Welcome to the Fallible Nation!

“Don’t ignore the whispers or it’ll turn into a scream!” REAL Health Insights with Holistic Health Coach Magic Barclay

What your experiencing health wise may not be related to anything you recognize, but it may be from something you thought was long gone.
Magic Barlcay is an author, speaker, podcaster, and holistic wellness practitioner who specializes in Innate Immu...

What your experiencing health wise may not be related to anything you recognize, but it may be from something you thought was long gone.

Magic Barclay is an author, speaker, podcaster, and holistic wellness practitioner who specializes in Innate Immunity and Functional Health Solutions. She is passionate about helping people reach their full potential and grow into the people they dream of being.

This episode is about Holistic Wellness and how Magic Barclay learned about it. Magic Barclay explains the concept of looking for the root cause of illness, rather than just treating symptoms, and the importance of understanding adverse childhood experiences and how they can continue to affect our health. She also talks about her own journey of healing, her own podcast and her favorite ice cream flavor. Magic encourages listeners to take a holistic approach to becoming the best version of themselves, as well as to explore her podcast for a deeper dive into holistic wellness.


"Listen to what your body is telling you - don't ignore the whispers or it'll turn into a scream!" - Magic Barclay


In this episode, you will learn the following:

  1. How you have different immune systems for different issues and how they work together
  2. How can childhood illnesses and experiences affect a person's health in adulthood?
  3. How old untreated issues can manifest as something else
  4. How Mold could be impacting your health even if you don't see it.
  5. Whole life wellness verse traditional health care


Guest Links:

Free Health Assessment:









The video version of this show is available on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@thefalliblemanpodcast


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Okay, so doctors don't have time. First of all, it's not their fault. They just don't have time. But they treat the symptom to knock it out. But say you cut yourself, right, and you put a bandaid on it, but it's so deep the cut that it's just not going to stop bleeding is the bandaid they're going to fix?


It will for a short amount of time, but it won't forever. Cuts going to open up, it's going to get worse, right? So when the doctor prescribes you something for the cough, for the sleep, they're only treating the symptom. The cause is still there. And if you suppress the symptoms long enough, the cause will pop up as other things.


Okay, so sleep. Let's take that as an example. So you're struggling to sleep at night. You're really busy from the moment you get up. You're busy being a dad, a husband, no worker, a boss, whatever you are.


So hit ground running when you get up, you have a shower, whatever you do, you go to work, you're exhausted. End of the day, you play with the kids. That's your day. And you can't sleep. Is the sleep the problem?


Here's the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential and grow into the men we dream of being while taking care of our responsibilities, working, being good husbands, fathers, and still take care of ourselves? That's the question. This podcast will help you with those answers. My name is Brent, and welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast.


Welcome to the Fallible Man podcast. You're home for all things man, husband and father. Shout out to the The Fallible Man LLC. You guys make this possible. I love you guys so much.


And a big warm welcome to all of our first time listeners. My name is Brent, and my special guest, Magic Barlcay, author, speaker, podcaster, and holistic wellness practitioner. Magic, welcomes the show. Thanks for having me. Now, of course, I got to lead off with a really obvious question.


Is magic actually your name? Yes, it is. Okay, well, all right. I've never actually missing named Magic before. That's interesting.


Magic, in your own words, who is Magic Barlcay? You know, I used to say Magic Barlcay is a wife and a mum and a mum of four kids and a gardener and a healer, a practitioner, a coworker. But who Magic Barlcay really is someone who's in touch with herself, someone who respects her soul, someone who respects the earth, someone who tries to make as much sense of what's going on in the most logical and safe way. That is a really well thought out in Kudos. I get most people and they're like, there's a lot of stuttering on that one.


It's like, that's deeper than we were going. Now for all of us. Label what is an innate Immunity? Functional Health Solutions practitioner okay, so I. Study under a fabulous person, dr.


Stuart Gillespie from Innate Immunity and functional health solutions. He trains practitioners to look for a root cause of illness. So rather than treating symptoms like I have knee pain, treat the knee pain, it's going to come back. Look at why is that happening? Is it an immune reaction?


Is it a skeletal issue? So a functional issue, what is behind it? So there's several of us around the world now, and I've been studying with Dr. Stewart now for just my fourth year, and I just love the teaching, so I've put it into practice with my own client. Okay, now how does this differ from like a nature of the house?


Because I was trying to understand the differences, because I know there are some. How does this differ from a naturopath, which is probably the closest somewhere our listeners are going to understand for your practice? So a naturopath will still look at symptoms. They will treat some systems of the body, but they still use reductionism. So modern medicine uses reductionism, which is treat in isolation, treat a thing I treat using holism.


So look at what the whole body is doing. Why is that happening? What systems are involved? Why are they involved? So a naturopath will also prescribe lots of supplements.


So they don't prescribe medications like a doctor would, but they do prescribe supplements. So you can often see a naturopath. To all the naturopaths out there, this is not a blanket thing. This is just so people understand the difference. But many naturopaths will prescribe bags and bags of supplements so you can leave their $400 for your consult, another $1,000 worth of supplements, maybe another $1,000 worth of testing.


And the problem with that is it's not sustainable. And it really means that a lot of people cannot treat their health in ways that they need to. So what we do instead is we might prescribe maybe five things maximum, and they'll be readily available, they'll be cheaper, and we don't need to do testing because myself, with my own practice, I send out my clients a 17 page intake form. Now, someone yesterday called it a thesis. They said, I'll get my thesis back to you.


And the reason is I need to know as much as I can. Nothing is unimportant. So the infection that you had, maybe the tonsillitis you had when you were five, that's important. Now when you're 45 and why? Because it's telling me what the latent infections are, what's happening, what the triggers are, what the root causes are.


So with naturopath, they're not looking for that information. They don't want to know what you had for breakfast when you were two. I do. Okay, so the layers upon the layers, right? The Y behind the why behind the Y behind the why.


Totally. So many marketers have a thing called the five times Why. But why do you want that why? Well, I have the five times why. But why is this happening to you?


Why do you have eczema and five times why that? And that's really, really important to get to the root cause. Yes, my marketing agency for my podcast uses the five times y. No, go deeper. Go deeper.


I'm not sure I can get much deeper. I'm going to hit the other side of the Earth pretty soon. But no, go deeper. We need a why behind the why behind the why. That's it.


When you get to that last why with clients that I'm talking to, often they'll just start crying. And whilst I don't want them to be upset, I know that's a breakthrough moment. We've gotten to that last why and they've had that might drop moment, that really AHA moment of oh, wow. The itchiness that I had when I was a kid or the viruses that I had when I was a kid mean something now. And that's really important for people to understand how their bodies work.


That's a really big concept to think that childhood illnesses, things you have when you're younger, right? I'm 42. About that. I'm 42 years old is odd to think that things I had at 8910 are still impacted. That's not something you would traditionally hear from a lot of doctors going, oh, no, you got past it.


That was forever ago, it doesn't matter. So I think that's hard to conceptualize. Yeah, you can get past it, that's the thing. But viruses and bacteria and fungus all live symbiotically in your body, and if one of those gets out of control, can pop back up. So you'll never get rid of one of these things completely.


But you do need to make it go back to sleep. You do need to reduce its numbers so that it is not dangerous to you. And you need to make sure that there's that symbiotic balance between the three big three pathogens and no one of them is getting out of control. And that's the important key. Okay, so before we get too deep into the science and the medical side of this, tell us, how did you get on this journey?


How did you get to here? Well, through my own health. So I came to a pretty life crushing moment, literally, of multiple diagnosis that were pretty close to end stage. So I had stage four cancer, I had uncontrolled diabetes, I had contracted Lyme disease while I was going through all of this. And I was pretty much told, do you know what?


This is it. Say goodbye to your kids, because if you don't do something now, this is it. And so I did something. I had my thyroid taken out. It's not something I would recommend, and if I could go back in time, I would not do it.


But I didn't have a choice at the time. There were outside influences, so I did that. And then I looked at the natural route and I looked at, why are these things happening? And that kind of took me on my journey of where I am today and what I learned about viruses that were running rampant in my body, that were contributing to the cancer, that were contributing to the diabetes. The high amount of stress that I've been under for pretty much all my life, that contributed to my fluctuating weight, that contributed to the diabetes.


And really looking at all the things that have gone on, I went, no one's asked me this before. No one has asked me was I a happy child? Was it stressful? Did I have any adverse childhood experiences? What were my relationships like?


How often was I sick? Nobody asked me that. And here I was, stage four cancer, and no one wanted to know why. They just wanted to treat the cancer. That's just not with my limited understanding of medicine.


I definitely have a limited understanding of medicine that just it's not something like I would think of, right? I wouldn't associate those facets of my life as impact, adapt. I don't think it's a very common thought, but it impacts us totally. So there's many factors through our childhood that can influence the way we think, feel, act, behave, and certainly in our health. And you know, they say that children are a sponge from zero to seven.


They're the foundation years. Everything that goes on around them affects their life. Well, that's commonly known, but it seems to be in medicine that gets shoved aside. And so a lot of people, actually, I think it came out of the US. Have come up with the Aces questionnaire, and it's ten questions about what's happened in your childhood and on this Aces so adverse childhood experiences on this Aces questionnaire, if you get any more than three points on it, you've got some stuff going on in the background.


Now, what that can do is cause stress, brings in the PNEI system that Dr. Gabor mate from the body says no talks about, and I've studied, and now I teach it as well. And so that is the psychoneuroendoimmunology of trauma. So things that happened when you were a child have created a psychological impact. So you've made it mean something, you've put an emotion on it, an attachment.


And this is commonly seen when you walk past someone with a perfume or you smell a herb or something like that, and it takes you back in time. Well, if it takes you back in time to something that wasn't healthy and happy, that's the problem. If it takes you back to a time when your grandma was hugging you and making apple pies or whatever, and it was all great and it felt loved, terrific, but often it doesn't. So that's the P, the psycho now that then causes the nervous system to react either happily or unhappily. So that's your neuro.


Now, the nervous systems right through the body, it most commonly, when it's unhappy, shows up as pain, lack of sleep, other issues, jittery and a number of issues. When that gets too much, it sends messages to your endocrine system. So that's all your hormones. So we see people commonly with hormone imbalances, with thyroid problems, with menstrual, problems with even the guys can have cycle problems. So infraredium or circadian rhythms can be upset.


And then when all of this is going on, the big dog on the block, which is your immune system has to react. So if you're unhappy enough, something happens long enough, you have a nervous system reaction. You have an endocrine system reaction, you're going to have an immune reaction. So this shows up as you walk past that perfume, the psycho goes off. You feel a bit tense, maybe a bit jittery inside.


There's your neuro. It kind of a hot flash. You've just dropped a whole lot of hormones. So there's your endo. And then you end up with the flu or flulike symptoms.


That's your immune system saying you're not safe. I need to do things. I need to make you safe. So this is all behind just smelling one thing. This is all going on in the background because you haven't addressed what happened the first time you smelled that one thing, which is your adverse childhood experience.


Wow. I'm familiar with the concept of the mind have so much power, but I've never considered even the cycles where this translates to this.


Wow, that's a really big thought. It's a really cool thought. And terrifying all at the same time. Totally. You have a podcast, right?


Yes, a magical life. It's the podcast and yeah, we cover all sorts of things. You name it, it comes up. Right. So guys, you can dig even more in if you're already hooked like I am, you can dig more in.


Unfortunately, we can only go so deep this show. So guys, if you're like, I want to know more, right? So definitely you need to go check out her podcast as well. Now, something you might be wondering. Why are we talking about this on podcast?


Guys, the answer is really simple. If you want to be the best version of yourself on the Fall of a man, we talk about a very holistic approach to being a better person. Being a better it's why I don't just talk about fatherhood. Can't be a better father without becoming a better person. You can't be a better husband without becoming a better person.


Right. You have to grow holistically that includes both mentally, emotionally, and physically. I know that's the first thing that guys like to put on hold. It's like, oh, my schedule got busy. The first thing it takes a backseat, diet and exercise.


First thing that takes a backseat. I got too busy with work and I'm not having enough time for my kids. First things out the door is diet and exercise because taking care of my kids becomes a priority. So guys, that's why we're having this conversation. Because Magic wants to talk about root causes.


And I don't know about you guys, but I'm not interested in taking pills the rest of my life. I'm not interested in them fixing what hurts as much as why it hurts or why it makes me feel that way. So that's why we're getting this conversation with Magic. Here's the all important question of the show. What is your favorite ice?


Oh, hokey Pokey. Do you have that in the US. No, I've never heard about it. Tell me. OK.


It's got butterscotch chunks in it. It's like almost like a salted caramel with butterscotch chunks. Really? My favorite. That has the most interesting ice cream flavor over there.


I was talking, I think when people. Make ice creams over here in Australia, they're like, what's left over? What can't we sell? Chocolate and ice cream is a vanilla or chocolate base. My wife wants it's like a salted caramel kind of base.


Okay. I was talking with a doctor, Christian Haim, and he told me about something that was like roasted fig and pistachio or something that they make. Yes. And it was like, I've never even heard of that. Definitely, if you want a culinary experience, come to Australia, because we do the strangest things of food.


I'm going to have to come up with a tour to Australia at some point because I keep meeting people from Australia. I've just met some incredible people over there. You guys always have just an amazing attitude. I'm just taken with the hospitality of Australians I talk to. So I may have to go and just, like, do a tour, meet everybody I've actually got to talk to and then try all these things.


You guys tell me about that's. Just hokey poke. Okay, that's cool. I got to find out more. Maybe they ship.


We'll find out. I'd have to send you some. Okay. Magic, I was prepping for the show, and I saw that there's something that just took me by surprise. You talk about different types of systems.


I thought, I'm so confused by that. Right. Was told I have an immune system. That's what I know. Right.


This is not my field of study, obviously, but there are different types of immune systems. So for the guys that are listening, yes. You have up to five types of known immune systems, and they're actually learning about more now. So you have your innate immune system, which is the one that you're born with. It's all your barriers.


So it's your skin, it's your gut lining, it's your blood brain barrier, it's your private part. They're all barriers. Right. So they're part of the innate immune system. Now, when your innate immune system comes across a pathogen, it has about three to five days to fight it, to put it back into a dormant state and take that symbiotic relationship back that I spoke about earlier.


Okay. So that's when you get a cold for a couple of days, you feel really crappy. You're on the couch watching Netflix, sipping water, and you're like, oh, I'm dying. And then a couple of days later, you're back up. You're out chopping wood or walking the dog or whatever it is, and you completely are okay.


But the last couple of days never happened. You think, well, why did I think I was dying? I'm okay now. But that's your innate immune system doing its job. Now, if it can't do its job, if it's something a little bit more intent, it calls in the acquired immune system.


And we normally sit in a system called Th Three, or T regulation. And imagine, like, a conductor with his sticks, and I have no idea what they're actually called, but conductor sticks. Th Three is sitting here, right? You sit here most of the time. Now, you get an infection.


That's too much for the innate. He sends you off to th one. So that's often characterized by fevers, aches and pain. So, like, when you get the flu, every joint hurts. You're like walking hurt.


Blinking my eyelids hurts. Like, this is ridiculous. I'm sweaty and I'm hot, and everyone else is walking around in a wool and jumper, and I'm like, Get the layers off that's Th One. But you can get stuck there. And you can get things like arthritis.


You can get things like constant muscle tears, skin lesions, things like that, if you get stuck in Th One, but we're supposed to go to Th One and jump back to Th Three. Now, for the ladies out there, when you get pregnant, you jump into Th Two. That's really nurturing, caring, building anabolic that doesn't do anything to break anything down like Th One does. Th Two has to nurture you so that you can carry the baby. Guys, you can go to Th Two as well.


And you do this when you inject something past your innate immune system. I'm not going to say the word because I don't want everyone getting taken off air, but you know what I mean. If you get a parasite that's also Th Two driving. Why? Because a parasite needs you to stay alive.


So if your immune system sends you to Th One, it will kill the parasite. So it keeps you in Th Two, but you can jump in and out and back to Th Three. Now, if those barriers from the innate immune system are broken down, like, they just cannot do their job, there's gaps in them. We see this a lot with leaky gut. We go to a system called Th 17 that's a little bit like Th One, as in it breaks things down, but it's now breaking you down because you've got broken barriers.


So we see this in Alzheimer's, we see it in Parkinson's, we see it in Crohn's disease. We see it with psoriasis. That's broken skin barriers. We see it with delayed onset allergies and hay fever and seasonal allergies because a lot of barriers are broken. If you get stuck there long enough, like said, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, your blood brain barrier breaks and there you are with one of these chronic conditions.


So there's a lot of immune types, and part of what I do is work out which type you're in, which type you've been in and why. Guys, if you're getting something out of this, we are just getting started with magic. We're going to roll to our sponsor real quick and we'll be right back. How well do you sleep at night? Do you toss and turn and wake up more tired than when you went to bed?


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Now, I ask all my guests, magic, what is a purchase of $100 less that you made in last year that had a big pack? Wow. That's a really interesting question. $100 or less? Wow.


I would have to say that's a tough one.


Well, that's a really tough question, actually. No, it's not. I would have to say I bought myself a spanner set recently, so being a single mum, I've had to kind of take on being dad as well. And I'd never use tools, so I bought myself a spanner set and I was able to put together some shelf in my garage. So pretty proud of myself.


Excellent. Okay. Yeah, I get all kinds of answers, but you never know what's going to just be perfect for some people. For some people's book for me, like, this is one of the better things, if you can see that. Yeah.


Thank you. I'm a fidgeter and I kept, like, bumping my desk with my camera when I was talking to people, and Sarah would then be like, stop touching your desk. My camera's doing this while I'm trying to talk to somebody. It's amazing. Yeah.


Keep my wife going. That's why she's trying to engineer, because my camera is constantly moving little things. You never know what's going to be like. That magic for somebody that day. So let's talk about treating causes versus symptoms.


We've got a little bit into it during the break. But most of us are under the impression that when we go to the doctor, they're trying to make us better. My own experience doesn't always lean that way, but that's supposed to be the idea, right? We're taught we go to the doctor, they fix it. But more and more I'm seeing doctors just prescribe medications and the medications are generally to treat the cough I have, because whatever I have, or to help me sleep better so my body can fight, right?


Which, okay, I'm okay with sleeping better, so my body can repair itself, I'm okay with that. But it seems more and more like they're just trying to treat the symptom. So how is this approach that different? Okay, so doctors don't have time first of all, it's not their fault, they just don't have time. But they treat the symptom to knock it out.


But say you cut yourself, right, and you put a bandaid on it, but it's so deep the cut, that it's just not going to stop bleeding, is the bandaid going to fix it? Well, for a short amount of time, but it won't forever. Cuts going to open up, it's going to get worse, right? So when the doctor prescribes you something for the cough, for the sleep, they're only treating the symptom, the cause is still there. And if you suppress the symptoms long enough, the cause will pop up as other things.


Okay, so sleep, let's take that as an example. So you're struggling to sleep at night. You're really busy from the moment you get up. You're busy being a dad, a husband, a worker, a boss, whatever you are. So you hit ground running when you get up, you have a shower, whatever you do, you go to work, you're exhausted.


End of the day, you play with the kids, that's it, that's your day. And you can't sleep. Is the sleep the problem? No, it's not. So early in the morning, when it's early morning sun, that is the best time, for example, to get out for a walk.


Even if it's only 20 minutes, you factor it in before you head to work. And why? Because the early morning sun helps activate the good bacteria in your gut, OK? And they make serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter. Now that serotonin is converted to melatonin, which helps you sleep.


So just by going for a 20 minutes walk in the early morning sun, even if it's winter and freezing, just getting out there, because there's still some that will help make melatonin to help you sleep. Now, the 20 minutes walk is a lot healthier than a sleeping tablet that shuts down pathways in your body to help you sleep because what's, it shutting down? And what does that then mean for you? So there's a number of things going on there. Any time we take a medication, we have to understand a, it's synthetic, b, it has side effects, and C, it shuts something down and we shut something down and suppress it long enough, it's going to pop up.


So that's behind medications. So yes, doctors do not have time. They do prescribe, but they also get paid to prescribe. So they're making more money regardless of the side effects. And medications have two things.


They have a list of side effects, you can Google it anywhere. Wikipedia, they also have another thing called mechanism of action, which is on Wikipedia as well. And some other websites, hub Ed will have them, or WebMD, or you know, there's a lot of websites you can look this up and when you read the mechanism of action and see what it's shutting down, that can be quite scary, because you go, it's shutting down all these systems in my body, these pathways. I think I actually need those. So when it does those things, it's creating more problems.


So you're better off finding the more natural source, really getting to the root cause and stop treating the symptoms. It makes sense. It's a very logical argument for sure. Like I said, my experience with medical field has not been real promising. So I always like to explore other possibilities.


And it's a logical argument. It makes a lot sense, right. I don't know about medicines and chemicals, that's not what I do. But it seems like adding a synthetic chemical to your body, it's got to work one way and it's kind of scary that it shuts things off. I'm not sure I'm okay with that thought, but I could spin down that road a long way.


So let's talk mold for a minute because I saw that you are master practitioner for dealing with mold issues. Now I know, I'm familiar with the idea of black mold. Black mold is super bad. They tear down houses because you can't get rid of it and stuff like that. But it sounds like that's not the only variance that we ought to aware of or understand how it's happening and affecting us.


So tell us a little bit about that. Sure. So mold, there's 37 types that we know of so far. They're not all bad, but all mold is the great survivor. So they say when the nukes are dropped, one day there will be two things like mold and cockroaches.


So mold is used in medicine as penicillin and other things. It's also used in warfare. So in chemical warfare, mold is harnessed to hurt people because mold will survive regardless. Now we talked earlier about parasites. Parasites need the host to be alive.


So they're not going to kill you. They're going to take you to the edge, but they're not going to kill you. Mold on the other hand, doesn't need the host to survive because when it's used, you up, you start decomposing and the mold moves onto the next thing because it is decomposing you. That's what it does, right? So mold doesn't care if you survive it.


It's. Like not important. So when you're exposed to mold, it can create a lot of other things. Now, we talked about the PNEI before as well. Mold trigger that whole pathway.


So mold can cause a limbic or an emotional or thought reaction from the center of your brain, can cause a limbic reaction to a lot of things. And mold is in some foods. We're exposed to it in the air. And you know, for all the guys out there that are handy in builders and things like that, when we build these airtight draft proof houses that we're doing at the moment, guess what? You're going to have a mold problem because you heat and cool that house, your condensation, sometimes you can't see it, sometimes you can.


Where's it going to go. It's a harbor for mold. So, you know, there's a lot of black mold. By the time you can see black mold, it's way too dangerous. But there's a lot of it around.


There's pink mold. You'll find that in your shower. There's white mold. You'll see that on your food. Like there's a lot of things.


How does it get there? We create the lifestyle for it. We create the habitat for it. So we've got to stop doing that really important things that, you know, if you've got kids or you don't have kids, whatever, you keep the window open. Now here in Australia, at the moment, as we're talking, it's five degrees Celsius, so it's freezing cold.


I've got windows open. You know, I'll put the heater on after we talk because pretty noisy. But I've got windows open. Why? Because I need that air circulation.


Because I don't want mold in my house. So we've got to stop creating these perfect airtight homes that are mold breeding grounds. Now, the other problem with mold is you can get rid of it from the house. There are some products that you can use to kill mold, to clean mold. And I use those products here in Australia.


And you can get rid of it. But if you move your or you move house, move away from but if you move your furniture or you don't clean the furniture molds in that, now you might go, do you know what? I'm moving house. I'm getting rid of everything. I'm going to move to a brand new house.


Mold free, no insert buzzer here. Because now the mold is inside you because it gets in through your nasal passages and you know, it gets in through those innate immune system barriers. And now it's in you. So you move to a brand new house, brand new furniture, but you're moldy. Guess what?


Still got mold in the new house. So it's one of these things that is quite insidious. It's not impossible to treat, but it's certainly not easy. But what it does is when it's in you, it masks the immune system. So those five immune types that I mentioned, none of them will work properly because mold has to survive.


And if your immune system can work on kicking it out, then it can't survive. So that's when you need a practitioner like myself and my team to really get into that and just go, okay, these are the things that we're going to use to treat mold, guess what? They're going to support your immune system too. So they'll usually be the same things, but maybe in a different order. Might be one or two extra things that we're going to prescribe to treat your root cause of your illness.


But we can't do that till we get rid of the mold. Well, I'm not terrified. Thank you for that. No, I appreciate all the information.


I'm a dad, right? I'll stand toe to toe with a bear, protect my kid. It's things like this that terrify me, right? It's the unseeable. It's the things that can't fight toe to toe necessarily.


So, like how we get rid of because I'm pretty sure we probably have more house. So here in Australia, we have a company called San Air. S-A-N-A-I-R. We use those products. You need to find a San Air practitioner.


If you have a holistic practitioner in the US, then, you know, get them to contact Senate. But we work remotely so we can work with you as well. And we use things that they provide to clean the situation. We have mold tests as well. And then you see someone like me to clean it from your inside.


So we treat it, we get rid of it, and then we address maybe the strings that it's pulled along the way. So it is treatable. Not one of these things we need to live in fear of, but we need to be aware that there's things that we can do every single day to stop it taking hold. Guys, if you're getting something out of this, you're getting a lot of amazing information right now. And seriously, you need to pursue this, learn more.


But if you get something out of this, be sure to click that like button on whatever platform you're listening to this on or watching us. If you're on YouTube, leave us a comment. And I always respond to our comments. Love to hear what you have to say about the show. Leave us a review on Apple podcasts that really helps us out.


And just do all that good social media nonsense that you guys know I hate that keeps us doing shows like this. Click the little bell so you get notified when we put on a new show now. Magic. Is it fair to say that most of us are not listening to our body? That is very fair to say.


We've talked already about covering symptoms up. We've talked about being too busy and things like that. Men and women alike do not listen to their bodies. Men more so because as a man, you've got to be strong. When you're facing that bear that you want to face off against, protect your family.


You've got to be strong. Any sign of weakness, the bear is going to know it, right? Right. So as men, people tend to squash the fear. They squash the feeling.


And what I'm saying is, please don't do that. It's okay to be vulnerable. You can still be the most masculine man and be vulnerable. You can still listen to what your body is telling you. You can still have fear, but it's how you confront that that matters.


So really listen to your bodies. Because if you don't, we often say ignore the whisper. It'll turn into a screen, you're going to be sick. That's when you're going to have an autoimmune. It's when you're going to get something like prostate cancer.


All these things are going to happen because there were whispers along the way that you didn't listen to. So definitely listen to your body. We're pretty good at blocking that. Keep working, keep producing. My wife can tell stories on me.


I've actually gone to work with a born MCL before literally dragging my leg behind me. I got sent home. They're like, no, you can't be like that. But yeah, I grew up doing construction and stuff like that. I can't count how many times I've dodged behind the back of a house of doing residential construction, building a new house and thrown up, going right back to work, because I shouldn't have been at work.


But I didn't get paid. If I didn't be there, wasn't there. Men are just we're taught, produce, produce, produce. That's what we do. So a lot of roles I've been working in it for over a decade now, and I still have to my wife has to, like, kick me every now and then and be like, hey, you have sick time.


You cannot go to work. And we're okay. Because I spent so many years doing construction stuff, I didn't have sick time. If I didn't work, we didn't get paid. We couldn't pay bill.


And so there's just so many industries like that and for women, too, but especially men were just hardwired to like, no, got to keep going, got to going, got to get paid. It's so easy to just brush it off. Sarah yells at me is like, you can call in sick, right? We have sick time. Oh, yeah, I can do that.


Even a decade into it, you don't have sick time. This is really important for you guys to hear, and that is take a day off today and get better. Because if you don't, how is it going to be after maybe a week of struggling with the bills a little bit or a lifetime of not having the bills paid? Now if something happens to you and you can't be the man in your family's life who can look after them when you're gone, because you will be gone. Because these things will take over because you didn't take that day off.


So you have to look at the big picture here and struggling a little bit this week because you're not feeling well and you need to take time off versus seeing your family lose their home completely. Like, you can always make a phone call to the bank or to the landlord or to whoever you're dealing with and go, you know what? I was really sick. Let's take a week off. I'm better now.


Give me some time. That's okay. But facing your family and going, you know what? I should have taken that week off last year because now we're getting evicted. That's not okay.


My brother ended up walking the monk because working such continuous long days, and he just got used to feeling bad, so he had been feeling bad so long, he stopped noticing that he felt bad and ended up hospitalized. Walking pneumonia. Yeah. So, Magic, what is next for you? You're a published author, right?


Four books, if I understand correctly. Yeah. There'll be another one soon. Yeah. So another book is coming down the line, and you've got your practice and you've got your podcast.


What's next for you? Well, what's next for me is hopefully moving to the country onto land. I've got this dream of setting up a permaculture farm, and I'm already a wildlife rescuer here in Australia, so having somewhere where the wildlife can be released and I can grow medicine, and I'm just looking forward to that. Okay, very good. My kids love Irwin's show, and they have the wildlife hospital there.


Yeah. When is that awesome? That's not as fun as the makeup, I'm guessing. It probably is not. I worked on a ranch and taking care of sick animals was never fun, but, you know, they make it look good on TV, at least.


That's very that you're involved in that. I understand. I want to move out of town as well. Having a little space in the country where you can grow things and things nice. So we have your website here, and for everybody who's listening, guys, I will have links to all of Magic website, her form that she has where you can actually have a consultation with her via thesis, as she called it.


Right. And that's free, by the way. That thesis is free. There we go, guys. It's a free consultation.


You just got to put in a little bit of work, do the paperwork, have a great conversation. She will help you dig into your life. And we'll have links for all that for her Facebook, magic, is the website the best place for people to find you? The website is the best place you can find all the other links there. Yup, that's the website.


So you can find all the links sent through a contact form, and we'll send out the thesis to you guys. That's holistic naturalulehealth.com au. Like I said, I will have links in the show notes and in the description. That way you make sure you get it right. Because I certainly would spell it wrong if I was trying to do it off the top of my head.


So we will have links for you guys. Find her. Magic, what do you want to take away the shame really, that to know. Yourself means that you need to know yourself. So you need to know what's going on inside you.


And you have the right to know. You know, no longer are you treating symptoms, no longer are you taking bandaid solutions. Really look at what's going on inside you, inside your body, inside your thoughts and inside your life. And to be the best dad, the best husband, the best father, the best mate or best friend, whatever, you have to know who you are first. Okay, guys, I jumped around with Magic through a variety of topics.


Did that on purpose. I want you guys to know she has quite a range she can help you with. She deals with very unique things because she deals with from a unique perspective. So it's not one thing. That's why we jumped around from mold and about listening to your body.


And while we jumped into some of the other topics, I want you to see that there is a range of things that she can help you with. And if you guys want to address the root cause as opposed to just fixing the symptoms, you might spend some time getting to know her. Go check out the podcast that she does. Beautiful. Make sure I upload that one again.


The magical life, health, wealth and weight loss. Guys, go see what she is about. Dig deep into this because I want you to reach your best goal self. I want you to become the person you can be. That includes take care of yourself.


I know I need to learn some lessons about doing that myself. I'm not just telling you guys you need to do it. I know I need to work on that myself. Magic, thank you for taking the time to be on the podcast. Share with us and enlighten us to some new possibilities for us.


I'm grateful. Thank you so much for having me. This is a big jump from Australia with the time difference. I've done this a couple of times now, so like tomorrow there for us. So, yeah, today is Wednesday and it's almost 10:00 in the morning.


Yeah, we're recording this on Tuesday, late afternoon, I believe. Melbourne, are you in Aust time zone? Au? Okay, so, yeah, about 17 hours difference. So thank you for making this possible.


I love that we can do this, that we can cross the big pond. Do this with technology. Guys, as always, better tomorrow because what you do today and we'll see you on the next one. This has been the fellow man podcast, your home for everything. Man husband and father.


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Magic Barclay Profile Photo

Magic Barclay

Holistic Health Practitioner with multiple specialties

Magic has been a single mother of two for the past 10 years. In that time, stress and the roller coaster of life has seen her face her mortality a number of times. A cancer, Lyme disease, stroke, Diabetes, Heart attack and hypoxia survivor- Magic has seen how treating root cause of any illness gives you the tools to acquire a level of health you only dreamed possible.
Magic is a Mould Toxicity Master Practitioner, an expert in the PNEI (Psycho Neuro Endo Immunology)of Trauma, an Advanced Immune Practitioner and an Advanced Practitioner in Innate Immunity and Functional Health Solutions. Magic is also a practitioner of Lymphatic Mojo and CMLD (Complex Manual Lymphatic Drainage).
Magic is the author of 4 books and a sought after speaker.
Magic's hobbies include hiking in the Australian bush, spending time growing organic food for her family and wildlife rescue.
Magic is also the host of "A Magical Life- health, wealth and weight loss".