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Luke Entrup

Luke Entrup Profile Photo

Founder of The Father-Son Connection Experience

Luke left the world of childhood acting in his late teens and realized in doing so, he also lost his sense of purpose in the world. He soon dropped out of college and found himself floating in an abyss of uncertainty. What comes next? It wasn’t until he experienced a ceremonial moment at a men’s retreat in his early 20s that he understood the power of sacred masculinity, deep men’s work, and the importance of a life dedicated to being a “good man” in this lifetime. Today, he pours his heart and soul into helping the world raise good men through his Father-Son Connection Experience, a rites of passage retreat for boys and their fathers that is a proven solution to a universal need. If you are ready to bring a sense of emotional awareness, connection to the natural world, and help boys grow into men of integrity and purpose so they may be leaders who are connected to their powerful hearts, Luke is here for a life-altering conversation to support you and your audience.