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How to become a SUPER Human Father Interview with Kyle Carnohan

Fathers, have you heard these common myths of being a superhuman dad? Myth #1, you have to be perfect in everything you do. Myth #2, you must always have the answers and solutions to your children's problems. Myth #3, being a superhuman dad means sac...

In this episode of The Fallible Man Podcast, Kyle Carnohan shares his secrets on becoming a superhuman father. He emphasizes the importance of accountability, self-care, and investing in oneself. But as Kyle reveals his crucial first step, the trailer ends abruptly, leaving listeners wondering what the step is and how it will change their lives.

:Those things that are getting in our way, they're holding us back. That pressure, that pain, that tightrope in your head, sometimes we feel like it's going to snap. The stress, the anxiety, even the depression, all this is building you. It's building you into the man you need to be, but you got to let it happen". - Kyle Carnohan

My special guest is Kyle Carnohan

Say hello to Kyle Carnohan, a father and mentor focused on empowering his fellow dads to step up their game and reach new heights, both personally and within their families. Based on his own experiences and transformation, Kyle appreciates the delicate balance fathers must achieve to maintain their work, family, health, and personal growth effectively. Renowned for his relentless pursuit of excellence and unwavering honesty, Kyle guides men through their own journeys of self-improvement, instilling the discipline and self-belief needed to create stronger family bonds and personal success. With Kyle at their side, fathers can tackle life's challenges head on, embracing growth and becoming the best versions of themselves.

This is Kyle Carnohan's story:

For Kyle Carnohan, life wasn't always smooth sailing. In his twenties, he never imagined that his life would be better at 40. Having gone through numerous setbacks and failures, Kyle eventually discovered his life's purpose: helping other men become the best version of themselves. He began exploring men's groups, where he found support and guidance from other fathers who shared similar struggles. Kyle learned the importance of discipline, emotional control, and surrounding oneself with a tribe of like-minded individuals. Today, he inspires other fathers to become superhuman, teaching them how to balance work, family, fitness, and personal growth, all while maintaining a strong connection with their loved ones.



In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover the crucial role discipline plays in developing a reliable persona.
  • Learn how accountability can propel you towards unparalleled success.
  • Explore the connection between self-care and its effects on fatherhood and child relationships.
  • Realize the importance of being in a trustworthy and responsible community.
  • Uncover ways to find your purpose and harness your unique talents for a positive global impact.


The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Join a tribe of like-minded men who can show you how a real man handles his emotions and responds to challenges.
  • Start small by setting a non-negotiable wake-up time and gradually turn up the dial on your daily commitments.
  • Embrace discipline and sit in your suffering, allowing it to build you into the man you need to be.
  • Challenge the negative connotations around fatherhood and embrace your masculinity by standing up for yourself and speaking your truth.
  • Invest in yourself by taking advantage of transformation programs, such as Kyle Carnohan's body transformation program, to achieve the body and mindset you desire.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Changing Your Mindset,
00:00:52 - Reaching Our Full Potential,
00:02:19 - Who Is Kyle Carnohan?,
00:08:50 - Impactful Purchase,
00:14:55 - The Importance of Discipline,
00:16:25 - Embracing Suffering,
00:18:25 - Managing Emotions,
00:22:52 - Incremental Improvements,
00:29:49 - Wanting to be Better,
00:30:29 - Every Man Needs a Battle,
00:32:20 - Be a King for Your Family,
00:37:17 - Story of Superhuman Fathers,
00:39:07 - Core of the Program,
00:44:00 - The Importance of Accountability and Coaching,
00:45:10 - Impact on Fatherhood,
00:47:48 - First Steps to Change,
00:49:47 - Next Steps for Kyle,
00:51:46 - Mindset Shift,




Guest Links:





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[00:00:00] Kyle, what is the big takeaway you want everybody here today? Change your mindset in, in the way you look at who you want to be and what it's gonna take. So don't be afraid of work anymore, guys. Don't be afraid of the work in the sacrifice. And if you're asking the question, is it worth it? I don't know.

[00:00:21] I, I wanna enjoy my life. It is worth it. Because it's not about you. It's about what you're giving to your wife, your kids, and to the world and it, and do you just want pleasure and rest in life, or do you actually want to feel like you're having impact and do you want to die knowing that you lived a life like fucking Braveheart, man,

[00:00:43] Not just a worthless blob on the couch that barely made it through. Won't waste another minute, won't. Here's the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential? Growing to the men we dream of being while taking care of our responsibilities, working, being good husbands, fathers, and still take care of ourselves?

[00:01:07] Well, that's the big question in this podcast. We'll help you answer those questions and more. My name is Brent and welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast on the mission. Welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast. You're home for all things, man, husband, and father. Big shout out to Fallible Nation. A warm welcome to our first time listeners.

[00:01:26] My name is Brent, and today our guest is Transformation Coach Kyle Carnahan. Kyle, welcome to the Fal Man Podcast. Thanks for having me. Appreciate it. Now Kyle, I like to keep things a little light and fun at the start. So we have a question of the show, and today's question is Laughing. Jackass is another name.

[00:01:45] For which bird is it? A? A Woodpecker B, a Raven, C a. Cuckoo Are three a cber. What the hell's a cuckoo man? We're gonna, we're gonna go with a, a cuckoo. A cuckoo. All right guys, you know the rules. Don't pause the show. Don't jump to the end. Play our little game, stick around and you'll find out the inspirator and we'll see if Kyle's right now Kyle, I don't do massive introductions cuz reading accolades, just put people to sleep and doesn't mean shit to anybody.

[00:02:13] So in your own words, who is Kyle Carnahan? I'm just a, I'm just a dad man. I'm a dad that went through some shit, messed a lot of stuff up and you know what? I'm coming out the other side pretty damn good and really enjoying myself after 40 excuse me, 20 years of marriage, you know, at 42. So, it's just like, who would've thought life would be better at 40 when I was 20?

[00:02:43] I never would've guessed it. you know, I, I can't say I'm incredibly surprised cuz at 43. I, I, I'm a whole lot happier with my life than I was at in my twenties. Yeah. Right where I am now, I'm feeling pretty good about, you know, I got some a, some pains that I didn't have at 20 because of the life I've lived.

[00:03:03] But I, I gotta say, life has looked pretty good after 40 so far. So remember when you were 20 and you thought you, when you were, and you thought about 40, and you'd be like, who cares? I'll be almost dead by then. Anyway. I I hate to mi Yeah, I I do remember that for sure. You're someone almost 40, you're like, oh, well you're, you're pretty much done.

[00:03:23] Like, that's one foot in, that's like one foot in the grave, man. You Yeah. Yeah. Another on a banana peel. Yeah. It's it's almost over at that point, right? Yeah. Yeah. No, I, I crossed 40 and it was like, I don't feel any different. Life. Life's life's pretty good at this point. I'm actually like making some money in my life.

[00:03:42] I can actually have a little fun. Yeah. You know, we, we did the typical young twenties thing. Sarah and I got married really young, and so, you know, I was 21 and she was 19. Same bro. You know, we, we did the Top Ramen and, and hot dogs and Woo. That was, that was life. Right. Were you guys, were you guys raised religious or something?

[00:04:03] Is that what that was? It was entirely our choice, but yeah, both of us were raised in the church. What church? Churches of Christ. Just a independent non-denominational Christian Church. Yeah. I was raised more like, dude, we, we, we get married young. Like, like get married and start pumping them kids out, man.

[00:04:22] Oh, we waited. I was my oldest is 11, so I was, dang. Yeah, I was 32. When she was born, I wanna say, okay, man, you guys said I'm Matthew right this morning. It's a stretch today, but yeah, no, we we, I just hit a point in my life where I went, I would be stupid not to marry this woman, right? I, I had dated a lot and Sarah just made such an impact on me that, I mean, several years before I married her, my brain went, you would be stupid not to marry this woman.

[00:04:55] Yeah, this is the best thing that's ever happened in your life. You're not gonna do any better than this cuz she's just amazing. So, you hear that Sarah, the next couple of years pursuing those goals. I love it. You're, you're, I love your wife's comments in the chat right now. It's great, man. She, you know, see some people that like, are like, you can just tell like, that's awesome man.

[00:05:20] Like the, honestly, I do a lot of body transformation stuff with Superhuman Fathers. We'll talk about all that. You know, I, we, we deal with, we handle addictions. Like we get guys disciplined on such a level, but all I really care in the end with these guys is that they connect with their wives on a, a, a beautiful spiritual levels.

[00:05:41] They can lead their families in, in like this happy, harmonious home and, and enjoy life, you know? Mm-hmm. Like, and I could, I could just see it. And that's cool, man. We, we've been married now, it'll be 22 years in April. And she's still the best thing that ever happened to me. I love it. So, Kyle, if you could have a conversation with anyone living or dead, who would it be and why?

[00:06:11] Oh, man. Like I've answered this question before and I should pro, I, I can't answer it any different because. It's freaking, it's Braveheart, man. Okay. Like he was the man. Like I, I think like, yeah, William Wallace, man. Like seeing like, I mean, I don't know how much the, the movie is like real to the story, but you know, like that the idea of being so dedicated to a cause and a people since I was a kid has always been like, So admirable to me, something I was always drawn to, you know, like, that, that ability to just stand against any pain or suffering or like, whatever the consequence may be, because you, you stand so much in integrity and character and truth, you know, like, no, I get it.

[00:07:08] Yeah. Having that kind of belief, right. Yeah. Yeah. This is, this is right. This is who we are. This is what we're doing, period. Yep. Right. I, I think unfortunately, a lot of men don't feel like they have that hill to die on anymore. Do they got nothing. Right. They got nothing. We just don't feel that cause anymore.

[00:07:30] Yeah. And then it's just self-serving. Mm-hmm. And just seeking pleasure and comfort and getting through the day and surviving. In sedating, and then it's a far cry from living like Braveheart. Man, that's, that's, I've never had that answer before. That's a, that's an interesting answer. I like it. Kyle, what are you most proud of in your life?

[00:07:54] Oh man. Me, just so proud of myself. Like, so proud of the way I show up every day. So proud of the man I've become through, through all the like, struggles and hardships and, and like, All the failing. So much failing. But I always just, I always just got up and kept moving. I kept climbing. I kept going.

[00:08:13] I just never, never quit. And so at this point in my life, and I think that's why when you're in your forties mm-hmm. That this happens because you're now deleting the bullshit, that doesn't matter. You don't care about people that don't matter to you anymore. The what they think about you. You know who you are, you have a code.

[00:08:31] And and if you are, if you're living a, a life that's in Inc. Congruence with your conscience and you feel like you're in alignment, man, that's the life. All right? What purchase of a hundred dollars or less have you made in the last year that's had the biggest and most profound impact on your life?

[00:08:50] Damn, a hundred dollars or less. That always gives people,

[00:08:54] whoa. Oh, I probably do what, what? What book? What book have I got that would be, man?

[00:09:05] Dude, I've got so many good books. Probably this one. I'll give a shout out to 'em, man. Do you know these guys? Garrett White Lawyer. I haven't read that one. Alright. So he's got a bunch of books. He, he has a, a very large men's group that I kind of like used to clown on a little bit when I saw the commercials or whatever.

[00:09:32] And, and I, I didn't know what it was. And then I started my group not even knowing I was making a men's group or what a men's group was. Mm-hmm. And as it grew I realized like, man, I should probably see what, what other people are doing. And I kind of glommed on to wake up Warrior and Garrett White and like, I was just, I was just amazed at what he built and like the amount of impact he's had on men's lives.

[00:09:53] And I think that, I think I bought like a little box of books for like 99 bucks or something. Okay. And that, that, like, I'm part of, I'm part of their group and like it's, it's had pretty massive impact on my growth and my life. . So, yeah. He got me his funnel worked, man. Right. All that good marketing.

[00:10:17] Yeah. Now how many children do you have and how long have you been married? I got five kids. I've been married just over 20 years. Okay. What's one random fact that people don't know about you? Doesn't have to be anything serious, just. Yeah. I mean, a lot of people don't know that. I I, I'm a singer songwriter.

[00:10:38] I record music in the studio. Yeah. Pretty, pretty amateur and not unknown, so, but I got like, I got like music on Spotify and shit. Okay. That's cool. Yeah, I don't talk about it much. I'm, I'm, I'm recording an album right now. Nice. What else? I don't like, I just do it cuz I love it and you know, I'll like let my, my Instagram know when a song comes out or whatever, but I don't like go crazy, pump it or make music videos or anything like that.

[00:11:09] Hey, everybody's gotta have that passion project man. That feeds that creative string. Yeah. Yeah. So, all right. What is something everyone should know about you before we start digging into the content of today's interview? I'm here to serve you. , my, like I am my cup's full. Like if your cup's empty, you can, you can reach out to me like I'm here.

[00:11:31] I'm all over my dms. Like I actually give out my phone number to the world. Like if you go on my Instagram, my phone number's right there so you can text me. Like, I want to serve people all day and I'm always at a high, a high frequency, able to like fill anybody's cup that's empty. Like that is me. That's what I've been doing the last, I mean, damn 15 years.

[00:11:55] It's just the way that I've lived and I love it. So, yeah, I'm here to serve and I'm here for anybody that needs any help in their body, their mind, their marriage, their fatherhood, like, and I'm damn good at it. All right. This is gonna be a good conversation, guys. See Kyle, Kyle is, is a man in a, in alignment with what we do here at the Fallible Man, and I'm loving what he's doing.

[00:12:19] I can't wait to have this conversation. So we've been getting to know Kyle A. Little bit. Guys, in the next part of the show, we're gonna dive into some common pains and struggles that are facing fathers today. We're enrolled, our sponsor, and we will be right back with more from Kyle. How well do you sleep at night?

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[00:13:12] Now let's go on to the show. All right, guys. Welcome back. In the first part of the show, we spent some time getting to know Kyle and just who he is and what he's really about. In this portion of the show, we're gonna dive into some common pains and struggles facing fathers today. Kyle, what are some of the challenges that fathers are facing in balancing their work and family responsibilities and, and h how can they cope with the pressures?

[00:13:37] Ooh, the pressure. The pressure that we put a negative connotation on the pressure that is actually your greatest gift and is like your ability to level up like your, your opportunity to become a leader in this world. Like this, your gift is this responsibility to step up and be a father and a provider.

[00:13:56] The guy that has to bring home the money to the family and provide the guy that has to step up and be a exemplary leader to your kids and your wife, meaning physically, you gotta be there emotionally. You gotta be there financially, you gotta be there. And then you have all through of that, you have to connect with each of your family members on a spiritual level individually.

[00:14:20] So it's a lot, but you're, you're created for it. You're made for it. And so what, what things the guys run into that cause problems reaching this level? One lack of discipline. The easy life. I mean, that's, That right there is the one thing that if you get that in check, that will be an avalanche of benefit coming to the rest of your life.

[00:14:55] And the discipline man is, is ultimately dependable. Like you can trust that guy. The problem is when you're not disciplined, although you're a, you can be a good man. Like I'm a, I'm a good guy. I got a good heart. But a guy with a good heart without discipline, it's not dependable. You can't trust him cuz he'll break, he'll fold like a launch here.

[00:15:18] He can't suffer it when things get hard. He hasn't trained himself to be able to be steady calm, to make good decisions. So what do most men do? They sedate. They turn to pleasures and ease and try to run from the pressure rather than facing it. The problem is when, when you guys turn to alcohol or food to make life easier, what you're doing is you're taking away the natural ability for your stress management to increase.

[00:15:58] And why? Why is that important? Because in order for you to rise, things are gonna get harder, not easier. So if you're looking for things to get easier, you'll never rise. You'll never become that leader and that person that you know you need to be, that you're pulled towards. So all these things that are getting in our way, they're holding us back.

[00:16:20] That pressure, that pain, that tight rope in your head, sometimes we feel like it's gonna snap the stress, the anxiety, even the depression. All this is building you. It's building you into the man you need to be, but you gotta let it happen. So a lot of times I'll tell guys, sit, sit in your suffering. Learn to sit in your suffering.

[00:16:39] We were just talking earlier , I teach my man to release themselves from these addictions, from these needs to run the substance, to scratch that dopamine edge. If you can get to the point where you don't need it anymore, none of it, you, you become a very powerful man. Complete control of your life and anything that you want, because everything that you want is on the other side of dedication to suffering, right?

[00:17:09] Like if you wanna grow muscle, you gotta work hard and go to a very painful place to make that muscle grow. If you wanna build a business late nights, early mornings, you wanna do that while being a good dad who, and then you're trying to connect with your wife. Keep that at a spiritual high spiritual level where you're like one, well, I mean, you gotta be doing date nights every Friday planned by you.

[00:17:34] You better be telling her you love her every day. Looking her in the eyes, having connecting moments. You better be sending her love notes, buying her, getting her flowers. Like, oh my God, how do I do that and run my business and keep my fitness together? It's overwhelming, right. Not for somebody that's disciplined who's built that muscle, not for somebody that's been sitting in their suffering, letting it work them.

[00:17:59] Right? Somebody that has a high stress management will make what, what will crush you? They'll make it look easy and you're like, how's that possible? It's cuz they sat in it, they let it happen. They didn't run from it, they didn't sedate. How do men move towards that point? And deal with the emotional struggles included in that.

[00:18:25] Right? Because as we move into a point of discipline, men are still learning to, A lot of men are really struggling with knowing how to manage their emotions anyway, right? Yeah. Men aren't a good as good. We have emotions, and I'm all for controlling your emotions, not letting your emotions control you. Men need a way to process them.

[00:18:49] And as they move, you know, in this time right as they're struggling with building discipline and how to handle all this, how do you keep the emotional impact in check in a healthy place? First thing is you have to have your tribe. Like if you're around people that don't have their emotions in check, then you're not gonna have your emotions in check.

[00:19:14] But you get around people that can show you how. How, how a man responds. Like a real man, not a little baby bitch. Like then, then you're gonna start acting like that. You get around disciplined men, you're gonna be disciplined, man, because you're, you're gonna look around and be like, oh, this is how we, we are, this is how we are.

[00:19:34] And it takes time, man. This isn't a switch, guys. Like when was the switch for you? It's a, it's a slow turnip of the heat over time. You know, and so guys get frustrated cuz like, I see I am a failure. It's like, no bro, this is the process. Like you're, you're gonna fail. I don't even like to use fail. I use the word slip.

[00:19:55] You're gonna slip all the time. All the time. I. That's cuz you're human guys, guys think they're the only ones. So that's the thing. You think you're the only one. So that's like, like, guys come and join our group. Or other groups of men, you know, like my group or, or wake up warrior or whatever, and they get in there and they go, oh, you're all fucked up.

[00:20:14] Like everyone is. And they don't feel so bad all of a sudden I'm like, oh, so what's, oh. So I don't have to be all shameful all the time. It's not just me. Now I can just work towards a, a goal of being better. Right, but when you're alone in the dark and you think you're the only one, cuz everyone on social media is smiling and happy and never talks about any of their bullshit, cuz no one's vulnerable out in the real world, of course not then.

[00:20:43] Then all you see is darkness and you have no hope. So that's number one. Number two, start small and work your way up. It's, it's like a muscle. You, you're not gonna throw four 15 on the squat rack like right away. Like that's gonna take years. So, like, I always tell guys like, one, wait, pick a wake up time.

[00:21:04] Make it early enough to where it sucks, but don't, don't go crazy cuz guys will be like, all right, I'm getting up at three in the morning. I'm gonna do three day workouts and I'm only going to eat protein shakes. You're like, great, that you will, you'll do that for 48 hours and then you'll just be like, ah, that's too hard.

[00:21:18] Fucking. You could have just set your alarm for six. This gave you enough time to go to the gym for 30 minutes before work, and then that was your workout for the day. And then you just got a sensible caloric deficit that still included, like foods that you like to eat. And then you're like, okay, I could do this.

[00:21:38] And then guess what? All of a sudden you're like, I can get up at five 30. Like I've been doing six for a while, and you're like, You know, I could probably eat a little healthier and maybe get rid of the Twizzlers and the ice cream, you know, and but hey man, like I have guys that get ripped eating Twizzlers and ice cream on their program.

[00:21:55] It's just everything is like fuel and numbers. It's, it's all counted and understood. Right. So, this is all just like, I tell every guy they, they have the answers inside them. You know, they just need some guidance. They need to be in a tribe that's gonna hold 'em accountable. But as you go now you're, you're stacking non-negotiables on top of the ones that you got dialed, and then you're turning up the dial slowly on the ones that you already have dialed.

[00:22:20] So, like, I mean, pretty soon, like if you wanted to, you can go as deep as you want. Like, you could be the guy that gets up at 4:00 AM no problem. You could be that guy, the guy right now listening that like sleeps until nine every day lives in his mom's basement. Like you, you could be that guy that gets up at 4:00 AM every day, is jacked as fuck and has a million dollars in his bank account in the next five years.

[00:22:47] Like, and you can do amazing things in. Two years, and you can actually have an incredible psychotic body transformation in anywhere from a hundred to 200 days, depending on where you're at now. Like psychotic mind blowing. And how do I know that? Because that's what I do. And I, I have the best transformations in the world, you know, but you, you deal with the body first.

[00:23:12] Then the mind, then the spirit, and it all just follows. And then guess what? You, it bleeds over into how much money you make bleeds over in your relationship with your wife, bleeds over into leadership with your kids if it bleeds over into your ability to build businesses and teams and lead people.

[00:23:26] Because when you show up like that, people will just follow you there. They just follow you. Like we're, we're in a society that loves instant gratification, right? That, that dopamine twitch, we want it now. We want it now. Yeah. And not everybody listening understands the timeframes he's saying right now, guys, that's as close to instant when it comes to real transformation as you're getting, yeah, a hundred days, 200 days to the body you've always wanted to have.

[00:23:56] Okay? I, I'm, I'm a certified trainer. That is as close as you're gonna get to instant. You're not, there is no 30 minute abs. This, this whole, you can, you can do this for three minutes a day, every day. And you're, yeah, that is marketing crap. No key hack, man. It, it's, consistency is, is the key to everything.

[00:24:18] And yeah, learning how to win your negotiations every day so that you follow through with your shit. Oh yeah, it's little. I I love the context of it's a slow boil, right? You're slowly turning up the heat. Yeah. We're all about incremental improvement here because that's, that's actually measurable sustainable growth.

[00:24:38] Yeah. Yeah. And I, I'm no different than anybody else. Like, I, like, I like win quick wins too. Like, I like that, like I, I'm, I'm wired that way, like naturally, like I've taken a lot of. Personality exams and stuff, and like, I'm like a, I'm at like, perfect for an addict, but, but you see, when you tie like power to your daily decisions mm-hmm.

[00:25:00] Like, like when you follow through and you realize that by you following through, like getting up when that alarm goes off by you getting up when that alarm goes off you're a fucking rare man. Like you are a rare man. Very few people actually do that. And so all of a sudden, boom, you get respect for yourself.

[00:25:19] So take that, that's a quick win, that's a quick dopamine hit. You actually get to enjoy that. And that's why I, I want guys to be like, no motherfuckers doing this right now. Like I'm unstoppable. Like walk around like you own your world cuz you do, especially when you start falling through now you now you have the right to walk different, to talk different, you know, to just be different to vibrate different.

[00:25:43] And and, and you. And as you stack those for weeks and months and years, you just look at yourself different, and then the world starts to look at you, the way you look at yourself different, and that's who you've now become. And so now you just, you look at yourself in the mirror and you're like, damn, you're such a fucking savage dude.

[00:26:02] Like, you're unstoppable. You can't help it. Those words come to your head because you've earned them, you know? So that's where I want to get my, my guys like, is to love themselves in the mirror so much that like, they're almost brought to tears at the respect and gratitude they have for this man, that they're looking back at 'em in the mirror.

[00:26:22] You know, once we get there, the money or the relationships, the body, like, it's all easy. How do you help men interact with this negative connotation about fatherhood? Right. I mean, if you look through the way we're portrayed in media and in the world, and just the pushback these days, right? The father's always a clown in the show.

[00:26:46] He, he's either fat, lazy, incompetent, stupid, are the clown. Right. Completely useless in the home. Yep. And this is what men are being bombarded with every single day, right? We hear this toxic masculinity, crap dispute at us. And men, men shouldn't be this way. Mention, how do you respond to fathers who are facing this every day and aren't at this point yet where they've built that confidence and built that level of respect for themselves?

[00:27:18] Yeah, it's just, it's time to stop being a, a little bitch and take what's yours? Like this, this masculinity idea, like, you know, a lot of like this, this, this idea that you're not supposed to be angry and aggressive, like, You are supposed to be angry and aggressive, but not towards other people, not towards your kid, not towards your wife, but towards the weakness in yourself and the weakness in others.

[00:27:47] Because what happens is we start patronizing ourselves. We start patronizing other people. We stop telling the truth, and then we start just letting people be and just accepting how everything is, rather than living by our own code and speaking our own truth. You know, like there are things that you believe that are important to you.

[00:28:08] Like speak those things, stand up for yourself, and then be the truth that you speak, be the truth that you speak. So all the advice you give to your kid, you have to be that or you're gonna be out of alignment. And when you are out of alignment, speak the truth that you are living. Right. So either be the truth or speak the truth that you're living.

[00:28:37] One of those things we're, we wanna get to the point where we're, we are the truth, we speak, but that's a process, right? And if we're not there yet, then we have to speak the truth that we're actually living, and then talk about where we're trying to go. But this disconnect of talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, and not living it, it's bullshit.

[00:28:58] And everybody sees through it and then we see through it and we look in the mirror, we're like, dad, you're such a fucking hypocrite. God damn it. Like your shit together, dude. And as, as this increases, like we're talking about little by little turning the heat up mm-hmm. Your expectations of yourself will increase massively.

[00:29:16] And so, and that's how you level leveling up. Cause you're actually listening to your conscience and taking action. You know? So it's a double-edged sword. I mean, it is. Because your health highly, more highly accountable as you listen and act, right? But your life becomes better, like you're filled with more love and gratitude.

[00:29:37] I tell guys like my, my sweet spot is when I'm angry and grateful at the same time. Like there's this spot where like, and it's not, I mean, Is angry the right word? I don't know. Like there's just things about this world that piss me off that I want to be better. I want to be better. I want the people around me to be better.

[00:29:56] I want to be better. I wanna make, I want to make more money. I wanna be more patient. I wanna be more loving. I want to connect more with my kids and my wife, like people like Kyle. But you're a great dad, man. I'm a two outta 10 man. Like I'm, I'm, I'm not even scratch the surface. And when you look at life like that, not comparing yourself to other people, but seeing what your actual potential is, man, that's exciting because you're like, you're not listening to other people being like, God, you're, you're so great.

[00:30:23] You're like, nah, I can do better. I can do better. And, and you see this mountain that you can climb, every man needs a battle to fight. Once, once you're not fighting, you're not at war with something. It's worth fighting for. Then you're d, you're dying inside. You know, this is why we were talking about Braveheart in the beginning.

[00:30:41] Like you have to have a cause that you're fighting for that is worthy and makes sense. And if you're just going to some like job you hate that doesn't do anything for you every day and, and then you come home and you sedate and you barely connect with your kids and your wife, and then you are wondering why your marriage sucks and why you're depressed all the time.

[00:31:03] It's like, why is that a surprise? You gotta change something. You gotta make some moves. You got one life, like you're just gonna keep rotting. I mean, make some drastic moves. Drastic. I'm thinking a lot of men have been fooled into believing. There's no mountains to climb anymore. No mission, right? We don't have, there's no Magellan's anymore, right?

[00:31:30] We don't have someone trying to circum navigate the globe for the first time, or no new Everest, no new, right? They think a lot of men have been feel pulled into believing that there is no big mission for them. Amen. Your mission, let me give you your mission, okay? You're surrounded by people that are struggling and suffering just like you.

[00:31:51] Somebody needs to step the fuck up. And when they do, they'll start to take away the excuses of those around them. And as you increase your discipline, others will watch you and they'll question their own lives. And when they question their own lives, they'll start to make different decisions because they're watching you make different decisions.

[00:32:09] You're showing them the way, you're taking away their excuses. So now you've become a leader of man just from becoming more disciplined. You don't even know it yet, you're becoming someone worth following. And you see remembering what's at stake and the pain that you're causing by being apathetic is your first step.

[00:32:28] Because your kids don't want an average fucking father. Neither does your wife. They don't want that. They want a king that they can follow. So if you love your family, you will give them the greatest gift of yourself to them, which means you have a lot of work to do, which means you have to be. A Renaissance man, like you have to be doing it all.

[00:32:54] What? Like your beautiful wife, like she wants the best man. She married the man she thought would become the best. And if you're not that you're letting her down. Your kids, they want, they wanna be proud of their dad. They wanna be proud to show their dad off. They'll be like, that's my fucking dad right there.

[00:33:16] Look. Yep. That's my dad. Where're everybody else's, like, Dan, can you drop me off at the corner? Man, I don't want anybody to see you. That sucks. Like I had a coach that told me like, I, I, I, I like missed my workouts for the week or something. He's like, that's cool Kyle. He's like, the world needs average men too.

[00:33:35] It's fine. You could fit that. Ow. You know, and then you, oh, you take a big B, big B big Pedro says, man, the average man inspires no one. And that is true. The vanilla average man, like, he's not gonna change anyone's life. You want to, you want to have something to fight for, become someone that is inspiring, and then watch, watch the people around you light on fire and, and then tell me that there is no more battles to fight.

[00:34:04] All right guys. We've been discussing some common pains that are facing fathers these days with Dad BOD and toxic masculinity, and just believing that the world has trained so drastically that we don't have missions necessarily. And the next part of the show, we're gonna dive into what Superhuman Fathers is all about, some of the concepts behind it, and how you can start to change your own story.

[00:34:27] Right now, today, after listening to this show, we're enrolled our sponsor and we will be right back with more from Kyle Carnahan. Now, before we go any further, I wanted to share with you guys, I don't always tell you how much I love doing my podcast, like I passionately love what I'm doing and one of the things that makes my life better as a podcaster is to work with a company like Grow Your Show.

[00:34:50] Grow your show is a one-stop podcast. Do it all. Now I use Grow Your Show for my marketing, but Grow Your Show is literally a one-stop shop. You can record your episode and just drop it off with them and they take it from there. It's amazing. If you are interested in picking up podcasting, it's a hobby, or maybe you're looking to expand your business and use podcasting in that aspect, talk to my friends over Grow Your Show.

[00:35:11] Adam will take care of you. I guarantee it. I trust him. He's my friend. He's my business. Colleague and I wouldn't trust anybody else with my show. Guys, welcome back. In the first part of the show, we discussed some or in the last part of the show, we discussed some common pains and struggles that men are facing these days and.

[00:35:30] Really some of the answers that you need to hear and that I need to hear right as we are on our journey as men. In this part of the show, we're gonna dig into what Superhuman Fathers is all about with Kyle's program some of the concepts behind it and at the core of it, and how you can start changing your own story today.

[00:35:47] Now, Kyle, tell us the story of Superhuman Fathers. How did, how did this come to be? I've, I've always had this compassion for helping people just naturally, like, you know, and you know, I'm not, like, there were times when I was younger when I, I, I didn't do it as much because I, I didn't have the value to provide.

[00:36:07] But w but when I did, you know, when I found myself in a position where I could teach and help, I was like, oh, here's one of those opportunities. Like, I'm good at this. You know? And so, I think naturally I just. Gravitated towards self-development, like really heavily because I found, like when I elevated myself and my understanding of life and experienced that I'd be able to help more people.

[00:36:32] And as that went on I'm a, a firefighter paramedic for the past 12 years and then a paramedic before that. But within the firehouse I started to see guys noticing, Hey man, this dude's like close to 40. And he's like, he's got the physique, the fitness, he's disciplined in his diet, you know, he's disciplined in his drinking, well, don't really drink, but discipline in that.

[00:36:57] And he's a good relationship with his wife and his kids and the family seems like things are going pretty damn well. His kids are all skateboarding and. Like they're all, all the kids are healthy and ripped, you know? And so they started asking me questions about life, like how did I get to be 40 and kind of keep it all together.

[00:37:17] And I thought, this is cool. This is cool. I get to really start to give out some advice and guidance. And I started to see people's lives shift with just some very simple guidance and some accountability that was making drastic changes, like saving marriages. Helping people lose over a hundred pounds, like completely changing people's habits.

[00:37:41] And then it just started to, the demand for my help started to grow over time to where. It grew out of the firehouse and turned into a business. Cuz at some point I was like, well, I can't, I can't help everybody. Like we gotta slow this down somehow, you know? And so, but my desire to help, everybody's still there.

[00:38:01] So I created the brotherhood, the coaching brotherhood, and then I'm still like fully accessible to the world like, Anybody wants to ask me questions or like hit me up like I'm available. I like, I don't get me wrong, I love making money because the more money I make, guess what? The more valuable I am to the people.

[00:38:21] It's huge. Like the more power you have, like you view, the more funds that you have access to, the more power your message is gonna have. And you as a person, they're just more undeniable cuz you gotta have it all. You gotta have the money, you gotta have the body, you gotta have the relationships. You have to have the spiritual connection, all of it.

[00:38:42] And guess where it all starts? Starts with your nutrition, with your workouts. And how do you do that when you're trying to do everything else? You freaking wake up times. You have to be disciplined in those three things. Wake up at the same time every day when the alarm goes off, go to the gym, watch what you eat, have a plan, and then the overall focus for the day.

[00:39:07] Ready, control your emotional reactions, which is a skill. It's a skill to be sitting outside yourself, watching yourself, and then making the calls from outside from an outside perspective. Right. So what is the core of your partner? Are those the cores of your program then? Is that what you focus on or, well, like the, the application of the process is Is ma, it's magic.

[00:39:37] I actually don't know how we do it. I really don't. But like, and, and this is kind of the amazing part of it is like, come with me and this will happen. And people are like, well, that's pretty vague. And I'm like, well, do you want to see the hundreds of men that can tell you exactly what they went through?

[00:39:58] Like you don't, you don't have to doubt. Like I prove, I have so much proof that like, You don't even have to doubt yourself. You don't have to doubt the program. Like people like, well, what do I get with this? I'm like, what do you want a fucking T-shirt? Like you get to live that life. They're like, oh, I guess, okay.

[00:40:18] But you know, there are some things that we do, like we have an app where we build all your workouts, you report each workout every day. Your nutrition is reported every single day. We teach you how to think like us when it comes to food so that you're in control for the rest of your life. This is a big problem with guys who, who, who start a workout program or something.

[00:40:35] They're like, all right, this is a 30 day program and I'm really gonna hunker down. And then they get to day 31. They're like, I did it. Yeah, let's just eat everything. And just. Like completely ruin everything that we already did. It's like, what's the point of that? Man? I don't work with people unless they commit to life, not with me, but this new life.

[00:40:52] Like I need to hear from them right away. And I would dedicate, I would ask everyone listening to this, stop being a fucking pussy and just say, I'm gonna change my life and I'm gonna start it today. And I'm never gonna go back. Never gonna go back. Like make the change forever. Cuz if you did it one day, you can do it another day.

[00:41:11] So stop trying to think like, this isn't sustainable. It's not sustainable. It's not sustainable. I will punch you in your fucking face. Like when people tell me it's not sustainable, I'm like, 10 years, huh? You don't, you don't believe yet. Like, bro, you can always do another s another rep. You can always do another rep.

[00:41:29] There's always one more in the tank, but you choose that the pain is too much. What if you could raise that threshold of pain to like a psychotic level in human level? To where what would most crush most people is nothing to you. That's what we do in Superhuman Fathers. And that's, how does that happen?

[00:41:49] Cuz you're around other guys doing it and we'll ha, we'll expect that of you. You'll rise to your expectations. How do you help them build that mindset? Is it just the community or? It's mostly the community, but it's also this philosophical understanding. Of pulling power into your life through your discipline.

[00:42:13] Discipline is the currency of respect or the, yeah, like so meaning like if you wanna respect yourself or you get respect from other people, you must be disciplined. It's the only way. There's no other way. Like you can make a bunch of money, you're not gonna get respect. You're gonna get people that want something from you.

[00:42:35] Right? You get a bunch of people hanging out telling you what you want to hear cause they want some of your money. It's not respect, so that's fake. So you're still gonna be miserable, right? And I mean, you, you can use discipline in your work, but you have no discipline in your, in your family or your body.

[00:42:49] And it can be built through like, selfish means. That's not real discipline. You know, like the having, doing things for the right intent, like having the heart. For why you do things. So if your why for why you're building this body, you're building this business is to do what we said earlier, to impact, take away other men's excuses, to be a leader in the home and to connect with your wife on a high spiritual level.

[00:43:19] Like that's beautiful. You're gonna be very successful, you're gonna have an amazing life. And then from that, it's gonna come increase in wealth. And you're, you're gonna have the discipline in your body. It's, it's just your family's gonna be happy. It's, it's just going to happen. Here's the crazy thing.

[00:43:37] This is all simple stuff, like, you gotta work out, you gotta eat right. People are, yeah, yeah, I'm totally gonna do that. And then you don't because you're not surrounded by others that expected of you and that you're accountable to. So people trip when they like, Pay for an accountability coach, but who's the successful ones that actually do it?

[00:43:57] The ones that pay for an accountability coach. Like, go find someone who's super high level that ha, that's making a shit ton of money, who's ripped as fuck and has an epic family who doesn't, who hasn't spent a shit ton of money on coaching, don't exist. They don't exist. Let, let's just put that myth to bed that you can do it yourself.

[00:44:16] You can't, you can't. No one does. Everyone has help. Paint yourself in a corner of accountability from which there is no escape, and you'll be very successful and you'll be live a very happy life as we're focused on talking to dads today. Right? What is. The ramifications as a father, right? As they go through Super hum.

[00:44:43] Human fathers as you've helped them grow and develop, right? Because we're talking about putting into yourself a lot. Some people will call it self-care. Some people will say putting the mask on yourself first, right? You gotta take care of you before you can give into other people. Yeah. So in your experience with the men in your program, right, what is the impact?

[00:45:05] On their relationship with their kids as they start to become the man they wanna be presence and fire. So you start to actually see them start to, you start to connect because cuz you learn how to suffer. And there's no question after a long day of work, last thing you wanna do is get on the floor and play puzzles with your freaking four year old or read 'em a book.

[00:45:26] It's the last thing you wanna do. And you're not a bad person, bro. I don't wanna do that shit either. Most of the time I don't want to go throw the ball. Like, I don't want to. It's okay. You don't have to want to. You just have to do it. You gotta do it with a smile. You gotta do it with fire. You bring the fire to your family.

[00:45:47] What do I mean? Bring this in, this love and intensity and energy like that. You're happy and excited to be there with them, even if you're not. Nobody cares how you feel. Stop. Stop worrying about it. Guess what that is? It's just chemicals in your head. It's chemicals in your head that have accumulated because you had a stressful day, you had a stressful life.

[00:46:10] But what, what if at the end of the day when you, when you, you're stressed, you changed your habits, you walked in and you saw how the house was dirty, and you were like, I'm gonna take care of this for my wife. You start doing the dishes, take the trash out, and you're like, instead of being like this bitch, she doesn't do anything.

[00:46:25] I work all day. God damn, these kids, they're so loud and annoying, I can't do this anymore. Your self talk sucks, man. But I'll tell you what, if you didn't get up and go to the gym, you didn't eat right all day. Good luck. Good luck having the power to have any sort of positivity in that moment. But if you've been crushing it all day, just collecting wins, you walk in the house, you're like, it's time to continue to win.

[00:46:49] It's the hardest time of the day now, where the now we really collect the wins. Take care of the house. Go hug and kiss your wife posi positively. Ask her how her day was. Actually pretend to give a shit if you don't. It's okay. It's okay. Sometimes my wife talks, I don't care what she's saying, but I'm gonna pretend that I do.

[00:47:06] Cause that's my wife and she needs my love. And then I'm gonna hang out with my kids and I'm gonna give them an epic dad. And sometimes at the end of the night when it's all done, I'm like, wow, that was that was really hard and I'm fucking unstoppable. Not like you guys. You go, I don't know if I could do this.

[00:47:25] I don't know if this is sustainable. Well, that's why it's not because you keep asking that question. Just stop asking and just do the impossible. Every day. It's just a choice. Kyle, what's the first three steps? So our listeners are feeling empowered. They're feeling like, oh, I need to get my life together.

[00:47:45] What are the first three steps they can take out of today? Go to my Instagram fill out the application and join Superhuman Fathers. That's number one. Step one, get yourself a tribe that is actually doing it, that has results. So if that ain't me, I don't know who else you're gonna find that's gonna have the results that I do, but good luck.

[00:48:05] So that's number one. Get yourself a tribe and get yourself held accountable. Yeah. Okay. And there's really only one step. Only one step. That's it. That's it. Find a tribe that'll hold you accountable. And here's, you know, I can take that one step further. Okay. Your, your first non-negotiables are gonna be wake up times nutrition and fitness.

[00:48:25] Those are your first non-negotiables, your first three, because if you ain't doing those, you've got nothing to base the rest of them off of. Like, you have to get those, those are number one. So if you're doing anything else other than that, you're on a really weak foundation. All right, what's next for Kyle Carnahan?

[00:48:47] Oh, me. Oh yeah. More of the same. More of the same. At a higher level. Bigger, faster. Better. Just, just finding more. I'm right in the middle of the gathering and I mean, I am on full hunt for you out there. Like, just know if you call me, you will join us, cuz I will make you. So don't call me unless you're ready to commit.

[00:49:15] Because I see your pain and I will not let you stay in that pain. I won't. All right. Where can people find you? What's the best place to go? Yeah, Instagram, Instagram's the best spot. And then you can hit my link there to fill out an application or you can just DM me. Or or you can just text me and I'll like I'll give you my phone number right now.

[00:49:38] It's right here. My phone number is (760) 277-7219. That's my phone number, my personal cell phone number. There you go. And you're out of, you're out of qui now, now you got his direct line. Yeah. And here's the deal, like. If you're, A lot of guys aren't in a position to pay. They're just like, man, that's a lot cuz we're, we are not cheap.

[00:50:05] So don't think you're gonna call and like get some ebook $97 price for these miracles that I perform. That's not how this works, but I got you. I think she said she didn't catch the whole number. 7 6 0 2 7. 7, 2, 1 9. But I got you. Like I was talking to a guy this morning and he's telling me like, oh, I got a construction business and a solar business.

[00:50:31] I was like, cool man, this'll be easy. And and I told him the, his price based on what he needed and what he wanted, and he's like, oh man, I, I'm nowhere near that. I was like, okay, well you, you're a businessman though, and you're 40 years old, so, How the hell do you not have that money? That's, we have a bigger problem now.

[00:50:52] Right. So we had a complete, we had a coaching call back and forth about how he was going to step the fuck up and start leading his family and making the money that they need. And I guarantee this guy will quadruple, if not five times his income in the next three months. And then he'll have no problem joining and I will be, I'll be there for him every step of the way.

[00:51:17] Because he's just, he has the skills. He just, he's just not hitting the doors. Right. He's just not doing the work. He's, he has self-doubt and he's just lost his fire. So he's gonna come to the source, I'm gonna give him the fire, he's gonna crush it, then he's gonna join us, and then he'll, then we'll get his body right.

[00:51:35] Then we'll get his marriage right, and then I get to be a part of that. So that's awesome. Kyle, what is the big takeaway you want everybody here today? Change your mindset in, in the way you look at who you want to be and what it's gonna take. So don't be afraid of work anymore, guys. Like, don't be afraid of the work and the sacrifice.

[00:52:02] And if you're asking the question, is it worth it? I don't know. I, I wanna enjoy my life, it is worth it because it's not about you, it's about what you're giving to your wife, your kids, and to the world. And it, and do you just want pleasure and rest in life, or do you actually want to feel like you're having impact?

[00:52:22] And do you want to die knowing that you lived a life like. Fucking Braveheart man. Like not just a worthless blob on the couch that barely made it through. All right, if anyone actually cares, the answer was D. It's the C cab. Ooh. It's also known as a laughing jackass. If you ever heard the bird, it's a fitting name, but I think that is like the least important thing that actually ever came out of this show today, guys.

[00:52:52] You're out of excuses. Kyle's, we've got the number posted on the screen earlier. If you're watching on the video, if you're listening to it, he said it twice. I'll have all his connection links down below the video or the show description. Whatever you're on, guys, you're out of excuses. He's, he'll meet you at the door, dude.

[00:53:10] Yeah, you can get there. You can live the life you want to as a man. You can step up and become the superhuman father you want to be. Kyle, thanks for hanging out and being on the show today. Thanks for sharing with us and connecting with my audience Guys, as always, be better tomorrow because of what you do today and we'll see you on the next one.

[00:53:28] This has been the Fallible Man Podcast. Your home for everything, man, husband, and father. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a show. Head over to www.thefallibleman.com for more content and get your own fallible man here waiting.

Kyle Carnohan Profile Photo

Kyle Carnohan

Founder of Super Human Fathers


Kyle Carnohan is the founder of Super Human Fathers, a community and program for men who desire to transform their bodies and their lives in all areas of fatherhood. As a father of 5 and a husband of 20 years, and a fire fighter/ paramedic, Kyle has been through the waves of stress, struggle, and disappointment in his relationships with his kids and family. However, after making several key decisions in his life to be honest with himself about his actions, he started to see incredible change. Now, his passion in life is helping other men do the same.

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