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Dr. Mort Orman

Dr. Mort Orman Profile Photo

Leading Anger Elimination Expert

Dr. Mort Orman, M.D. is an internal medicine physician and a 40-year anger elimination and stress elimination expert. He has written 23 books on how to eliminate anger and stress without using drugs, relaxation exercises or other traditional management techniques. He is the creator of the 10-session Angry No More anger elimination program and The Ultimate Stress Relief System and training program. Dr. Orman has led more than 100 anger and stress elimination workshops for doctors, nurses, lawyers, business owners, entrepreneurs, other professionals, the clergy, and even the F.B.I. He has also been the official sponsor of National Stress Awareness Month in the U.S. every April since 1992. His newest book “Dr. Orman’s Life-Changing Anger Cure” is scheduled for release in March 2024.

June 5, 2024

The Three Filters Fueling Your Fury: A Transformative Approach

We've all experienced that simmering frustration, that white-hot surge of rage that seems to hijack our thoughts and actions. Anger is a powerful force, one that can strain relationships, compromise our judgment, and even je…