In a world where obesity often dictates the course of one's life, Alan Thomas's story is a beacon of hope and resilience. Just when you think you know the typical weight loss journey, Alan's tale takes an unexpected turn that will leave you on the ed...

In a world where obesity often dictates the course of one's life, Alan Thomas's story is a beacon of hope and resilience. Just when you think you know the typical weight loss journey, Alan's tale takes an unexpected turn that will leave you on the edge of your seat. It's a story of determination, of fighting against the odds, and ultimately, of triumph. But what was the unexpected twist that changed everything for Alan? Stay tuned, because this extraordinary journey is about to unfold before your eyes.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover the power of body positivity and how it can revolutionize your weight loss journey.
  • Explore the surprising ways that obesity can impact your relationships and learn strategies to overcome these challenges.
  • Unlock the mindset and discipline needed to achieve long-term weight loss success and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Learn sustainable dietary changes that can help you shed pounds and keep them off for good.
  • Take control of your personal health by understanding the importance of self-responsibility in your weight loss journey.

My special guest is Alan Thomas

Alan Thomas is a weight loss expert and a passionate advocate for taking control of your health. With personal experience as a formerly morbidly obese individual, Alan understands the struggles and challenges that come with weight loss. Through his own journey, he discovered the power of embracing personal responsibility and making informed choices for lasting success. Alan believes that while body positivity is important, it shouldn't overshadow the importance of prioritizing our health. With a laid-back and friendly approach, Alan helps individuals navigate their weight loss journey by empowering them to make choices that align with their unique needs and goals. Tune in to this episode of The Fallible Man Podcast to gain insights and inspiration from Alan's expertise.

"I tell people all the time what we do at Rethink dieting is it's not a diet, it's a decision." - Alan Thomas

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Introduction          
00:01:48 - Trivia Question          
00:04:31 - Getting to Know Alan          
00:05:58 - Favorite Ice Cream Flavor          
00:06:46 - Hidden Talent and Instant Mastery          
00:07:33 - Impactful Purchase        
00:16:06 - Embracing Body Positivity and Weight Loss          
00:18:20 - Closing the Gap in Weight Loss          
00:21:20 - The Impact of Obesity on Health          
00:22:46 - Personal Experience and Self-Worth          
00:29:05 - The Impact on Families          
00:30:00 - Obesity in Popular Culture          
00:31:00 - The Power of Eating Less          
00:32:30 - Weight Loss and Business Success          
00:34:30 - The Unexpected Benefits          
00:42:03 - The Importance of Eating Healthy          
00:42:20 - Personal Success Story          
00:43:10 - The Desire for a Magic Pill Solution          
00:43:38 - The Negative Impact of Ignoring Weight Management          
00:44:39 - The Uncertainty of Life and Health          
00:55:13 - The Importance of Exercise and Changing Eating Habits          
00:56:07 - The Set Point and Living a Healthy Lifestyle          
00:57:26 - The Importance of Changing Thinking          
00:57:52 - The Pitfalls of Dieting          
01:01:26 - Sleep and Surrounding Influences          
01:08:55 - A Traumatic Experience          
01:09:35 - Three Steps to Change          
01:11:53 - Saving Lives          
01:13:17 - Alan Thomas' Mission          
01:14:25 - Where to Find Alan Thomas          

Guest Links: 



[00:00:00] Action. They've got to take action now that because you don't know when you don't know when you won't have a chance to take action. That's it. Take action. Massive.

Here's the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential, growing to the men we dream of being, while taking care of our responsibilities, working, being good husbands, fathers, and still take care of ourselves? Well, that's the big question. In this podcast? We'll help you answer those questions and more.

My name is Brent and welcome to the Falvo Man podcast.

Welcome to the fellow man podcast, your home for all things, man, husband and father, a big shout out to fallible nation. You guys make this possible and a warm welcome to our first time listeners. Hey, thanks for checking us out. I hope you enjoy the show. My name is Brent today. My guest is weight loss coach, [00:01:00] Alan Thomas, Alan.

Welcome to the fallible man podcast. Hey, thanks for having me here, Brent. Great to be here. Alan. We're going to have some great conversations today. I'm excited about you being here. We're going to talk about the taboo subject. Weight loss. Everybody's so uncomfortable, but I think it's going to be a great conversation, but we like start a little easier.

So how was your trivia? How is my trivia? Uh, I'm, I don't usually do well in jeopardy, but I'll, I'll, I'll try it. I'll give it a try. No pressure, no pressure. I was just like a batting average. I think right now it was like one and 10. I'm getting it right. I just look for right on the internet.

Go for it. Let's see if I can get it. Okay. What type of food holds the world record for being the most stolen? Food around the globe is one way. Good beef, two cheese, three [00:02:00] coffee are for chocolate. I'm guessing chocolate because Wagyu beef Wagyu beef's too rare to find. And, uh, if you ever look for Wagyu beef, so what's the answer?

You got me, got me. I was, it was. My second would be cheese. So I'll give a backup answer. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate is definitely the answer for me. You're going to have to wait guys. You know, the rules don't cheat, write down your answer, write down your answer, just remember your answer. And we'll get back to that later in the show.

Now, Alan, I don't do giant introductions that, that doesn't really help people. Everybody's got accolades that it doesn't mean a lot to some people. So today in this moment. Who is Alan Thomas in your own words? Oh, wow. Great question. So I'm first, uh, husband to a wife of, uh, going on 38 years. We've been married 37 years.

Uh, my wife, Angie, and she's my [00:03:00] business partner, my life partner, my, and mother of, of. Our four Children are four Children. I say it like they're when people hear the word Children, they think of little little guys. But our baby is a senior at the University of Florida. That's our only daughter. Um, our oldest son is a is just moving to Huntington Beach, California.

He's an attorney that went back. to school and our next oldest son that runs a high end restaurant and our, our third, uh, third son is in training to work with us in our, in our business. And, uh, and so we've got four kids. We, um, the one that gets top shelf is our dog tank. So he's a, uh, he's a, uh, long haired dachshund who was a Rottweiler wannabe.

So that's where we live. We live on Amelia Island, Florida. That picture behind me is a picture of a scale, and we'll get some of that in a little bit, but But we, uh, you know, from a, from a life [00:04:00] standpoint, uh, work and all that we do, uh, we, we rescue men and women out of obesity by helping them lose the weight that really holds them back from living the extraordinary life that they were born to live.

And, uh, and so from, that's the, that's the elevator version, but you asked, and I kind of went down and went down the list of. The earthly, uh, things that I'm part of. So it's, it's not a simple question. I know. It's a great question. I love it. I love it. I laugh because I do this all the time with my guests.

I was in a guest situation on another podcast and they hit me with the same question. I was like, Oh, so that's what it feels like to be on this side of that question. That's fantastic. No, it's correct. Fair enough. Very, yeah. Alan, what's your favorite. Flavor of ice cream. Favorite flavor. I got a lot of them, man.

Uh, just that that that's tough when it's, [00:05:00] but it, but it's gotta be, uh, chocolate mousse tracks. Yeah. Okay, that's probably going to be the winner if I had to pick one, but I like them all. My dad was just a, um, side note, uh, God rest his soul. He was 40 years with the company by the name of Siltest who, uh, used to manufacture Breyer's ice cream when Breyer's ice cream was Breyer's ice cream.

So, so I have, um, I have it in my, I have a little bit of that running through my blood. Do you guys have a brand called Pacwa where you live? We don't. We don't. I, I, so they're, I think they're more of this side of the country, but they just found a new flavor. Well, I just found a new flavor with them and it's old fashioned, classic lemon bar.

Okay. And it's actually got chunks of the, you know, bottom cookie part of the loom bar and everything in it. There you go. Oh my goodness. Like instant heart. Like I took one bite and they did it [00:06:00] so well. I instantly jumped back to going to this little bakery with my grandmother when I took a bite of it.

Yeah. Now does, does Zambaqua make the, I mean, do they do the, like the half gallon single serving sizes like so many other manufacturers? No, not that I found, at least not that I found on my local store. They might. What, what, what's their biggest size they make? Uh, the only ones I've seen are just like the standard half gallons.

Well, that's, yeah, those are single serving sizes. Yeah.

Well, they're single serving for me. That's the, that's the, that, that's, uh, yeah. It's like the Doritos bags that say family on them. They're single serving. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's all a lie.

I'm going to hear you. What hidden talent do you have hidden talent? Golly. Well, the one that comes to mind is, is guitar that I don't use very [00:07:00] much, but a garage band, uh, and I don't know if we can call that a talent, but, but I was convinced I was going to be John Denver when I was, uh, when I was a kid. So God rest us all, but, uh, but yeah, that, that would be one very few people know about except my old garage band buddies.

If you could learn one and learn and master one skill instantly, what would it be and why? Speed reading. Speed reading. Speed reading. Yeah, just to gather more knowledge faster. What purchase of 100 or less have you made in the last year that's had the most impact on your life? 100 or less. Man, that's tough because everything's like with inflation, it's like 500 and more now.

I mean, it's, uh, I gotta. Boy, that's, that's the hardest 100 or less that has had the greatest impact on my life.[00:08:00]

Probably the, um, the electronic, and it was actually a gift of 100 less. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna count it as a purchase, but it was a, but it's an electronic lighter that uses, if you've seen them, they, it's a high frequency pitch, uh, sound pitch, but you use it to light a grill. And, uh, to light a smoker and it's, I can't call what the actual product name is, but it, but you push a button, it has a, has electrical current running through it, which is the coolest thing in the world.

And the wind, and we live on an Island, so we have a lot of, uh, a lot of wind. So when I'm lighting my smokers, nice not to have that blown out, I can't believe that's what I can. I can't believe that's what I came up with, but a hundred dollars, man, you got me on the hundred bucks. Gosh, that's a hard one.

Actually. Hang on. Let me. I'll just, I'll stick with that for a minute, but yeah, you'll have me searching my brain for that one. You're, you're not the only one people. It seems like a hundred dollars is a weird cap for people. [00:09:00] There's no wrong answer. You know, I, I have a lot of people who say it's a certain book they read, right?

Cause that's where my mind went after I said, most of those were still under a hundred dollars on all of them, but thankfully most of those were still under a hundred bucks. That's true. What are you most proud of? My kids, you know, my kids and that, um, they've. You know, my wife and I, I remember, um, standing in front of a man and, uh, at Shandon Baptist Church in Columbia, South Carolina, about what seems like 100 years ago.

Now, he's, um, he's pretty well known author. Um, he, Gary Ezzo, if you look up, you've ever read, um, His book, you can look him up, but he did a, we went through a course called growing kids, God's way about 50 times. I think, um, it really, and in just raising our kids and, and on the moment in, in those moments, you feel like [00:10:00] it's never going to work and you're, you're getting it wrong.

And, and. All these questions that you have and you're arguing with God on a daily minute by minute, second by second basis. Why me? Why me? Why me? And it's, it's interesting. I remember standing there in front of, I had a, had a few minutes. He was speaking to a large group of people at this church. It wasn't the church that we attended, but it was, um, but he, but I, I spilled my guts of, um, of everything going wrong as fast as I could say it in it.

And he, all he did was look at me. It was so funny. It was such a frustrating answer that he gave me, but, uh, but he, he looked at me, he said, Alan, it's going to be okay. And I'm like, I wanted to throw some four letter words at him, truthfully, but I was in a church, so I felt like I might get kicked out, but, but it was, but I was just furious in it and it hit me about, it's about a, not quite a year ago, [00:11:00] it, I, I got the, I understood why he said what he did about, uh, about it, uh, about it, and it took me that many years and I think our, you know, our kids were all.

Little and I mean little meaning young, they were now they're 33 years old to 21 years old, but he knew the one thing that that I didn't realize at the time that would take me that many years to figure out. He knew I wouldn't quit.

He knew we weren't going to quit, so he knew it was going to be okay. And so, so yeah, our, our kids are a great gift. And, and, uh, we, uh, we would have had 10 if it had been up to me, but, uh, my wife would run from me occasionally. So, but, but for, but for was we had one, the joke was we had one every four years, whether we needed one or not.

So it's a, it's amazing. [00:12:00] Everybody wants to rush knowledge, but there are some things in life that just takes time, experience, and maturity. I used to make me so mad when people, when I was younger, people would be like, one day when you're older, you understand. I'm like, shut up. I'm going to like, yes, I was ready to punch people.

But at 43, reflecting back, it's like, yeah, there, there are so many things that fall into that category of you'll understand and see that perspective eventually. It just takes some time to get there. Alan, we asked about your hidden talent. What's one random fact people don't know about you? Golly. For example, like I can hear a dog whistle.

You hear a dog whistle? I don't, I don't have a dog whistle. Yeah, I can't. I want to see what you're saying. You can hear a random fact they don't know about me. Golly. Random fact they don't know about me. [00:13:00] Trying

to think. That I, that I, maybe that I was a group that I was a bag boy at a grocery store and ran a ran a, I ran a bottle room. They don't know that fact. They might've known I worked at the grocery store, but Publix, if you've ever heard of Publix, I was, that was my, my first job where I was You know, like a paycheck, um, I, I ran a lawn business that I thought I needed to get out of that would probably be worth a hundred million dollars if I'd, uh, if I'd have kept doing that.

But, but the fact that I was, um, you know, that job and I ran a bottle room now for people now, they don't realize what a bottle room were, but bottles were redeemable and people used to bring them back in the grocery store. And there used to be a room in every grocery store. How's these bottles and be sorted and myself and a guy by the name of Ronnie were ran the bottle room in that store.

So I doubt many people know that. Okay. What's something everyone should know [00:14:00] about you before we dig into the meat of today's show? Something that I just, I just won't quit. Resilience is a superpower. It really is. So guys, we've been just spending a little time getting to know who Alan is, what he's about, and the next part of the show, we're gonna start diving into weight, weight loss and why you should care, right?

With the current speed of culture, we're trying to say that it doesn't matter more and more in popular culture. And I think they're wrong. And I think Alan's going to show some insights on that for us. We're going to roll to our sponsor and we'll be right back with more from Alan Thomas. Now, before we go any further, I wanted to share with you guys.

I don't always tell you how much I love doing my podcasts. Like I passionately love what I'm doing. And one of the things that makes my life better as a podcaster is to work with a company like grow your show, grow your show is a one stop podcast. Do it all. Now [00:15:00] I use grow your show for my marketing, but grow your shows, literally a one stop shop.

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I guarantee it. I trust him. He's my friend. He's my business colleague and I wouldn't trust anybody else with my show guys. Welcome back in the first part of the show. We spent some time just getting to know who Alan is and what he's about. And this part of the show, we're going to dig into weight, weight loss, and why you should care.

Now, Alan, before we. Go down this road. I made a statement before we went to break the cultural shift right now in the media is they're trying to embrace body positivity and tell people it doesn't matter how much you weigh. It doesn't matter. Right there. They're embracing body positivity. I think to an [00:16:00] extreme.

What do you think about this change? Well, I, I don't think they have to be mutually exclusive. I think you can embrace it. You know, the cultural idea that you have to weigh a certain way, the BMI charts and all that. I mean, you know, that there's, it's a little bit hard to argue with, um, reality. I mean, it's, I think the author, Byron Katie, is the one that said this, uh, in, but I love the quote, it's, you know, when I argue with reality, I lose, but only 100 percent of the time.

And so, so it's, the fact that they're embracing who people are, I think is really where it needs to go. I mean, when, and I'll give you kind of this question that I would encourage everybody to ask themselves, uh, there's, and, because this is really what the truth is. You know, let's just suppose that the creator of the universe who I know is Jesus, [00:17:00] but others may believe somebody else.

That's fine. I'm not going to preach to anybody, but Jesus shows up at your door with somebody and he knocks on your door. You go to the door and you see it's Jesus. Now, after you pass out, because you're going to pass out because creator of the universe is at your door and you come to and you get up and you say, what are you doing here?

And you say, are you here to take me home? He said, no, no, no. I want to introduce you to somebody, Brian. I'm going to use your name, Brett. Okay. So I'm going to just because to make it personal and in the inter, he's, and you don't know who that person is. You can't really make out who they are. And they walk in, you invite them in, of course, he created the university, comes in, comes in your house or your apartment or your home, wherever you live.

And he walks in and, and as they're coming in, you're like, I know who this guy is. I know who he's got with him and, and he walks into the, to the room and that, that person with him, that man, in your case, that man looks, looks up and he's, and you see him and he says to you, he says, [00:18:00] Brent or whoever is listening, fill in your name.

This is the, this is the version of you. This is the Brent you could have always been at 43 years old. That's because you just gave me your age just a few months ago. This is the Brent you could always been at 43. What is that man or woman way, depending on who's listening, what is that man way? Okay.

That's your ideal weight. Okay. Now, if, if that weight doesn't fit on a, uh, on a, on a, uh, BMI chart, so be it. But it's so interesting. I've asked that question literally thousands of times, because a lot of people come to me and want help with weight, and they think I'm going to tell them what to weigh. And I ask them that question.

And they get, and it cuts to the truth quicker than anything I've ever seen. And it really has amazed me. And so, so I asked them that question and they're saying, but Alan, I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to. There's a gap here. There's a 50 pound gap, a 100 pound gap, a 200 pound gap, whatever.

I don't know how to close the gap [00:19:00] and which I also don't believe that's true. So, because one of the things that we do in our, in our process, we, we will never tell any of our clients what to eat. Purposely because they already know we will never tell them what exercise do because they already know and but and so it's really interesting.

People say, well, but what do I do? What do I do? And I said, okay, let's let's look at it this way. And I've asked this question a lot of times too. I said, so your gap is 100 pounds. Let's say, let's say it's 100 pounds and I'm not in. But let's say that you're your family. You get a call on a phone call. Your family's missing.

The people you love most in the world are missing and you can't find them and you're looking around and nobody's, nobody's picking up their phone. Nobody's, nobody answered your calls. You're like, what's going on here? And, and when you get this call and it's, and it's from an unlisted number, but you answer it cause you're looking for [00:20:00] your family and on the other line is a kidnapper and they've taken your family hostage.

The people you love most in the world, the people that you, that you do life with, the people that love you, that will, would bail you out of jail if you were falsely accused, those people, they've been taken hostage, your kids, your, uh, if you're like a lot of people, your pet, whatever, they've been taken, and they're gonna die unless you do this one thing.

You have to lose one pound to close that gap, whatever gap that is, every week. for the next how many eve here's the caveat. You ca You can't call a nutritio a dietitian. You can't co You have to do what you k right as far as a way of

to get there. And if you don't do that caveat, the kidnappers are going to kill your family, okay? And if [00:21:00] you don't lose the pound of wheat, the kidnappers are going to kill your family. Now, my question is, could you save your family? Now, Brent, I've asked that question hundreds, probably thousands of times.

Every single time I've asked it, I get, yeah, I could save them. And so the third question I have, because you know, we're not crazy. I mean, I, I was in the life insurance business for a lot of years and, and overweight and obesity and all that I can get it and all that it's, it's, it takes years off your life.

It takes quality off your life. It does all these things off your life. So it's a, it's a death trap more. I mean, one person is dying every seven seconds worldwide from an obesity related illness right now. So there's people that died just a few, few seconds ago. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Another person just died.

That's how quickly it's happening worldwide. So my question, so we can't deny that it's, they can make it, they can make it okay to be overweight, obese, morbidly obese, whatever, and I'm okay with that. I [00:22:00] believe that the God in heaven that we, that I worship loves you whether you weigh a thousand pounds or whether you weigh a hundred pounds.

He doesn't, he doesn't look at the, the, he looks at the heart, but he wants what's best for us too. And we know intellectually. That getting there do it, but you, but so you, you know that there's a gap and you know, you could save your family if it came down to it. So, the 3rd question is the 1 is the question that I ask people and that stumps them.

It's harder than any question you ask me the question for somebody who has that gap and know that they can save their family, which is every person I've ever asked. Why would you save yourself?

That's the because, and so when they can make it okay to be morbidly obese, I was morbidly obese. I weighed over 300 pounds. I know what it's like to sit between them and I'm five 11. I'm not 6 9, 7 feet tall. I'm 5 11 3, 304 pounds is a, it, it, I knew it when I, when I reached that, but, and it was [00:23:00] okay. People liked me.

People compensated for me. I compensated with jokes, I compensated with everything in the world. But at the end of the day, I was not, there was a version of me that God created me to be, because he had stuff for me to do. He had stuff to do for, for me to do that I couldn't do at 300 pounds because I was going to be dead.

I mean, I, I used to deal with senior citizens in my life insurance business. And I, and I'm going to go more into this. I never met a man over 65 that had a hundred pounds extra. Now they're out there. I've met some since then, but they are unicorns, man. They are unicorns. They are not. Now you meet a lot of ladies that have that have that much weight when they're over 65, but they, but they end up having type two diabetes.

They, they get the worst end of the deal. They suffer, they suffer with knee problems, all these different things that we know about, but intellectually, all those health concerns aren't enough to move the needle for people because they already know it. I mean, they, they aren't, it's, it's, what is, what [00:24:00] is it costing somebody to be obese or morbidly obese like I was?

And see what happened to me, Brent, and the reason that it didn't matter to me what the, what culture said or whatever is because my wife loved me even though I was a hundred pounds old, you know, over a hundred pounds overweight. She loved me. She was, I mean, she was, she was not going to kick me out because by the way, it's the number three cause of divorce in America, get that one.

That one shocked me. Number three cause of divorce is weight gain behind infidelity, money, weight gain. That one shocked me. That one did, but she was hanging in there. She was gonna stay married to me regardless, but I remember stepping on the scale on March 2nd, 2017 and I've been fighting my weight for 30 plus years.

I've been, I've been fighting it. I was trying the diet of the week, like, you know, you name it. I've been on it. I've filled it. Most of them, 10 times I could have written a book on diets. I could have done all these things, but, but sticking to it do. And, uh, and so, but I stepped on the scale and if it had [00:25:00] read 299.

9, nothing would have changed. But it read 304. It was the day after my 32nd, um, 31st wedding anniversary. I beg your pardon. I lose track of years. We've been married so long. But it's 31st wedding anniversary. It was the day after March 1st, 2017. It was our anniversary March 2nd, 2017. Get on the scale. It's in the dark and I see 304 pounds flash up at me.

Now, what ran through my mind was not, Oh, you got to go on a diet. What ran through my mind was in the darkness of that morning, 5 a. m., I don't remember what time it was. I have to go back and look it up. Was the woman in the other room was going to be with another man. Not because she was out shopping it for another guy, but I've got a, you know, I married a trophy wife.

I mean, it's a, she's, she's gorgeous. She's people look at her and say, what the heck were they thinking? What was she thinking? Why did she marry you? I mean, I get those kind of comments. I have my whole life. So I'm, so I'm very used to it. But, but I knew that [00:26:00] 55.

And I knew that, that I'd never met a man that was over 65, actually over 63, that had more than a hundred pounds to lose. I'd never met a man. And now again, they're out there, but they're unicorns, but that was rare. And the thousands of houses I've sat in with people over 65 years old, never met a man.

They were the picture on the wall. They were this picture on the wall. And I would walk in the house and let's say it's the ladies. We used to call them Miss Johnson. You'd walk in with Miss Johnson. And you'd say, and you'd look for building rapport with her. And you see this picture of the family and this guy in there.

And I say, I say, is that Mr. Johnson? Is he around? Oh no, Mr. Johnson passed. Mr. Johnson passed when he was 50, when he's 45, when he's 35, when he's 60, when he, whatever. Well, it was weight related and I would hear those stories over and over and over and over again. And so I, so when I, when I stepped on that scale, I knew I'd be a dead man.

[00:27:00] I knew that I knew that my wife would be that Mrs. Johnson. She'd be married to somebody else. My kids, my daughter was 15 at the, at the time. She's 21. Now she's 50. I knew she'd be asking another man to walk her down the aisle. I knew that my boys who call me, they call mom first when it's stuff, but when they, when they needed, when they need, you know, dad, what would you do in this situation?

I get those calls. Somebody else would have to be there for them. And, and I, I knew all those things that were going to happen without me because I couldn't put down the freaking fork. I couldn't put it down. Now I could make it okay to be, to be fat, that to be, I was fat. I'll call myself. I was fat to be morbidly obese.

I can make it okay. You know, my family loved me all these things, but there's something that my, that my son, who my second of my four children, my son, Adam said to my wife, I found out later, which is really telling he said to my wife, because if you don't, while they may make the mannequins in, [00:28:00] in the obese size for men and women, okay.

at the stores. They may make it okay on media. They may, they may have conferences like they recently had one up in, uh, was a temple university for obese people making it okay. But the thing they can't do is they can't take this kid who's when our son Adam was, he was probably like 16 or 17. Um, and he said on one of my many, many diets, I've been, I've been on a failed and quit.

I was going back to eating the way I was and he said to my wife and she didn't have the courage to tell me at the time because you know what broke my heart. But, but she said it to me after I got, I went on my weight loss journey. She said, she said, my,

my son Adam said, I guess dad doesn't love us enough to get the weight off. So if you don't think it's impacting your kids,[00:29:00]

I mean, and I'm not talking to you, Brent. I'm talking to the people who are listening that know what I'm talking to them. And they know they don't have to, they don't have to see a sign wave. And if they don't think it's impacting their kids, my wife was going to bed every night, kissing me at night. She never would say it because she didn't want to hurt me.

And she was wondering, would I be dead the next day? Cause she knew the stats too. She knew the numbers. She wasn't saying it to me cause she didn't want to hurt me. She don't mean make me feel it. She wouldn't be one of those nagging wives. Cause by the way, the nagging never works. Just so you know, my mother nagged me about my weight.

And of course, when I was, when I, when I released all my weight, she was like, you're too thin now. I'm like, mom, stop, you know, God rest her soul. She, she passed last year at 92. But, but what I'm saying to us is the cost. The cost, the cost of it is not, not what does it cost to get the widows and what it costs.

Then start thinking of the year, start thinking of those things. And [00:30:00] so all of the family pieces that tie into this, they can make it okay. They being popular culture can make it okay to be obese because they're trying to speak to that audience. The audience is growing, Brent. That's why they're doing it.

It's just simple math. It's a marketing message there. The audience is growing more than 40 percent of our of our culture is in the U. S. Is obese or morbidly obese. More than 70 percent is overweight, and I think it's even higher worldwide. I can go down all these numbers growing by a million. It probably somewhere around 4 to 5 million a month is the great number.

1 billion humans are are obese right now. 1 billion. That's a B. Now that counts adolescents too. It's about 650 million men and women. And so when I see that in the answer is not a freaking diet, more knowledge is not the answer. Just so you know, it's not everybody wants it to be. It's not the answer because they already know.

And I think about think about it. I actually talked to them [00:31:00] yesterday. I check on them from time to 2020 is the only person I'd ever met that never been on a diet. I've never met somebody that was, that was obese. They never died of them said, and my, my deal is, I say, I'm never going to tell you what they eat because that is not your problem.

I promise you, you think it is. It's not. Do they have to change what they eat? Of course they do. Do they have to, would I prefer them to have broccoli rather than, rather than a donut? Well, yeah, most of the time, especially I've done it once in a while too. I'm okay with that as well. But, but at the end of the day.

It's this, this individual is named Sean and he was, he had reached over 450 pounds, you know, some of it was from an accident, but it was, but it was from eating. I mean, it was, you know, the, the, you don't gain weight because you don't need, I've never, there's no statistical evidence that I can find about that.

So I know there are people who have more trouble doing it. There's all those different things. We tell us all these stories, but at the end of the day, at the end of the day, you got to put food in your mouth to gain weight. I don't know another way to gain weight. [00:32:00] that or else people sitting in a nursing home on life support would be gaining weight.

Some of those will begin. I don't, I don't think that's the case. And again, I'm not a physician, but I've just never seen the evidence. And I've even checked chat GDP recently to see if there was any evidence. I check it frequently. I have to see. Is there evidence? No, no evidence. If you've got to eat food to gain weight.

So now in now, at the end of the day, This individual, he said, but I don't know what to eat. I said, you want my help? I'm not telling you. And I asked him that question about his family being taken. Okay. That same, I've asked it before, but this one was really interesting. Cause I was saying to myself, I hope I'm right here.

Because, uh, you know, and it was really interesting. And, and, and he's a very soft bone. He's one of the kindest, gentlest guys you'll ever meet. He's got a lovely family. And I said, if your daughter, if your two daughters and your wife were taken, I said, what would you do? What would you do? And he thought a phone went quiet.

We were on the top. We weren't on zoom call. We're on a phone call. I thought he hung [00:33:00] up. I really did. I thought he was frustrated and hung up, but he didn't. He said, Alan, I've got the answer. It took about 30 seconds to come up with and he was dead serious. Now this is an individual who runs a massive division of a big, a big, big company is over.

Thousands of employees. He's no dummy. Okay. This is not a, this is an entirely intelligent, successful individual. This was his answer to me. And it was an intelligent answer. Mind you, it was not a dumb answer. It will sound dumb to people who struggle with weight, but it's not a dumb answer. He said, I've got the answer.

I said, what would you do? He said, I'm going to eat less. And you know what? Almost 200 pounds later now. It's working. He came out of a wheelchair. He came out has been recognized internationally by his company. He's he's one. He won the top. If you don't think wait, expecting your business life, either your it just does.

It does. He's become an inspiration to people. He's in his company. He's he runs an [00:34:00] operational division for the company. I don't know all the tech, but it's a they Employed 30 plus thousand people. I think 35, 000 people worldwide. So they're not a little outfit. You would know their household name, but I won't get into naming companies, but he was at a dinner and he called me from New York when this happened because I make everybody promise me when the things when when the things open up to you in your life.

I want to know about him because I want to that gives me purpose to know about him. And he called me. He says, you said this stuff would happen. He said, but I didn't believe you that things would happen that weren't that weren't health related. I knew those would happen. But I said, no, it's the other stuff I'm interested in.

I want you to be healthy. I want you to live to 100. I want all those things. And, and he calls me and he said, he said, CEOs of our company's just been talking about you. I said, he doesn't know me. I don't know that guy. And he said, yeah, he said, I'm sitting there. And they're, now this guy is an operations divisionist company.

He's not in sales. And they're getting ready to, um, award the international sales [00:35:00] leader for the company. And they called his name. He's not even in the division. And what happened was, is what people notice. When you start changing radically, people notice and they want to be near it. And somebody who owned, it was a very, it was a God story of how it went together.

He, it attracted the people that were, uh, that ended up coming to his company and they ended up doing a deal. What's the biggest deal that company did, I believe that year, which is a massive deal because of his weight loss journey. So they gave him the, it's the only time on record that he, that anybody in, in that company that wasn't in the sales division got that international sales award.

So it was really funny. So, so we, so we can make it okay. Uh, the, the women can get the Victoria's Secrets ads that, that have them, you know, a hundred pounds, the mannequin's a hundred pounds overweight. That's fine. There's no shame. I, it's not about shaming people. But if we, if [00:36:00] we. Argue with reality, we're going to lose only a hundred percent of the time.

So this is our culture, just arguing with reality. That's all it is. What do you think is right? I mean, you, you can go everywhere online and find every diet, all the information you want to about every diet under the sun, there's always the new flash up, bad diets, besides the diets that have actually, you know, stood for some time and shows them, you know, yes, you can do this, right.

Uh, I'm a certified personal trainer and I've told people like, no, I can get you to lose weight eating jelly beans for, you know, food it's, but, uh, right. There's, there's those flash ups. So we see, and then there's the ones that actually, you know, science has their backing and stuff like that that have been around.

We know all this stuff about dieting and consciously the majority of us, whether we want to admit or not [00:37:00] know that being overweight is not helping for us. But this industry just keeps growing, right? More people, as you pointed out, are, you know, the obesity rate is growing. The diet industry keeps growing.

People keep in this cycle of failure. What, what do you think is driving this? Well, I think it's simple. I think there's, there's a couple of things. It's simpler than we want to notice that is that we all want to be able to eat everything we want as much as we want, whenever we want. And we're looking for the pill or the surgery or the, or the magical diet that gets us to there and it doesn't exist and it will never exist.

It's like, uh, I shared in, uh, in our Rethink Dieting Facebook group, um, yesterday an article about these new weight loss drugs. And I, and I'm, again, I'm not a doctor, but now all these side effects are coming out where it's, uh, where it's at. We, we [00:38:00] already know what to do. And the reason people say, well, why don't you tell people what to eat?

And here's why. And when I went through my, whenever you, whenever you lose any weight, everybody in the world is gonna ask you, what are you doing? Because they're looking for eat as much as you want, whatever you want, whenever you want, they're looking for that. That's what they're, I used to do the same thing.

And so, so the reason I don't tell people what, what to eat is because when I first went on my journey and released all my weight, One of, um, and I, I was just helping friends, you know, like people would find out about and say, and this, this lady in North Carolina asked me if I'd help a friend and I didn't know the lady that she was referring me to.

And, and I, and I told her, I said, this is what I, and this, this lady had about a hundred and plus pounds of excess weight she needed to, she needed to lose. And I said, this will work, do this, this, this, this, this. I gave her the formula, you know, the, the eating formula that I use. And she said, Oh my gosh, I couldn't do that for this reason.

She became a microbiologist. Now I wasn't eating jelly beans. It [00:39:00] was all healthy food. I mean, it wasn't a jelly bean night. It was, it was all common sense things. And, and it was, and she became a microbiologist like I used to. And found all the holes in that way of eating all the negative things about it.

And I said, Oh, I said, well, and we'll call her Jane. And I'll say, well, Jane, and it just popped in my head. I said, what'd you have for lunch? And she said, well, I went to Taco Bell, nothing against Taco Bell. She said, I went to Taco Bell. I said, you did. I said, what'd you have for Taco Bell? And she's and she had the fried this the chips that the this that and nothing wrong with Taco Bell I believe Jesus declared all the food good He just didn't say they're all at once But but all these things that she had and so my next question that I asked her Most people will probably get this real quickly was, what'd you have for dessert?

And she said, well, I had Kit Kats. I remember this like it was yesterday. And, and I said, man, I wish you well. I, I hope everything works out for you. And I got off the phone with her because she was a [00:40:00] microbiologist when it came to going on an eating plan that made sense. But she stuck her head in the sand as far as her behavior was.

And that's what we do. That's what I did for years. I mean, there's nobody. Listen, I know there are people that weighed more than, more than I weighed, but I sat between those elbows. I know how they think. And so what we do in our, what we do with people is we force them to become an expert on themselves because we're all different.

We're all different. I know it's like, it's like a Kleiner's Rick. He's a heart attack survivor. Which 50 percent of those don't make it by the way. So first time heart attacks is about 50%. So fact he was alive was he was a unicorn and that he was 70 years old. That's a unicorn. He's the first guy I'd met that was over 70 that weighed 388 pounds was his weight.

been on diets for decades, um, walks with a walker because he has fused vertebrae, cannot physically do exercise other than just maybe moving that [00:41:00] walker back and forth. You've seen people like that. He is the classic guy that has all these difficulties. And, but, but we, I know what to look for in people when I don't, our program is not for everybody, but I was positive we could help him.

It made no sense. I'm like, how can this guy lose weight? He's tried for 50 years. He was, and it was just so interesting. Um, when, when we, when we brought him in and we had him become an expert on himself, we showed him how to become an expert on himself and how to apply it. Now, now he's, he's down, he's still got a little more to go.

He's, he's, he's about two 40 something right now. I don't know what that is. It took a little longer, took him two years, but we teach him how not to quit. We teach him how not to quit. He keeps on going and it's just so funny. I mean, it's 72, he's unrecognizable. He's at Jimmy Carter way, and I'm not saying this to boast to people.

I'm sick because it wasn't me. We just showed him what was already inside his brain, what was already available to him. And it was just so interesting to see, you know, with people with all the diet [00:42:00] advice and all the, this, that you, you already know, you already know. I mean, do you, do you have, is it going to be better to eat a vegetable than it is going to be to eat a pack of skittles?

Yeah, duh. But it's a pack of skittles off limits forever. No. That's nuts. I mean, I mean, you're not going to. I mean, people who say they will good luck with that. I mean, it's like one of our clients lady that she's, she's so funny. She came to one of our, one of our trains that this, she was, she was down about 40 pounds at times.

She says, you don't want to have for breakfast on Sunday morning. I said, what? She said, I had a donut. I said, good for you. I said, good for you. I said, you figured it out. Didn't you? She said, I did. And she said, I didn't even want the other ones. My husband was so happy because he, he's really thin. He was so happy.

He got, he didn't have to, there was no food rule around it. It was just, she said, that's right. I said, it's possible. And this is a woman who's a PhD by the way. She's no dummy either. She's no, and so it's, we all have this within us, whether you're [00:43:00] somebody who is, Not a PhD, we're just a regular man, regular woman, like we all consider ourselves, regardless of who you are, it's available to you, but we, but we do the, the magical solution because what we really want is something that is unachievable.

We want that, that, that thing, it's like money. If I'm sure there's an amount of money that you can spend it all, but but there, but for most of us, we have to think about our money. We have to think about how we're going to spend it. We have to think about how it comes in. But when it comes to weight, we don't think about that.

We want we advocate because in this is the real scary part. This is what what drives me is because we think it's always going to be them. We think it's always going to be the other guy, the other gal. We think it's always going to be somebody else. We think it's like, I talked to the guy that broke my heart.

His wife literally on the phone. She was on the phone [00:44:00] with us too. And I was considering whether to invite him into our program. And she said she had already left him over his way. She was, she was there in body, but she was gone. I mean, I wanted to cry for this guy over his weight. People don't realize it's damaging your relationships.

It's damaging your wealth. It's damaging your business. It's damaging your dreams. It's damaging those things and we miss it. And it's like we all have a Hezekiah moment. I mean, and for those that don't know, Hezekiah bargained with God and got 15 extra years. That's really what's at stake here. You can do that, but you don't know when your Hezekiah day is coming.

You don't know when the day when you're going to be taken out and you think it's you. I've talked to people that have had lost family members in their 30s. Over obesity. I've talked and the one that really drew this attention to me was there's somebody who was, um, who was who I wanted to bring in a program, but he wasn't quite ready.

And that's [00:45:00] fine. No pressure. And one of our staff, he, he followed up and I was in California and he said, he texted me, said, call me now. And it was in this guy is not like a alarmist. I mean, he was, but I said, what's up? I didn't know if something happened to him and his family or something. So I was concerned.

So I pulled myself away from a meeting in California that I was at and called him. He said, what happened? He said, you remember so and so? And I said, yeah, sure. I said, what happened? He said, he's dead too much later. No, this guy was, this guy had, he, he was obese, but he had no signs of any heart problems, no signs of any, any health problem, no signs of anything, but he was gone.

Um, And what got in my mind, it was a heart attack, what got in my mind was if I had done, I wanted to beat myself up for not encouraging more to take action because I wondered if we could have saved him. And I don't know that's, but, but I don't, but I'll tell you, you don't know when the day is, you don't know, and people can say, well, [00:46:00] I mean, this is the most classic when I get, well, God knows my days.

I get that a lot. I've had that from people that went over 500 pounds, by the way, God knows my days. And I said, yeah, he does. And I don't say it to them personally, because I don't work with somebody that has a mind made up. That's a foolish thing. But, but it's, but God may know your days, but you have free will.

If you're gonna, we have a little highway running through our area. It's about 15 miles from my house. It's called I 95. If you look at a traffic cam on I 95, it has about four lanes, five lanes each side, so it goes from anywhere from, um, two to five lanes per side, so that's four to, four to ten lanes, and the traffic moves pretty quickly.

It never goes at 70, it's always 80, 85, 90. So, if I go in, in, uh, in God knows my days, and I decide to run back and forth across I 95 and I get hit, is that my fault or is that God's? Now, God already knew I was gonna die. Because I was running, running through traffic, but he gave me the, he allowed me to have the free [00:47:00] will to run across.

I'm not running across traffic. People that struggle with obesity are doing the same thing, like it or not, it is, you're running across a lane of traffic and you're praying you don't get hit by somebody that's 85 miles an hour and the people that struggle. And that was me. That was me. And I say this from a, there's no shame in it, but not turning is where the, is where the challenge is not doing what you know to be done.

Okay. Not doing the things. And so that's where our heart is on it. So I probably offended some people. Forgive me if I did, but I'm, I'm not very politically correct. We don't apologize for offenses here. I I'm a big believer in the fact that people sometimes just need to be challenged to make intelligent choices in their life, whether that's about weight loss or other things in like your own personal element and growth.

We only grow when we're challenged. We don't. So we, we don't apologize for offense here because we generally try and stick to truth. Now, guys, [00:48:00] we've been discussing weight and weight loss with Alan and why you should care about it. Why it's actually important and how the culture may not be your best friend on this one.

And the next part of the show, we're going to roll into Weight loss. We're going to talk a little bit more about Alan's approach to weight loss and how you can apply that to your life. We're going to roll our sponsor and we will be right back with more from Alan. How well do you sleep at night? Do you toss and turn and wake up more tired than when you went to bed?

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Now let's go on to the show. Guys, welcome back in the last part of the show, we were discussing weight and weight loss and why it actually may be more of a question you should pay attention to than our current societal standards are trying to push, especially in the popular media right now. In this part of the show, we're going to dig into Alan's take on weight loss.

Now, Alan, you notably say weight loss is possible. The diet is not the solution. So Let's, let's dig into that a little bit, because there's a whole, you know, 60 billion plus dollar industry is trying to argue with you on that. Uh, everybody knows some diet. Everybody's tried some diet. You say the diet is not the solution, but let's talk about that.

Well, it's not, you know, I tell people all the time. I mean, it's, it's what we do at Rethink Dieting is it's not a [00:50:00] diet. It's a decision. And so, so do you have to change what you eat? Well, of course you do. I mean, that's a, that's a common sense answer. And so I'm not saying that people don't have to change what they eat what I'm saying in my, my focus and Angie's focus and what we, what we teach our clients is, is not about ignoring the elephant in the room, not to use an elephant metaphor.

You have to pay attention to it, but to teach them how to to get past it so that they go the distance. Because what we do with weight, we know, we already know what to eat. And one of the most common things. If somebody is struggling with their weight, well, I'll give an example. I had somebody reach out to me the other day that they had about 30 pounds they need to lose.

But in talking to them, I realized that they didn't need me. They needed somebody else who was an expert in a completely different field. [00:51:00] And it had nothing to do with weight because the weight was not driving them crazy. Okay. And when I say this, I mean, we've, we've helped people that had 25 lose 350 lose.

And in those, the common denominator of all the people is that their weight is on their mind every day, almost every day. At some level, they're thinking about it when they walk in front of the mirror and all these things. It's not. But we sit there and look for these magic pill solutions that the next diet that the what you named the diet I've been on it and it was in.

I already had enough knowledge. What I was missing was the decision. So the to say that to say that the diet isn't the solution. The reason I say that is because they already know. You already know. I mean, if you're, it's just like I said earlier, when, when I gave the, that second question, where if your life were on the line, if your children's lives were on the line, or the people you [00:52:00] love life were on the line, would you, would you save them by, by following a plan that you already know, you can't ask somebody, every person I've asked that question, I've said, yes, they can fable.

So they already know. So if I go into, so what we do, the reason we don't go into this, telling them to eat You know, broccoli at two o'clock in the afternoon or whatever. I'm just, that just popped in my head is because they already know we for it. When you, when you focus on the thinking, which is the problem they, and I don't like to use the word mindset, but that's where it is.

It is the mindset it, for example. One of our clients the other, the other day, he's, he, he's down more than a hundred pounds from three years ago and still down over a hundred pounds, but he's up a little bit like 20, 30 pounds up and he's not, that's not who he is anymore. We teach them how to, how to shift that focus to where they don't tolerate it anymore.

If you, if, if I told you that you were going to make, if whatever your income is, [00:53:00] if I told you that you're, um, let's say you make, pick a number. X amount of dollars a month, and I told, told you, and I'm your boss, and I say, okay, we're going to cut your income by 90 percent because we can, we can go offshore and get your, and, and this has happened to people, and you're welcome to stay for 90 percent less.

You're welcome to stay. Now, your electric company's not going to like that. Your mortgage, if you have a mortgage, not going to like that. Your water company's not going to like that. All the, The grocery store is not going to give you 90 percent off. So, are you going to stay? Of course not. People don't.

They find another way to get their income because they have a set point to their income. They have a set point. They get that income back. They find a way. That's, that's what we do with weight. What happens is, I made 299. 9 acceptable, but 300 pounds was not acceptable for me. That was that set point. So it wasn't about the diet.

I already had the solution. It wasn't, [00:54:00] I already knew what to do. And that's the reason that I say it's not the diet. Do you have to change what you eat? Yes. Do you have to do crazy to lose weight? No, no, you don't. And anybody tells you to do crazy stuff. If, if it, if your doctor wouldn't approve of it.

Don't do it now. Most physicians only have about four hours of nutritional training, but they know what health is. They do know what health is. And I'm, and, but, but it was interesting with, with my doctor, when I went in, I was down about 50 pounds. He didn't know, he'd been trying to get me to lose weight for years, even though I had no serious medical problems.

I was, I was that guy said, well, nothing's wrong with me yet. Nothing's wrong with me yet. But I went in, I had a had a cold or flu and I just went in to get him, check me out. He's, Oh man, you're down like 50 pounds. First thing he asked me, what exercise are you doing now? He lives about four blocks from me.

And I said, well, you see me on my bicycle. I run my bike. And I, but I'm not like one of those bike riders who's intense and has all the right equipment. I just did it because it's fun. And I said, but what do you, and this is really interesting. What he said to me, this is [00:55:00] a, this is a licensed physician.

He's a good doctor, well known doctor in our area. And I said, what do you think exercise has to do with weight loss? He holds up zero. I was shocked. I said, zero. He said, yeah, you lose weight laying in the hospital. But he said, now it's healthy to do exercise that you're going to feel better. You're going to look better.

You're going to build muscle. I mean, all those things he was not, he said, that's, he said, people want to make it about this or that, that he said, you got to change the eating. You got to change that. You have to do what it was just so interesting in and one of the things was so funny. What he said to me said he said in that same conversation, he said, but I want to really encourage you said when you get down in your weight range that you're you're going for it.

So people are going to say to you, you're too thin because they're used to you being obese. This was really insightful, what he said. This was not his doctor's training. This was, but what he said was, it was very insightful. He said, they're used to you being that. They're used to you being at that set point, is what he was saying.

He said, but I'm going to tell you, [00:56:00] I have a lot of patients over 70, over 75, over, you know, geriatric patients is what I think he called them. I think the technical term. He said, you know, the most common thing of all the people that are near their ideal weight. I said, what's that? He said, they live.

And when he said that, I was like, Whoa, I said, and it went along with my thinking, but what we're going, it's right. They live. That's the common denominator. They live. We think we got another day. We might not. And so it's just interesting. He said that. And again, exercise is important, but some people cannot exercise.

I mean, we have related right now down, but I think she's got about 40 pounds. She's got an autoimmune disease. She cannot exercise hardly at all. And she's, but we, we teach her how to do the thinking part that she mentioned. She's, she's had a gastric sleeve, had a gastric surgery that we run a lot of people that have had these surgeries and gone through all the, um, The I'm just the hell that they put you through [00:57:00] because you physically a lot of people have side effects and there's a lot of things.

And I'm again, not trying to be a doctor. Some people that's the solution. Great. If it works, but we, we, we have a lot of people that come through a program that have had those and have gained a way back and because they didn't apply to the thinking part that is a secret. And, uh, and they, and, and it's just so interesting, you know, to see people, right.

You know, that shouldn't be able to lose weight, but they do. They do when they apply it because you cannot escape reality. You just can't, do you have to change what you, yes. Are you going to fall down? Oh, hell yes. Excuse my language. You're going to fall down. You're going to fall down. I know I'm not being negative.

I'm positive. You're going to fall down. You're going to have some situation, but to get through it, to get through it and to keep going and to not settle for, well, I'm 10 pounds down with somebody past the single serving size of Doritos and say family on them because I'm 10 pounds. That's what I used to do.

I'd get down about 10 or 20. Well, I'm feeling pretty good. The size 48 pants are a little loose size 48 and pants [00:58:00] are a little loose. So, this one thing is not going to hurt me and, and it's, and you go off the rails and you, and then you're right back plus 10 or 15, you didn't change your set point. You didn't change your thinking.

So that's why I don't, yeah, I could give them a list of what to eat. But if I, when I start doing that. Then it becomes the diet becomes the enemy, but if I, but if I get them to really own it to take responsibility, just like you want your kids to take responsibility, just like to own it, it's amazing how they figured out immediately.

I'm not talking about a week from now. I'm talking about immediately. Now, do they get better? Do they learn more? Of course it's a process, but, but did they, it's like Sean, I'll eat less. That's where you start. That's the starting point. It's like we're in a podcast, you've, you've had 200 something episodes.

Most people don't get one or two, uh, [00:59:00] out before they quit and, and it's, you know, now it podcast number 200, whatever it is a lot more than, you know, on podcast one, didn't you? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, guess what Sean does a lot more now at pound, whatever, almost 200 days run down than he knew at pound one. It's funny because this resonates really deeply with me talking to you.

Cause I see this in personal training as well. You know, I get somebody so personal training has always been a hobby. I finally got certified on it just so I can actually charge money. I've been training, training people for years without it, but I'd had people. I worked at like my office when I was working in the IT sector.

Oh, Brent, you know, working this desk job. I was like, dude, I told you when you started the magic numbers, 30 pounds here, like without fail, almost everybody who ever went to work at that side, I was there for eight years, put on 30 pounds after they [01:00:00] started working there because you just became much more sedentary.

And I, none of my coworkers who was like, man, I just. I don't feel as good. And I say, well, what do you need to do? Well, I probably need to get more active, right? Cause we sit a lot here. I was like, well, that's a good start. Probably start going to McDonald's for lunch. And that's, that's a good idea. Let's let's do that.

That's it like, well, I should probably drink a little less. And a little more water. I see you always got your water bottle on your desk. I said, yeah, I always have my water bottle on my desk, drink a lot of water and coffee and, uh, you know, the, but they, they knew, right. I didn't have to ever ask, right. The only thing that ever really surprised anyone, I was like, you should turn off the TV sooner.

There you go. Sleep and go. And nine times out of 10, the one hole that they did not automatically know they should fix was the amount and quality of their [01:01:00] sleep. Uh, it's, it's one of the reasons that I have ghost bed as a sponsor. I own a ghost bed, but quality of your sleep has so much impact on the rest of your life.

Right. And getting enough sleep. I found that's like the one thing where most of the people I talked to in, you know, who in training and stuff, it's like, well, you can't run on five hours of sleep, dude. How old's your bed? How do you sleep? No, you can't do it. What do you mean? You were up till midnight watching Netflix and you came in work at six.

And you think you're going to have a decent workout this afternoon when you get off. Uh, the, the common sense aspect is, is really just like, Oh my goodness. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it is, and, and it's, it's not, I mean, it's like people you ask that guy. Five hours is five hours enough sleep. He's going to say he's going to say no, of course not.

But that's what he's doing. The behavior doesn't match up with what they know. And when they bring those in alignment, it's [01:02:00] amazing what can happen. And, and it's, it's just, it's also who you're around to. I mean, if you're, if you're hanging out, I think Brian Tracy, the one says you're the, your income is the average of the five people you hang around with most.

You're, I would, I would challenge you. Weight's probably the same. You weigh, you know, as far as amount of weight, if you're, if you're hanging around with people that go, that are, Having these massive mills and different things, it's going to be, it's going to be harder, but, but at the end of the day, it's, it is just, there's so much common sense aspect, but there, there's tweaks in it too that, you know, I, I guess when we're, when we're working with people, when you under, it was Archimedes said, if I, if you provide me a lever long enough, In a place to set it, I can move the world.

And so you have to have leverage on yourself to get the job done. Because, you know, it's, it's the definition of insanity. I'm doing the same thing over and over [01:03:00] again and expecting a different result. It's not going to happen. You've got to change something about what you're doing to get the different result.

And it's in the diet, you already know what they eat. I mean, come on. Come on people, you know what to eat, but, but what, but what you don't know is that your wife or your husband's laying next to you wondering if you're going to be alive, what you don't know is what you don't know is, is your kids are not bringing their friends or this happened to me, a kid's not bringing friends over because they're kind of ashamed that their dad is, you know, 297 pounds for us 300 because that They, their, their parents were fit or your, or your, or you, you get passed up at work or let go because of your obesity or you, or you get, 'cause that happens like 49 states out of 50.

It's, it is perfectly legal to discriminate based on weight. Michigan's the only state that you can't discriminate based on weight. Now, they won't say it out loud. I talked to somebody the other day. They're positive they got let go. Positive they got let go because of their [01:04:00] obesity. Because everybody in their office was fit and looked great.

But this individual was, had, had, you know, was in the morbid obesity category and they, and they knew they were a performer, they were producer, but they got let go and the boss would never tell them what that reason for. So, so if you think that stuff's not happening, you can see, you can make it okay everywhere in the world.

You can run the ads, uh, you know, the, the, the big guy, big gal ads and make it okay to be obese. But I promise you people are watching, especially your kids. Oh my God, you know, that was one of the big drivers for me after I became a father. And, and I've definitely yo yoed guys. Um, I, you know, I'm always honest on the show.

I've all definitely yo yoed. I have a little extra around the middle that I struggle with getting rid of. And it's stupid. It's always me being stupid. It's never, I'm not going to blame it on you guys. Cause I know, I know it's me not saying no to the ice cream when I should are not having You know, a little bit of ice cream, [01:05:00] but having, you know, the, the single serving size, half gallons, as we said, sure.

So I know that, but becoming a dad really started seeming that my head is like. I am creating this trend for my children. Oh yeah. The path from the start spot on. And, and it's, oh man, that is such a big one. When, when I get, I do a lot of calls of people that reach out to me that, you know, just want to talk and I just, I ask them about their kids and you know, are their kids obese yet?

Are they a normal way? And that's, and you find so many of them are, and even the ones that aren't secretly in the back of the mind, the person I'm talking to is afraid their kids are going to follow them. Because they will. The more it's caught, hey, I've raised four, listen, the kid, the more it's caught than taught.

You can teach, I used to have, I used to have my kids memorize Ephesians 429 all the time when they said a four letter word and I wonder where they heard the [01:06:00] four letter word from. I wonder. Guilty. So, so, but the point being is that more is caught than taught and we ignore it, but really the other factor too, which is, is the heartbreaker is, you know, if your secret fear, I'm not talking about you, but I'm talking about somebody who's somebody struggling with obesity, you know, if their secret fear is that they're going to be incapacitated or they're going to be dead, you know, die because of obesity.

Uh, or weight, however you want to frame it. I just call it what it is. It's obesity. That's a word I never liked to hear when I was morbidly obese, but it's, it's obesity when, when it's over, you know, 35 unless you're a bodybuilder. And so, but, but the point is. What's it? What's the hardest part going to be for your family when you're in the wheelchair because of the stroke?

And I've talked to people that this has happened to and is it going to be them having to care for [01:07:00] you and and take time out of their life and all, even though they love you very much? Or will they be ultimately resentful because you didn't fix it when you could have? And that and boy, that one I've heard that second one is the big fear.

A lot of people have. Yeah, they'll be resentful because I know my mom didn't fix it. I talked to somebody that she didn't fix it. I'm having to care for her and she could have fixed it. She knew what to do. And so it's um, that's a big thing for health. I want everybody live to 100 and plus years old and be healthy and you know, frolic around the fields and everything and have that and be super healthy.

But really, I want them to have the life that they were born to live. You know, I, uh, my, my parents lived with us the last two years of my dad's or the last year and a half of my dad's life. My dad had a freak family, familial heart condition that none of us knew we actually had until he survived, which was a act of God, [01:08:00] even, even the surgeon, we had the best heart surgeon in the world for that condition is like, I cannot tell you why your dad is alive.

I'm the very best. I can't tell you why you don't. And a lot of surgeons are a little hardened to giving God credit on things. My brother and I looked him square in the eye and said, God's not done with that yet. My dad's been a mission supported preacher for 40 plus years. And the doctor looked us in the eye and said, you know what?

That's as plausible of an answer as anything I could possibly tell you about why he's so alive. But the last year and a half there, my parents were at my house. My dad died in their room here. And it took my brother and I and four firemen who carry my dad out of the house because he had put on so much weight.

Wow. We had to do, like there, there was a fee for him being exercised, having cremated. But it took, my brother and I are not small people. It took us and four firemen to carry him out of the house. [01:09:00] And all I could think was, I don't ever want my children experiencing this. Yeah. Yeah. I've heard a lot of, I've heard a lot of those stories, man.

And I have, that's not the first time I've heard that. Wow. I'm so sorry to go through that. You know, and I love my dad, but it's like, it's one of those things as a parent, it's like, I'm looking at this coin, I don't want this. I don't want my kids in this spot with me, right? It wasn't his way to kill him, but it, this, that, that way of having to go through it.

Alan, we gotta, we gotta land this plane pretty quick. So this is a speed round. Okay. Three steps are implementers. Our listeners can take right now after listening to this podcast. The start changing their world. Well, first one, I'm going to give them cause it's actually got five steps up, but I, but they go to go to transform my future.

com forward slash fallible, man. They can actually watch a free training where there's nothing [01:10:00] being sold and they can do that. So transform my future. com forward slash. Fallible man, and that's it. That's about a 40 plus minute training. Will you type fast? You did good They go to that's that site and they will see and they they can register to watch a free training That training will walk them through a lot of the basics but but that's step one and that's it and that's not a that's Because it's takes more than three questions, three answers on that.

But this that's pretty quick one. And I've had people that literally have people reach out to me that lost 30, 40 pounds just by following what I said, doing that training. And so that's step one set. Second step is look yourself in the mirror, look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you can do better, ask yourself if it's, if you are, are you willing to take responsibility for, for this, just have a honest conversation with yourself.[01:11:00]

I mean that, that's the thing. Have an honest conversation and with yourself and ask yourself if you can do better. And it's not about being, getting in your skinny jeans. That's not what this is about. Do I want you to, if you want skinny jeans, great, that's awesome, but it looked great. But, but at the end of the day, that's not what's about, it's can you do better?

And the, the third question. Is, is really that third question I asked in, in the podcast, listen, if they fast forward through it, go back and listen to those first two, Jesus showed up at your door and, and was, uh, and, and yes, introduce you to the version of yourself. You always could have been at your current age.

What does that person way? Second, the second thing was, could you save your family if you, if you had to lose a pound of weight and this third question and that third question of the same, why won't you save yourself? I hope I know I get through about 20 questions in there with it, but that's but that's really is.

And because [01:12:00] you don't, you might not get a second chance. Believe me, there is nobody in the emergency room right room right now that plant they don't make reservations a week in advance for the emergency room. They do a call ahead some places, but they don't make reservations. The reasons because they're surprised.

Nobody knows what's going to happen. And, and it's, and so you might not have somebody listened to this. What my prayer is that somebody will hear this, that it will save their life. I actually, actually got an email from somebody that, that happened to come across our training. Watch it was late. She'd lost her weight, but she was worried about her husband.

She'd lost most of it. She's about halfway there. And she had, she said it was on mother's day. She sent me an email thanking me for saving her life. And I. I didn't know this person and I, she watched the training and, and she, because I talk about how, what a risk for heart attack and all of this and that in that training, not to shame people, she actually had a heart attack that day, a massive heart attack that day.

And she said, she wouldn't have been tuned into it. And she sent me, she says, I'm, [01:13:00] I'm here for my kids. Cause I watched your retraining and I'm like, wow, I mean, that really, that touched me. I showed my wife, holy smoke. And so, but the thing I say to you, you don't know when the last day is don't rush it.

What's next for Alan Thomas? What's next for Alan Thomas is, you know, we're on a mission, really, it's a simple thing. We, we want, we help men and women who struggle with, like, lose the pounds that hold them back from living the extraordinary life they were really born to live. And, and our, our dream is, is a simple one.

It's a, it's kind of a big one. It's a God sized dream is to change the trajectory of obesity. That's going to take about 4 million people a month. to do it probably a little over. And I don't, I don't have a clue. So when it happens, nobody's going to be able to give me any credit. I was just the instrument because I mean, think about it.

How do you get people to lose hundreds of pounds without a diet or exercise plan? That's a God size [01:14:00] thing. It's just the most counterintuitive thing in the world. But we do, we help people lose a lot of weight because, because here's the deal that for me to find the next one. You said, what's next for me to find the next man or woman to struggle in obesity and rescue them?

Well, you know, it's, it's a big plan. I like it because small ambitions yield small results. So I like it for sure. Where can people find you? Where's the best place to connect with you? Best place is transformmyfuture. com, which you put up there, but go to that transformmyfuture. com. Fallible man, put that back up.

If, uh, people that's, they spell transform, my future is transform. my future. com and then forward slash fallible man. And there'll be able to watch that training that really does it. It speaks to it. I get the emails all the time. Man, it makes sense is in. There is no diet advice in there. If you're looking for a diet, by the way, I'll give them this.

This is something your guests may not have ever heard of. This will be helpful on diet advice. There's a site called Google. They [01:15:00] might want to check it out. I hear it's pretty busy. Pretty good. So, but at the end of the day, it's a decision. It's not your diet and stopping you from holding you back from losing weight.

Now guys, we'll have all those links because we want to make sure that you can find Alan and find out more about him, uh, as usual in the show notes and in the description, whatever platform you're listening to this on or watching this on. If you're following us on YouTube now, we know the big question you're all concerned about is what type of food holds the world record for being most stolen around the globe.

Oh, I forgot. Chocolate. Your second guess was actually correct. Cheese. Cheese is the most stolen food around the globe. It's estimated that as much as 4 percent of cheese products around the world are stolen. Wow. That is interesting. Wow. I know that was like the high point. Everybody was waiting for that.

No, no. I was. No, I am good. Hey, man. I'll remember that one. That is. I'll remember that one. Take us out today. If the people listening to hear nothing else, you say, what is the one takeaway you want them to hear? [01:16:00] Action. They've got to take action now that, because you don't know when you don't know when you won't have a chance to take action.

All right. That's it. Take action. Massive guys from the Fallible Man and Alan Thomas. Thanks for hanging out with us today. Thanks for listening. Go do something great. Be better tomorrow because of what you do today, and we'll see you in the next one. This has been The Fallible Man Podcast. Your home for everything, man, husband, and father.

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Alan Thomas Profile Photo

Alan Thomas

Weight Loss Coach

Alan Thomas is a weight loss expert and a passionate advocate for taking control of your health. With personal experience as a formerly morbidly obese individual, Alan understands the struggles and challenges that come with weight loss. Through his own journey, he discovered the power of embracing personal responsibility and making informed choices for lasting success. Alan believes that while body positivity is important, it shouldn't overshadow the importance of prioritizing our health. With a laid-back and friendly approach, Alan helps individuals navigate their weight loss journey by empowering them to make choices that align with their unique needs and goals.