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Dr. Jack Wolfson

Dr. Jack Wolfson Profile Photo

Holistic Cardiologist/Loving Husband/Father

Dr. Jack Wolfson is a board-certified cardiologist,
best-selling author, husband and father, and the
Nation’s #1 Natural Heart Doctor. For over two
decades, more than a million people have
experienced the transformational power of his care
and strategies on Natural Heart Health originating
from his Scottsdale, AZ practice. He is named one of
America’s Top Functional Medicine Doctors and is a
five-time winner of the Natural Choice Awards as a
holistic M.D. His book, The Paleo Cardiologist: The
Natural Way to Heart Health, is an Amazon #1 best

June 12, 2024

Heartbeats and Conspiracies: The Uncensored Tales of a Cardiologist Revealed

Brace yourself for a paradigm-shattering dialogue that will obliterate everything you thought you knew about health and well-being. In this unfiltered conversation, the legendary "Paleocardiologist" Dr. Jack Wolfson unleashe…