actually investigating with the client what is happening.

Come on, let's make a connection. And we do that in one to three sessions. So one to three sessions. You can absolutely battle initiative because it sticks to believe that people like the signs, the pharma businesses, that, you know what? Rain is so difficult.

It is so complex. Don't go there. It is very complex. There are lots of chemicals and everything. Be sure that you take a good approach, long approach.

Belief. That's the belief. When you change question that belief, everything changes around you. So that's why I tell my clients, it's your belief. Where did you get that belief?

That therapy will take years for you to uncover the issues. And they always tell me all my therapist told me that. My mom told me that. My friend told me that the belief. And when you form the belief, you live by that belief.

So that's why rapid transformation, parent just goes right into the root cause. It doesn't mean that it helps everyone. RTT is not for everyone. And not everyone is for RTT. There are people who are very skeptical about hypnosis in general.

Then what's the point to them? They still need to change the skepticism, right. To question that skepticism before they come to this type of therapy. Well, hopefully, hopefully this interview will help with some of that, right? Today, we're just trying to inform people and answer those questions because, like I said, I know I had a lot of questions when you reached out, I was like, I've never even thought of that.

I'm not sure I knew it was actually an actual practice, and so my brain just started screaming. I was like, man, how does this part work? Right?

If there's one thing you want people to take away from this, what do you want people to hear? I want people to hear that we form one belief that is very important for us, and that kind of leads us to all of the events that are happening in our lives and all other beliefs. This belief is, there is someone responsible for my healing. You know, doctors, medication, drugs, substances. Someone is responsible.

Someone can fix me. This is the belief that is the most tricky one, because you go by that belief and you put the responsibility on everyone else. It's like you brand went to workout. No one can work out for you, right? No one can lift those weight for you.

No one can build the muscles for you. Just you the same with your mind. No one can heal you. No one can fix you, and no one can cure you. You can find the resources in your mind for the healing to happen.

That's it. And that's the main insight when people start to think, wow, that is in me. Like, I just need a guy. I just need to help different resources to help me, but it's only mine. They gain the control back.

We want to control our luck, right? It's the same as with your muscles. It's the same. No one can quit smoking for you. No one.

You just go and quit your willpower. You're resilience, right? You go work out, and you can have some protein shakes to kind of build the muscles, but still, no one can build the muscle for you. Just do the same with mine. Mine is a muscle, and you train guys.

I can honestly say I've never heard a therapist say, no, we're going to wrap this up in one to three sessions, and then we're done. Okay? To me, that's one of the first, like, hey, I should pay attention to this, because this is someone who was talking to us about, I want to help you, help you, and then be done. I'm not going to say, I'm going to help you make the change that you want to make, and then I'm out. You don't get that from therapists.

You don't get that from professionals very often in an industry where doctors see people over and over and over again and just give people drugs. My mother just had a eye surgery. They've got her on four weeks of medicated. Eye drops throughout the day. It's like, wow, what did you do to her?

That it's. Going to take four weeks of medication directly into her eye post surgery. Right. I'm not a huge fan of putting drugs in the body. We are doing that on a huger scale all the time.

Antidepressants are just at an all time high, which just terrifies me. Right. We're giving people ADHD medication at phenomenal rates instead of helping people learn to regulate themselves. And there are people who need clinical help on that. There are other people who just need a little help to understand how to control themselves in that situation.

So I'm just amazed as you talk about this like, no, we're going to do this in one or three sessions and then you'll have the ability to take control of it. That's just amazing. People love to gain back control. People lose control when we are children, we lose control. We are dependent children.

We don't have a control over our lives, right? The only thing we have control over is our thoughts. But even that is altered by the environment we are in, right? So when you are adults, because you cannot change the past, no one can change the past. What happened to you?

You can only change the meaning to the past event and you can change your reality now. Right? So people feel like they're still out of control. It's still someone. But once you gain that by the way, human therapy never goes against fine.

It always goes alongside science. If the person has a cancer, I'm not going to take to say the person, oh, you don't need the chemotherapy therapy, right, or not? No, no. We do the traditional treatment and then we do the mind healing. And in combination you get the best result because people sometimes some treatments are innovational, right?

Something that some people need drugs and medication to help them with bringing them out of the bad, let's just say. But if you work in combination body of mind, you get faster recovery, you don't get the recurring illness that's the most important because you can take medication, you can kind of fix something to give you the guarantee that in six months you don't get again. That's like chronic pain, especially with chronic pain, especially with allergies often. So why not combining two and working so that it doesn't bother in the future? So, yes, that's the magic of this type of therapy, that it doesn't put you on the hook of a therapy.

No, you resolve it, go and leave your life. What is next for Kate Semeniuk? I'm doing the course and I'm really excited about that. What I found out is that you can. While one of the long sessions are amazing and personalized approach is amazing, I think I'm looking for the way and I'm finding that way where people can do that from the comfort of their own so they can do cell hypnotists, practice assignments like getting to know about their mind in this simple way, in these really simple words.

No signs, no chemicals, really simple things. And they can do the course and they can do these medications every day, kind of a selfie noses medication. And they can uncover and transform the beliefs by themselves. So that would be amazing. So someone can take the course as a three week course and I'm launching it in July, right?

And I think that people will love it. That's incredible. It's funny because I work in the technology industry and I hate computer, but I do love I think everything can be overdone, right? I think there's goods and bad stuff to technology, but I am so excited about the availability of things like that, about education being more available, about ways where people can help each other being more available. That's so exciting.

Yeah, me too. I took such value from the online resources, even the podcast. I've learned so much just listening to the podcast and that's like a resource. It's out there for you. Is your website the best place to find you?

Is this the best place? Yeah. All right, guys, it's www.semenic.com and I'm not even going to try and spell that out. I will have a link directly in the show. Notes are in the description of whatever platform, whether you're on the podcast or on YouTube, guys, where you can find Kate's website.

She's also got a great Instagram feed. I was looking at your Instagram and Facebook earlier, so you can find her on there as well. But this is where you want to come to get more information, to find out what Kate is doing and find out more about RTT. This may be a tool that you've been looking for and you just didn't know you were looking for it because you didn't know it existed. Like I said, honestly, like, I thought it was something I saw on TV.

I didn't know this was a real thing. But I am fascinated and excited by the possibilities because we live in a fast time. I don't have months to lay on the couch and recamp my whole life to a professional so they can try and help me get into my head. I need someone who can help me deal with whatever issue I'm dealing with and move forward. That's just where we're at.

So, guys, check out what Kate is doing. Kate, thank you so much for being on the podcast and spend time with us today. I appreciate you educating us and align us to some new possibilities that we can use to improve our lives and grow as people. Thank you for being here. Thank you so much, Brent.

It was a pleasure. I enjoyed the conversation so much and I hope that your audience will take some insights for themselves and even changing little, little thing in your life. You will never go back again. I've enjoyed this greatly. Guys, better tomorrow because what you do today and we'll see you on the next one.

This has been the Fallen Man podcast, your home for everything man husband and father. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a show. Head over to www.thefallibleman.com for more content and getyourown Elbow Man here.

Kateryna (Kate) Semeniuk Profile Photo

Kateryna (Kate) Semeniuk

I am Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist, working with people on their most triggered issues. I transform their beliefs, formed in early childhood, so that they do not impact people's lives anymore. The RTT method in an award winning modality, founded by Marisa Peer. She combined the best practices from NLP, hypnotherapy, CBT and neuroscience.