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Tony Schmaltz

Tony Schmaltz Profile Photo

Speaker, Author, Personal and Business Coach, Trainer, Husband, Father, Fisherman, Schmaltzy Guy

Tony has a passion for helping people upgrade their lives in any area possible. Specializing in mindset, wealth creation, manifesting, relationships and happiness, he will help you live the life of your dreams. Tony has shared live or virtual stages with Les Brown, Tom Ziglar, Steve Chandler, Waldo Waldman, Tana Goertz, Kevin Sorbo and so many more.

Tony has spent most of his life in some sort of personal development. However, he hit it really hard in the last 5 years, spending over $250,000 to learn, grow and succeed.

His “No Nonsense”, humorous style of teaching and coaching gets people off their asses to take necessary action, such as in;

Personal Responsibility and Choice
Stop Being a People Pleaser
Positive Habits, Disciplines and Persistence
Time Management and Focus
Finding True Success and Happiness

Tony began leading people to success more than 20 years ago and in that time, he learned from many leaders, mentors and coaches. He has helped many, many people find their successful careers, businesses and lives through his time as a leader. He has helped people find these successes through a specific style of calmly and politely…telling how it is.

Tony is a husband, father, author, speaker, trainer, coach, fisherman and all around Schmaltzy guy. He puts his family first and has for the more than 21 years that he and his wife Anika have been together.

Although the family is a happy family now, it has not always been all peaches and cream. His family has been through a lot together, overcoming adversity at every turn. They have lost it all on more than one occasion, only to bounce back each time stronger than ever. They have stuck together through love and support through all of the good times and bad.

When he is not serving people through his speaking, coaching or training, you can find him and Markus at the Archery Range practicing or fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. Spending time with his loved ones is a top priority of his.

His friends and colleagues know him as "Schmaltzy", a nickname that he first attained on a trip to Germany at 17 years old. The German definition of the word schmaltzy means "To be overly sappy or cheesy", like a joke is cheesy. Even though Tony takes his coaching and speaking seriously, he does bring a level of humor that makes his Schmaltzy nickname very fitting for him.

If you want someone real that is going to give it to you straight and help you become the best version of you...then here you have him.

Podcast and TV/Radio hosts love to have Tony on their shows since he brings a very high level of energy. He holds great conversations, tells great stories and applies just the right amount of humor, keeping it lighthearted, fun and engaging. Check out the full profile for all of the details about his knowledge/experience.

I encourage anyone who is interested to simply Google Tony Schmaltz and watch a video or two that pops up. You will see what kind of energy, vision, humor and value that is brought to each and every show.

Sept. 24, 2024

Banishing Try from Your Vocabulary for Ultimate Success

Are you standing in your own way? In this eye-opening conversation, I sit down with Tony Schmaltz, a motivational speaker and coach who challenges us to rethink our approach to personal growth and success.
Guest: Tony Schmaltz