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David Pasqualone

David Pasqualone Profile Photo

Teaches People to be Transparent, Steadfast, Confident, and Durable despite circumstances or "the odds".

Raised by a single mother in the late 1970’s after being abandoned by his father at birth, David lived in a dilapidated house with 6’ high ceilings that leaked when it rained for the first 20 years of his life. Scarred from watching his grandmother suffer while slowly and painfully dying from cancer, living in fear for his life at times due to insane family members threatening him (that were already convicted of murdering his great aunt), and the recipient of multiple other constant childhood traumas, David Pasqualone started life confused, scared, and feeling alone.

He was regularly told by those around him that he was lazy, undisciplined, and useless. Constantly ill as a child and teenager, doctors labeled him as a hypochondriac as he got sicker and sicker over the years. Sent to psychologists instead of diagnostic testing, he was told he was a waste of life constantly by many of those around him. Despite this, David stayed respectful to his elders, but never accepted the lies he was being told about himself.

Once he turned 18, he demanded medical tests and two weeks before his high school graduation, they revealed he had a tumor in his head the size of an orange that was slowly killing him. After two major surgeries, intense radiation therapy, and months stuck at home, David was dying at 19 years old. Even though doctors gave him little hope of survival, David chose to try a holistic approach to healing over more surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy. He not only survived, but thrived physically.

The story continues with this young man, who thought he was intellectually a step above Forrest Gump and a functional idiot, finishing college, getting married, thriving in business, and raising a beautiful family. Only to get critically ill again and suffer for 5 years in intense pain after a simple dental visit goes horribly wrong.

Told by multiple physicians to get his affairs in order and prepare for death, David refused to accept this path. Becoming his own medical advisor, David did basically everything opposite of what the doctors told him. He did his best in life each day to heal, but learned to trust God for the results. This phase of his journey brought him into wellness and strength. He got off all of the antidepressants and painkillers the doctors tried to medicate his symptoms with, and once again began to thrive physically.

In 2014 his personal life took a drastic turn when his wife of 14 years derailed and their marriage turned into a long, terrible episode of the Jerry Springer show mixed with the Twilight Zone and the Good Son movie. It was a real-life nightmare.

Fighting to save his marriage, protect his children, and not die from the stress, David spent 6 hard years trying to “fix things” before he learned to accept the reality of what he was facing, make the tough decisions, and move on with life. So he and his children could not only heal from the trauma and PTSD of the hand they were dealt, but fully heal, thrive, and live with joy once again.

David’s life has been full of intense challenges in every area: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, familial, relational, social, and financial. Through this all he has learned that despite our circumstances and personal perspective, God is there for us, loves us, has a bigger plan than we can imagine. And most importantly, if we don’t quit and stay steadfast on our course, we’ll always win and benefit from even the most hideous experiences and hardships.

So while David Pasqualone may have started out life confused, scared, and feeling alone, he now lives life with a passionate purpose, complete confidence, and is surrounded by those he loves. Each day David’s mission is to help people know God, be encouraged into action, find their purpose, live it passionately, and fulfill it steadfastly until their race is over. And with God, nothing is impossible; we cannot fail!

July 24, 2024

Forging Ahead: Men Speak, Fallible Man Listens

Brace yourself for a perspective shift that will obliterate everything you thought you knew about what it means to be a man in the modern world.