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Bryce Kenny

Bryce Kenny Profile Photo

Professional Monster Jam Driver

Bryce Kenny is a professional Monster Jam driver as the Great Clips Mohawk Warrior. Since his 2016 debut, Bryce has earned multiple awards including the 2021 Outreach Award for his work helping those in need and making positive contributions to the community. He also set a Guinness World Record in 2021 for the fastest speed in a monster truck and was the first driver to hit triple mile per hour digits in the sport.
In recent years, Bryce has become an inspirational speaker and travels the country speaking to audiences of all ages about finding the courage to chase your dreams and overcome fear. His newest book, Geared for Life (Dexterity, 2023), guides readers to become unstuck in life and shift into the next gear to make a lasting impact on the world. Bryce also participates in national conferences and corporate events through his sponsorship with the international hair salon chain, Great Clips.

Nov. 8, 2023

Unleashing the Power Within: How Bryce Kenny Found his Passion in Monster Jam - Bryce Kenny

Does this sound familiar? Have you been told that the key to finding purpose and pursuing your passions is simply following a set path or conforming to societal expectations? But deep down, you know that this approach is ine…
Guest: Bryce Kenny