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Hollywood Screwed Men

Hollywood Screwed Men

Welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast, your home for all things Man, Husband and Father. We provide content to help men become the men they want to be. My name is Brent and I Am the Fallible Man!
I am imperfect, don’t have all the answers and am just on a ...

Welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast, your home for all things Man, Husband and Father. We provide content to help men become the men they want to be. My name is Brent and I Am the Fallible Man!

I am imperfect, don’t have all the answers and am just on a journey to be better every day, maybe you are too.

On today’s Show: We are going to talk about how Hollywood exaggerated troupes have impacted masculinity over the years. We will examine misconceptions fueled by money and how they impact young men. Stick around to the end and we will talk about the most damaging media for men.

Intro thoughts: We all have an image in our head of who we want to be as we grow up and become healthy adults. Unfortunately the basis of these dreams frequently come from shady sources that give a false sense of what that life truly is. Theater works largely based on exaggeration, you strive to over amplify everything to make it more interesting and fantastic. Unfortunately they exaggerate some of the best, but a lot of the worst aspects of the characters and roles. The reality is they know you are not likely to dish out your hard earned cash for reality; even “reality” shows have little to nothing to do with reality.

Body talking Points:

  1. The 12 archetypes and examples
  2. If you take all of these examples and take their personalities and put them on x100 you get what you see on screen. – This creates a variation of personality dysphoria 
  3. Living as a Fairy tale. – All of these crazy exaggerated characters that Hollywood throws up creates a fairy tale much like women’s magazines having a impact on you women’s idea of reality
  4. Find mentors and heroes in the real world.

Final thoughts: If you stayed around this long then we are going to talk about the most damaging thing to men and young men.  That is porn. If Hollywood can skew our image of what men are and should be then how much more for something that is designed to feed our dopamine response.


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