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Kelly DuPee

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I'm a pastor, police chaplain, author and marriage coach. Married 36 years with 2 kids and 3 grandkids. In my marriage coaching, I focus on helping couples solve their problems by learning and using skills. Often I find it is the husband who has the most work to do. I think this is because we as men are not as equipped to have good relationships, let alone a healthy marriage. As I teach men how to be a husband, they really are able to have and sustain a great connection with their wives which leads to a great marriage and family.

Aug. 14, 2024

Mastering Marriage The Five Essential Skills Every Man Needs

Is your marriage valuable enough to to put 75 minutes into it? Get ready to pop the hood and dive into the heart of what makes marriages thrive. In this raw and unfiltered dialogue, I sit down with Kelly Dupee, a seasoned ma…
Guest: Kelly DuPee