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Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Ideologies: A Father's Guide to School Activism

Are you aware of what's really being taught in your child's classroom? As parents, we often assume our kids are receiving a balanced education, but recent events have exposed a concerning trend: the infiltration of Critical Race Theory (CRT) into school curricula across the nation.

In this eye-opening conversation, I sit down with Dr. George S. Maurer, author and expert on CRT in education. Dr. Maurer pulls back the curtain on this controversial ideology and its impact on our children's minds.

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Are you aware of what's really being taught in your child's classroom? As parents, we often assume our kids are receiving a balanced education, but recent events have exposed a concerning trend: the infiltration of Critical Race Theory (CRT) into school curricula across the nation.

In this eye-opening conversation, I sit down with Dr. George S. Maurer, author and expert on CRT in education. Dr. Maurer pulls back the curtain on this controversial ideology and its impact on our children's minds.

Unmasking Critical Race Theory

  • The Marxist roots of CRT and its goal to reshape society
  • How CRT differs from genuine ethnic studies and cultural education
  • The psychological impact on children: fostering division instead of unity

Signs CRT Has Infiltrated Your Child's School

  • Key terms to watch for in class descriptions and assignments
  • How CRT extends beyond social studies into math, science, and even dance classes
  • Real-life examples of parents fighting back against CRT indoctrination

The Importance of Parental Involvement

  • Why attending school board meetings is crucial
  • Strategies for monitoring your child's curriculum
  • How to effectively challenge CRT implementation in your school district

But what truly sets this conversation apart is Dr. Maurer's emphasis on action. He doesn't just highlight the problem – he equips parents with practical tools to protect their children's education and future.

Whether you're a concerned parent, an educator, or simply someone who cares about the next generation, this discussion will open your eyes to the subtle ways CRT is reshaping young minds. Are you ready to take a stand for your child's intellectual freedom?

Tune in and discover how to safeguard your children's education from ideological indoctrination.

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Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Ideologies: A Father's Guide to School Activism

It's that magical time of year for all parents schools back in session. Effectually, guys, we're in October and school is underway. I have to ask you as a parent, do you know what your child is being taught? You see, one of the things we all learned when our kids were sent home during the dreaded outbreak.

Was there are some things being taught in schools that not all of us think are right are agree with. And just because we're in election season, doesn't mean that's changed. In fact, you need to be more vigilant now than ever before about being involved in your child's education today on the fallible man podcast.

I'm talking to Dr. George S. Mauer about critical race theory, what it is, how it's being input into your child's school system, what you need to know about it and how you stand up against it. If that's something you don't want your child involved in, check out the Thought from Dr. Mauer. Let's get into

Dr. George S. Maurer: the one most important thing you need to do is look at your child's education.

Look at the class descriptions, [00:01:00] attend the school board meetings, uh, if you, if you are in a position to go to the classroom and volunteer, volunteer at the school and I know, you know, some of us, you know, we have two parents both working full time jobs and it's difficult, but, um, do what you have to. To make time and get involved with your child's education because when COVID hit and kids were home and lessons and teachers were talking through the computer in the home.

Parents were docked at the things that their Children were being taught. Find out what it is. And and if you do run across critical race theory in any of its forms, do not be afraid to take a stand and do not be surprised when they lie to you [00:02:00] or try to interfere and keep your child there. You know, I don't need to tell you to be a Papa bear when it's necessary.

It may be necessary. Your child may be in a great school. I don't know, but they might not be. And you can't take that chance.

D Brent Dowlen: Here's the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential, growing to the men we dream of becoming while taking care of our responsibilities, working, living, being good husbands, fathers, and still take care of ourselves.

Well, that's the big question. And in this podcast, we'll help you with those answers and more. My name is Brent welcome to the valuable man podcast Welcome to the valuable man podcast your home for all things man husband and father big shout out to fallible nation That's our longtime listeners and a warm welcome to our first time listeners.

Hey, I know there's a lot competing for your attention So from the bottom of my heart Thanks for giving us a shot. Be sure and connect with me at the fallible man on most social medias. I'm particularly active on Instagram. Let me know what you thought of the show. I'd love to hear your opinion. My name is Brent and today my special guest [00:03:00] is Dr.

George S. Maurer, author and so much more, but we're going to get into that. George, welcome to the fallible man podcast.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Well, thank you so much, Brent, for having me. I really appreciate it. I know your schedule is tight and thank you for making room for me.

D Brent Dowlen: Not a problem. I'm actually looking forward to today's conversation, but we like to start things on the light side.

Uh, so how has your trivia skills,

Dr. George S. Maurer: my trivia skills, my trivia skills used to be much more honed than they are today. First of all, I used to pay a lot more attention to popular culture. than I do now. A lot of popular culture tends to offend me. And, uh, well, I shouldn't say offend. That's not a good word. It gets under my skin.

Let's just say that. And so I tend to stick to You know, as far as my television, uh, habits are concerned, I tend to watch things like [00:04:00] Storage Wars and, you know, and, you know, Pawn Stars, things where they tend to stay away from politics and you don't get that, uh, you know, you don't get a lot of walk culture kind of Invading the storyline.

Um, so if I were to go on Jeopardy today, I would not do well. Plus, I'm almost 60 years old. So, you know, I, you know, I, um, I talked to somebody, you know, uh, and 15 minutes later, I can't remember who they are. So, I mean, you get to that age, you know, where you just, what is that thing called again? A pencil.

That's right. You know, and you have, you know, I'm already having senior moments, which, uh, which were sure probably worry should worry me a little bit, but, uh, we'll get through it.

D Brent Dowlen: So no worries. And to be fair, like I actually searched for questions that I don't think you're going to get it right. So that's full disclosure.

Now, guys, if you want to know you section, there's timestamps [00:05:00] down in the Uh, description so you can jump forward to the media of the show. But as you know, we like to get to know our guests just a little bit. So George, here's your question. I'm more than happy to have a little fun. So let's go. What is Johnny Depp afraid of?

Is it. Clowns, closed spaces, spiders, or heights?

Dr. George S. Maurer: Well, um, if I could take the answer off of, from outside of those four, it would be a future wife who does her business on the bed. Uh, you know, but, uh, uh, but, uh, I would say clowns from your choices. I got to go with clowns.

D Brent Dowlen: All right, guys, you know, the rules don't cheat. Don't jump ahead. And if you're driving, please don't write down your answer.

So you remember it just guess later in the show. All right now, in your own words, cause I don't do big introductions. Who is Dr. George S. Maurer today?

Dr. George S. Maurer: Well, um, [00:06:00] I am someone who, um, I've come a long way. I think, um, I, uh, grew up in less than ideal circumstances, you know, uh, lived in a nice town, grew up in a nice town, Tom's River, New Jersey, great place to grow up.

Uh, we lived in a nice neighborhood, but we were, we were the poor white trash on the block. And, uh, And so, but that's okay, you know, but, uh, I ended up joining the military, went to college for a little while and went to New Orleans. New Orleans is one of my favorite cities in the world, but it is a horrible place to try to get anything done at all.

Uh, they are a party town. And so I ended up joining the Air Force because I found myself kind of moving into a rut, and I needed a change. So, I joined the Air Force, spent the next 22 years doing that, retired as an Air Force Master [00:07:00] Sergeant. And then I started using my GI Bill benefits and went and got my bachelor's, master's, education specialist degree.

And then finally, uh, when COVID hit and I started working from home, I had run out of GI Bill benefits, but I was like, you know, I'm only 11 classes away from my EDD. I don't have to commute to work anymore. I think I have some time on my hands. And so I decided to go for it. And, uh, along the way, uh, my capstone project, which is sort of a dissertation light.

When you get a PhD, you do a full dissertation, which can be an eight year process. And I was not ready for that, but, uh, an EdD. You can do it in a year and a half to two years. Okay. I think I can work that out. And so I did. And when I decided on a topic, I came up with a critical race theory was sort [00:08:00] of, uh, kind of starting to show, show up.

And, uh, so I said, you know what, I'm going to look into this a little bit. I wrote my capstone on critical race theory. And then, uh, after I graduated, I began to, uh, translate my book for my capstone from academic writing, which is sort of like Joey Tribbiani from friends with a thesaurus. Uh, it's just ridiculously long words for no apparent reason.

And, uh, so then I, I, I translated it from academic, academic ease into English. And here I am.

D Brent Dowlen: It's a, it's a journey.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Congratulations. It was a journey. That's for sure. That's for sure. But I'm glad to be here. You know, it's, uh, I feel like I'm at a good moment in my life. And, you know, the one thing that I, uh, was [00:09:00] surprised by was, you know, I looked up a thing.

You know, when, what is the most productive decade in a person's life? And I was surprised to learn that it was 60 to 70. And I think I've set myself up for a pretty, you know, I just turned 59. So, but I think I've set myself up for a pretty productive decade. I'm hoping this is just going to be my first book and, you know, maybe I'll crank out a few more before we're done.

So we'll see, we'll see how it goes.

D Brent Dowlen: Wow. I thought you were supposed to take it easy in that age group. Apparently not.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Nah, you know, the, when, when you retire and start taking it easy, that's when you go, Oh yeah. That's when you, that's when you go, you know, Oh, he was doing great. Then he retired two years later, gone.

So you got to stay busy, man. You know, it's when you stop working and stop doing things. That's when the trouble starts. That's where the trouble starts. Excuse [00:10:00] me.

D Brent Dowlen: All right. You ready for the speed round? You have this? I am. I am. Let's do it. If you could be in any movie, what would it be?

Dr. George S. Maurer: If I could be in any movie, what would it be?

Uh, Young Frankenstein. That's definitely one of my favorites. What is, I'm not sure who I would be. I would be one of them, you know, I'd be, I'd be one of the good guys. That's for sure. I would not be the guy hunting down Frankenstein or Dr. Frankenstein. I would be one of the good guys. What's maybe Renfield's partner.

D Brent Dowlen: What's the worst song

Dr. George S. Maurer: ever? Oh boy. Macarena. I got

D Brent Dowlen: to go with Macarena. What sport would be funnier to add mandatory amount of alcohol to pregame? Ooh.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Hmm. Well, I don't know if it would be funnier, but it might be more entertaining. And I [00:11:00] mean, people love hockey for the violence, right? So if you get everybody drunk, there's going to be more fights, right?

I mean, it would be, you know, it, you know, hockey is a great game. But it doesn't, you know, I think they're having a hard time attracting a larger audience like the NFL and like baseball. They just might get audiences in line with the NFL and with MLB if everybody was drunk and fighting, even in the stands.

D Brent Dowlen: You know, the funny thing is I, I go to hockey games over the rest of that nonsense. Yeah. I don't like watching sports. I love watching hockey.

Dr. George S. Maurer: I love, I love, I, I, I, I'm an NFL guy. I'm a football guy, but, um, giants fan, but I can't, you know, as a long suffering giants fan. But, um, I just, Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, yeah, you've been suffering longer than [00:12:00] I have.

So, uh, but you know, I, I love, I love everything. I just can't get into watching hockey, but I love their positions on things. You're not going to see BLM slogans on a hockey, in a hockey rink. You're just not. And I appreciate that.

D Brent Dowlen: You know, I'd love to see, uh, football adopt line changes mid play.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Like I would be fine

D Brent Dowlen: just to see a try

Dr. George S. Maurer: a whole, a whole line of people running off and a whole people, a whole line of people running on at the same time.

D Brent Dowlen: What purchases of a hundred dollars or less have you made in the last year? That's had the biggest impact on your life.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Jersey Mike's number 13 original Italian with Mike's way, heavy onion and a cherry pepper spread on wheat bread. Of course, I've never even heard me some Jersey Mike's [00:13:00] man. Love me some Jersey Mike's. Jersey

D Brent Dowlen: Mike's, huh?

Dr. George S. Maurer: The Jersey Mike's. I'm a frequent visitor. Frequent visitor. I mean, that's, uh, the, uh, the first Jersey Mike's was in Point Pleasant, New Jersey, which is eight miles away from where I grew up.

They make Jersey Shore style sub sandwiches. I grew up on them. I love them. And when I left the area, I could not find a decent sub sandwich to save my life. And, and man, I, you know, I was, I, I lowered myself to subway for many years and then Jersey Mike showed up and it was like, Oh man, one of the greatest days of my life.

D Brent Dowlen: Batman or Superman. Uh, what was the first one? Batman or Superman? Definitely Batman. Definitely Batman. Every man has a spot on like a definitive on this. It's a [00:14:00] weapon of choice for the zombie apocalypse.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Ooh, well, you know, I mean, it's, it's hard to argue with the effectiveness of an AR, but you run out of bullets.

And I think what I would probably select would be some sort of a, uh, fashioned Long stick pointy end. And I would, you know, I would kind of make it sharp. And then that way you could stab the zombies right in the eye or even in the back of the head from with a little bit of distance and you could kill them, you know, more than an arm's length away.

So I think that's what I would go with. You know, Daryl. on, you know, on, uh, again, here, I'm having a senior moment walking dead. There we go. Uh, you know, he's got those arrows, which is the stupidest thing ever. Cause you know, you're going to lose those [00:15:00] arrows in no time, but he doesn't, he never seems to run out of arrows.

That's the one thing that I really don't believe about walking dead. That's the one thing that really bugs me. How come he still has arrows? So you can't tell me he goes and he finds everyone he shoots. There's no way it's the magic

D Brent Dowlen: Hollywood, right? It's like the, uh, never having magic Hollywood. Yes.

Never having to reload in the middle of a firefight, you know, exactly. Cause that happens, you know, George, what is one thing everybody should know about you before we dig into today's subject?

Dr. George S. Maurer: Well, um, according, well, in looking at. My social media presence and the reaction to me and my book on social media.

I would like everyone to know that I am absolutely positively not a racist. Um, you know, when you come out against [00:16:00] critical race theory, that is the one thing that CRT supporters do. So first thing they say is racist, especially if you're a white man. Taking a position against critical race theory. And unfortunately it is a very effective way to shut people up.

Uh, but, um, you know, I have a little bit of a thicker skin. You want to call me a racist all day long. That's fine. Doesn't make me a racist. I'm not a racist and I'm not going to let you bother me. It's not going to stop me. So, but I am absolutely not a racist. In fact, if anything, I wrote this book to ensure that people of color have better opportunities than they have now.

Um, so I believe, uh, critical race theory and [00:17:00] ethnic studies are not the same thing. Ethnic studies is the positive, healthy, positive, Education, learning of one's culture, self understanding is one of the most important things we can have to be successful in life. Critical race theory, unfortunately, is a tool where they focus relentlessly on the negative and the results And they, they focus relentlessly on the negative in order to divide people based on race.

And the worst thing about critical race theory is it's targeted at children, which, anybody who messes with kids is on my bad list and these folks are on my bad list. And that's why I wrote this book.

D Brent Dowlen: Guys, we've been getting to know George just a little bit. In the next part of the show, we're going to dive into critical race theory.[00:18:00]

You may have heard this talked about on the news. You may have heard it talked about as hot subject, George has done extensive research on this and even wrote a book on it. And we're going to dive into exactly what it is and how it affects your life. We're going to roll it to our sponsor. And we'll be right back with more from Dr.

Georges Mauer, a

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D Brent Dowlen: Guys, welcome back in the first part of the show. We just spent some time getting to know who George is and a little bit about who he is and how he thinks and what's going on up there in his head in this part of the show, we're going to get into critical race theory.

You may or may not be familiar with what that is. By the end of this episode, you absolutely will be and have the information to know what's going on with it, why you should care and how it affects your life. Now, George, we've kind of led into it a little bit, and we hear this talked about in like news headlines and politics.

But it's really for a lot of us. It seems like one of those things we see it pop up on headlines every now and then. It seems far away unless we're in one of the states where it's being pushed a little more solidly or for like in a federal position. So [00:20:00] just for clarity, can you explain critical race theory to us?

Dr. George S. Maurer: Yeah, it's, um, and like I touched upon it earlier, you know, there's, there's ethnic studies and there's critical race theory, and they are not the same thing. Um, but if you want to take a deep dive into it a little bit, it is based, it is a Marxist book. Uh, it's based on critical theory, which was came out of the Frankfurt school, which is where Leninism and Marxism and communism and all those things kind of came out out of Frankfurt, Germany.

And, um, so all you do and basically. You know, good old fashioned Marxism is, you know, class conflict between class. They're dividing us by class, rich against poor, um, you know, and, and rich people, you know, there's no way they earned what they have. They have obviously stolen it from [00:21:00] people, et cetera, et cetera.

And, uh, one key thing is your average Marxist is only offended by wealth when other people have it. They don't mind being rich themselves. So that's that's a key thing to remember. So all you do is you throw race in there and suddenly you have Uh, you, you have a conflict between races and if none exists and chances are you go into your typical first grade classroom and you have some African American children and some Latino children and some Asian children and some white children, chances are they get along just fine.

And then the teacher brings in critical race theory. And the idea is to. Disrupt. Um, there was a libs of TikTok, uh, got, uh, some pictures from a parent one time [00:22:00] whose kindergarten class, they were exploring a subject of freedom. And while exploring this subject of freedom, uh, they had to consider five different topics.

They were going to discuss five different sentences. And the sentences consist of whites have more than blacks, whites oppress blacks. Whites push blacks around, you know, you have to fight in a war and the fifth one slips me right now. But, you know, uh, what if any of those things, what do they do, what they have to do with freedom and why in the world are we asking five and six year old Children to investigate something like that?

It's just, it's horrible. It's, it's, you know, what they're doing is, and it's a relentlessly negative thing. Focus. They focus on the worst aspects of history [00:23:00] without giving any credit for the positive things that happen. Uh, critical race theorists see the United States, see America as the mac daddy of white supremacy.

Nothing could be further from the truth. I mean, if you want real racism, the, the, the, the gold standard of racism in the world is in Asia. And the Middle East. I mean, trust me, I've lived over there. I've been over there. Those folks are racist. And, um, in America, we are incredibly, we have a incredibly tolerant society, uh, ethnic minorities in the United States.

Are treated better than virtually any other nation in the world. And that's a message that we, we get lost on because one of the, uh, the major talking points, one of the major narratives, uh, is that America's [00:24:00] racist, everything about America's racist, and they're doing that to, to divide us. Um, but again, CRT is a Marxist philosophy, a Marxist ideology and Marxism.

seeks to take down capitalism. And that's what is inspiring all this stuff. Um, you know, nationalism, America is a bad place because, you know, they want to create Global socialist, socialist, socialist utopia. And one of the first things they need to do is they need to take out America and they need to take out capitalism.

And until those things happen, there's never going to be a Kumbaya Marxist world. You know, they think they can solve poverty with Marxism. They think they can solve racism with, with Marxism. And so that's the [00:25:00] inspiration behind all this. And so. And what they are doing is they are trying, they are dividing our children by race and what they're doing is they're trying to create little activists who will grow up and fight against, see America as a bad thing.

And you see that in colleges everywhere, but you also see it in K through 12 schools as well. You know, uh, you know, you have these, uh, in North Carolina, they had a thing called the facts report where some parents were complaining, Hey, there's some weird things going on in my kid's school. And so they created a website, lieutenant governor, Mark Robinson, who is running for governor right now.

African American conservative. So you could imagine that the, the attacks that he receives, they have a special venom for African American conservatives. And, uh, so, but he created this website and, you know, parents [00:26:00] were saying things like, you know, my kid's teacher opens the class every day with good morning, my little activists.

Good morning, my little comrades. And, you know, and then there is something like the California Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, which is mandatory for the class of 2030, already implemented in many of the school districts in the state, where part of The training, they have 33 sample lessons and some of the sample lessons includes, uh, studying black lives matter, studying their tactics, uh, looking for new social issues to apply those tactics to, uh, you know, I mean, they're training little activists and, you know, the first time I read through that, it was like, um, well, first of all, they deny there's no CRT in it.

Because the words critical race theory are not in the model curriculum, but I read through the first 600 pages myself [00:27:00] personally, and I found nearly 600 references to CRT based tenants, marginalization, oppression, systemic racism, um, you know, and it's, it's that focus where they just, everything that happens is, is racist, but anyway, they, um, Okay.

You know, they, they, they took, they take these kids and they have them volunteer for these organizations and it's, it's not a youth participatory led something or other. I don't remember the, the exact title of that particular sample lesson, but they take these kids out and they put them in with these radicals, you know.

No one mentioned Antifa, but I bet you a couple kids are ending up working with Antifa and studying Antifa. Um, it's, it's crazy. And what happens with this, all this negativeness [00:28:00] is you get something called the psychology of shame. And what happens is these kids, they get depressed. They become suicidal at times.

Um, and there was a, there was a, uh, CRT based reading program in Tennessee called Witten Wisdom. And when the parents first started noticing what's going on, uh, a group of them formed a group called Moms for Liberty, and they began going through the reading programs. The adults. found themselves getting depressed by the reading that their children were assigned to do.

If it can make an adult depressed, what do you think it's going to do to a child? And so that, that is critical race theory.

D Brent Dowlen: There's, there's so much in that. It's very scary. It's very scary. It's [00:29:00] when, when I first heard of critical race theory, just, just a few simple explanation I was exposed to early on when it first started rearing its head.

My, my immediate thought was like this idea that people are inherently racist from birth blew my mind. It is like, we live in a town that is 96 percent Hispanic. My child is a minority and her was, we're homeschooling these days. My child was a minority in her school, but like at her birthday party, one of her best friends is Hispanic.

One of them is African American. One of them's white. One of them, my children don't see colors. I actually had my dad asked me one time when she met one of her best friends at church. They've been friends for a while. Uh, several. I don't know, going on a year [00:30:00] plus and a year or so into their relationship.

My daughter asked me very innocently, she's like, why does she look different than I do? I said, well, she has a different ethnic origin than you do. But I couldn't, I couldn't help myself. I hit the Morgan Freeman, Robin Hood moment. I said, well, baby, God loves, God loves, uh, color. God loves all kinds of colors.

And he likes a little, little, what it was, uh, What is the line? Oh, you know what? If I hadn't even said it, I totally pull it off the top of my head. That's okay. Yeah. I

Dr. George S. Maurer: get your point. I get your point. Right. She probably, she probably didn't even notice. Yeah. Colors for the longest time.

D Brent Dowlen: She took

Dr. George S. Maurer: that

D Brent Dowlen: explanation and was like, Oh, okay.

Cool. Yeah. Right. From that issue, she just finally noticed, Hey, [00:31:00] we look a little different, but so what? Right.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Who cares? No one cares.

D Brent Dowlen: You didn't care at all.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Well, these people do these critical race theorists, they care, but your average child, they don't care. Uh, the Witten wisdom moms for liberty folks. Uh, one of the things that started it, yeah.

Was her little girl, uh, Miss, uh, Steenman, uh, and I, I'm Robin Steenman, I think her name is, but, uh, her little girl used to play with children of all races. Never even noticed. Oh, the boy in the blue sneakers. Oh, the girl in the yellow shirt. That's how she recognized him. Then she saw one 13 minute CRT video.

Suddenly everybody became that black girl, that white boy, that this, that and the other. They stole that child's innocent in 13 minutes. And that was the beginning of the Moms for Liberty. You probably have heard of them. They're nationwide and they've uh, [00:32:00] so, but, but that's what this does. That's what critical race theory does to Children.

And you know, it's, you know, Again, anybody who comes after kids and Marxists always come after the kids, even back in the old Soviet Union days, you know, they, they taught kids to be loyal to the state, even to the point of if they noticed their parents doing something against the state to report them.

And a lot of them did. You know, I mean, they're young and impressionable and, you know, I mean, I have a, I have friends, uh, one friend of mine that I grew up with, her husband is a cop and she owned a, a hair salon for many years, successful, sent their children to Miami, Miami university in Virginia tech.

Very expensive, you know, but they were in a position to do it and they're shocked at what there [00:33:00] is coming back to them in the condition that their Children are coming back to them. They don't like the police, they want to defund the police and capitalism is the most horrible thing in the world. And America is the most racist place in the world, you know, and she, I remember her saying to me, you know, looking at her door and go, where do you think all the money to send you to college came from?

The police and capitalism, you know, and I'd like to remind you of that young lady, you know, kind of thing. Um, but, uh, you know, it's kids are impressionable and it's not difficult to mold them in ways that are horrible. And that's what this does.

D Brent Dowlen: This is part of the reason my Children no longer go to public school.

Dr. George S. Maurer: I know you're in a position to do it. Absolutely. But the thing is, not everybody is. Most people aren't. They can't take their kids out of these schools because they can't afford it. Oh, yeah. So [00:34:00] they're

D Brent Dowlen: stuck. They're stuck. What grieves me is I know a lot of really great teachers, like individually, just really great teachers.

Of course, of course. Who never willingly or knowingly teach anything like this, but this and other pervasive ideas are bleeding into schools so rapidly. So yes, they are drive this home for us as far as men because I have A predominant audience of men. Okay. Paint us a picture. How is this impacting our world that men should step up and do something about it?

Dr. George S. Maurer: Well, um, as a man, uh, your first duty is to protect and provide for, Your family that just that simple. Um, and so as part of your duty to protect your Children, you protect them from [00:35:00] all things which will harm them. And this will absolutely harm them. You know, especially Uh, you know, it, it doesn't, it harms white Children and it harms Children of color.

No one is exempt from the, from the harm from the negative effects of critical race theory. And so, I mean, it's, it's no different than some strange person coming over and, and, Putting their hands on your child. You know, I mean, you need to stand up and fight back. And one of the things that my book does is it has a number of suggested tactics how to fight back.

It's in the title, Critical Race Theory in Your School, How to Fight Back. And I give some suggested tips for fighting back. And one of them is to [00:36:00] Go. Well, first of all, you got to understand the key. The key words. You look for words like oppression. Look for words like systemic racism. Uh, look for words like marginalization.

You know, those are the words that are indicators of critical race theory. And if you go to your child's class descriptions and most of them are online now, and if you see those words in the class description, chances are There they have been infiltrated with critical race theory, and it's not just social studies anymore.

Uh, critical race theory has always been intended to be in to infiltrate every single class, math, science, whatever you name it, whatever you call it. It's there in California. They have a thing called equity math. It's critical race theory. And, uh, when, when it first [00:37:00] came out, a bunch of 1200, uh, math and science professionals came out and wrote a letter to the state saying, Hey, this is bad.

And, and what they were saying is basically. That equity math de mathematizes math because what they do is they stop teaching math and they start teaching social issues. You know, a dance class stops teaching dance and they start teaching social issues. Let's explore that. blackface for the next week, you know, instead of learning basic dance steps.

And that's what critical race theory does. And again, this was in North Carolina, in the facts report, parent was complaining, my daughter is not learning the basics of dance. And that's why I put her in this class because she loves dance. Instead, she gets five days of. Explanation of why blackface, an old [00:38:00] Hollywood standard was bad.

I mean, I can tell you that in three seconds done. Okay. Yeah. It was a bit racist for white people to walk around in blackface. Well, not a bit. It was all right. It was very racist. That's fine. Let's move on. How about we get back to dance now? And so, uh, those are the things you need to look for. And if you recognize them, you need to stand up to them.

And. Expect to be lied to. Um, many times school administrators and teachers will say we do not teach critical race theory. But if you do a little bit of investigating, you find they actually do teach critical race theory. We had one parent going back to North Carolina again, one parent cop, uh, religious Christian and his son came home from school one day crying, very upset because the critical race theory.

Teacher [00:39:00] was explaining that the police need to be defunded, that police are racist and that they unfairly pick on minorities and, you know, and anti, you know, anti religion. Of course, you know, that goes without saying, uh, there are, there are always attacking Christianity. Um, and he came on, came home crying.

So, The father started asking questions. He went to the teacher, and the teacher goes, Well, uh, we don't teach critical race theory, but, uh, this particular class is mandatory. You know, we can't take a kid out of this class. That's what the father was saying. I want my child out of this class. And so then he went to the principal.

The principal goes, I'm sorry. It's a mandatory class. We can't take your child out. He needs it. Went to the school board. School board said, No, I'm sorry. This is a mandatory class. There's nothing we can do. Then he said, Okay, uh, show me the curriculum for this class and show me the state [00:40:00] mandated mandated requirement for this class that says I can't take my kid out.

I want to see it. Where is it? And the school board. Oh, it's right there on the website on our curriculum. It's right there. And of course, he looked and there was nothing there. Nothing that said his child had to sit there and listen to stories about how his father was a racist, you know, um, so, but keep digging.

Don't stop. You will. I mean, and eventually they had to relent because there's, there's nothing on the books. There's nothing there that said he had to take that class. You're lying to me. So I want them out. And eventually they have to relent, but they will. Uh, they will make it difficult for you. Don't, you know, don't be surprised by that.

D Brent Dowlen: Would you advise parents to attend regular school board meetings? Absolutely.

Dr. George S. Maurer: I would advise parents to not only attend school board meetings, but I would advise parents to attend [00:41:00] school if they are in a position to do it. Go to the classroom, find out what they're teaching your children. Always, always, always.

D Brent Dowlen: I know in Washington state where I live. Uh, one of the things that, uh, parents like myself on the more conservative side of the argument are fighting is the new sex requirements as far as, uh, teaching sex ed and what they're teaching our children about sex in school. Yeah. And that has become front and center for us as well.

And so I already recommend to parents that they should be attending those meetings, but uh, man, as a dad. Guys, you need to be involved, deeply involved if your children are in school.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Yeah, I'm sure without even looking at one written word of this policy, whatever it may be, I already know what it is. They are [00:42:00] teaching inappropriate content to children.

They're probably teaching first graders. how to masturbate, how to have anal sex. And that is going, that's something that's going on across the country as well. And yeah, dads, parents, moms as well, man, you need to get in there because these people, the people who are driving this, and again, there's the vast majority of teachers, they care about your kids.

They do. They really do. But the agenda. Is it's it's mind boggling. Why would they want to do this to kids? And there are circumstances where, um, there's a thing called in in loco parentis, which is latin for in place of parents, and there's a lot of teachers out there who feel that if you as a parent [00:43:00] don't agree with their liberal ideologies, that it's okay to step in between, you know, the parent and the child.

Um, in certain cases, and I can't remember the school or whatever it was, but there was a case and it was probably happening across the country where a little boy, let's call him Bobby, used to go to school and he decided that he wanted to be a girl. So without telling the parents, Little Bobby would go to school.

He would go into a room and become little Sarah, put on a dress, spend his day at school as little Sarah, and then before going home at the end of the day, he would change back into his little Bobby clothes, and the parents were 100 percent unaware that this was going on. And if you, if you, if you look those things up, as a matter of fact, I'm sorry, it might [00:44:00] get a little tickling the back of my throat, but, uh, um, my next book right now, my thought is it's, I'm going to call it critical gender theory, which I don't know if that exists yet, but it may in the future.

Uh, but it's how schools are doing a number of inappropriate things concerning gender and sex with Children. And, uh, but that's again, it's the psychology of shame introducing inappropriate topics to Children. Who are obviously not emotionally mature enough to handle it. And what that does, it, it, it sets them off.

It knocks them off of their, uh, their foundation. It confuses them. And once they're confused and once they're unsure, that's when they can start implementing. And that's when they can start brainwashing them, for lack of a better [00:45:00] phrase.

D Brent Dowlen: Now, George, you wrote an entire book called Critical Race Theory in your school, how to fight back, uh, based off your dissertation.

It's not the right word. What'd you call it?

Dr. George S. Maurer: It was a capstone project capstone dissertation light if you will.

D Brent Dowlen: Okay. And so you update it So normal people like me can read it instead of the high education crowd.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Well, you know what the high education crowd They're not nearly as smart as they think they are and as a matter of fact in my book I have a I have a favorite joke, which they made me take out of my capstone project By the way, but I put it back in for the for the for the book one of my favorite jokes is Only a only an academic would be stupid enough to believe that and then you kind of put whatever it is on the end.

Only an academic would be stupid enough to believe that creating racial [00:46:00] tension among children would lead to positive results. And it's, it's ridiculous. No one with common sense would believe this and no one with common sense does believe it, but academics do big time

D Brent Dowlen: now. Dad's out there. And everybody for that fact, this is something that you need to be aware of.

This is something that you need to be considering and how it's impacting the world around you. Uh, as men, part of our stance on this show is that we should be leading the way that that is our duty as men to stand up and lead the way for justice. And when it's right, this is going on in our world. So if you want to go deeper down this rabbit hole of critical race, they're going to really get your mind wrapped around it, because We've barely scratched the surface.

Dr. Maurer's book is available on Amazon. We'll have links in the description of [00:47:00] course, and in the show notes, whatever platform you're joining us on today. So you can find that book and you can go down this rabbit hole You need to be aware of what's happening in the world around you and how that's impacting your community your family George, what is next for you?

Dr. George S. Maurer: Well, like I said, um, I believe Well, first of all, next is to get the word out about this book to the best of my ability. Uh, but next, I think my next book will be critical gender theory, which is very similar to critical race theory. It's the same thing. Introduce these subjects to children who are emotionally unable to deal with them, knock them off their foundation, confuse them, Give them anxiety.

And then once that happens, begin to create social justice warriors who will hate America, [00:48:00] hate capitalism, hate their parents and hate each other for whatever reason. Who knows for race in this particular, in this particular sub, um, but what we need in this country, you know, they call it toxic masculine masculinity.

It's not toxic at all. We need strong men. We need masculine men, you know, there are so many kids out there who are running wild because they don't have strong men in their lives. You know, uh, you know, men and women are not the same. And I can't believe I have to say stuff like that, but you know, you know, they teach us that, Oh, you know, men and women are the same.

There's no difference. There's lots of the difference. Dumbass. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay, sorry. Anyway, but uh, but that's what they're trying to teach us. You know, that men are unnecessary. And by the way, Marxism looks [00:49:00] to a, um, a female based society. They see a male based or male led society. And I, I, I, I, I.

I guess we're not really a male based society, but, um, but strong men in the family, they see that as the problem, you know, that's what led to classes, you know, because, you know, men. built farms, which meant property, which meant, you know, that's where white racism originated and all that kind of stuff. So they want to go back to a female based society where fathers don't matter.

Five children don't even know who their fathers are half the time. And so, and they said, Oh, well, we were hunter gatherers. That's how it was. And it was great for 10, 15, 20, 000 years. And then we started. Agriculture. And that's when men took over. And that's when the problems began. That's what these people think.[00:50:00]

It's crazy. And Children need a strong father and a strong mother to be their best as they grow up. This is not rocket science, but it is a surprise to academics. You know, again, we get back to my old joke. Only an academic would be stupid enough to believe you. That a child is just great without a two parent family.

Two parent families are the best place to raise children. No one with common sense can debate that issue.

D Brent Dowlen: George, if people want to connect with you outside of your book, where's the best place to connect with you?

Dr. George S. Maurer: Well, I do have a website or I'm sorry, a Facebook page titled critical race theory in your school, how to fight back by Dr.

George Maurer. That would be a good place to to to reach me, but also, uh, you can also tune into some of [00:51:00] the conversations that are going on on my page. Um, and Brent, you mentioned one, you know, before we started talking a little bit, uh, there. Yeah. Yeah. They're funny. I think they're hilarious. They, uh, I have a number of liberals who think they're hurting my feelings by calling me names and, you know, you know, and I'm having a little fun with them.

You know, they And again, if it's okay, uh, you know, I had one person who said, you know, you need to take this book and stick it sideways up your ass. And I like to have a little fun with them. And my response was, well, as a doctor, I cannot recommend that type of book. Behavior or that activity, you know, because it's probably not best to stick a book sideways up your ass.

You know, it's I'm not a medical doctor, but you don't need to be a genius to figure that out. So, uh, have a little fun with them. But for the most part, I engage them to a point and then just kind of [00:52:00] let him go. I mean, you're obviously you're wasting your breath with a lot of a lot of people, but, uh, you may find some of the conversations rather humorous.

I know I do.

D Brent Dowlen: I enjoyed that when I was, when I was getting ready for the show, I, I had a good time reading through some of the idiots. I'm glad it makes people, the minute I start reading stuff like that, it's like, Oh, I should really pay attention to what this person's talking about. Cause there's validity to it now.

Dr. George S. Maurer: When you have that much criticism, you know you're doing the right thing. In the military, we say the flack is always worst when you're over the target. And I seem to be directly over the target. According to my Facebook page, that's for sure.

D Brent Dowlen: I know you're all really concerned about this, but Johnny death is truly afraid of, and George, you said clowns, you're absolutely right.

That is, that is the answer, uh, which is impressive because spiders generally on [00:53:00] like global, the global fear list. It's speaking public speaking death and spiders like the top three. Yeah.

Dr. George S. Maurer: Well, uh, don't give me too much credit. It was an absolute guess. I mean, I had no reason to choose that except it was first.

So I chose it. So don't be too impressed by my answer. I know I'm not,

D Brent Dowlen: I like it. I like it. I, I, I actually have a few friends who are afraid of clowns. I didn't know that was a thing until I found out one of my friends was like terrified clowns. I'm like, really? Yeah. Uh, it turns out me brothers too. So yeah,

Dr. George S. Maurer: that's, uh, I had the same reaction when I heard about people being afraid of clown, people who are afraid of clowns, huh?

D Brent Dowlen: Hmm. Okay. Whatever. Whatever. All of the things that we find to be afraid of George, wrap us out. If our listeners heard nothing else today, what is the one most important thing you want them to hear today? [00:54:00]

Dr. George S. Maurer: The one most important thing you need to do is look at your child's education. Look at the class descriptions, attend the school board meetings.

Uh, if you, if you are in a position to go to the classroom and volunteer. Volunteer at the school. And I know, you know, some of us, you know, we have two parents both working full time jobs, and it's difficult, but, um, do what you have to to make time and get involved with your child's education because when COVID hit and kids were home.

and lessons and teachers were talking through the computer in the home. Parents were docked at the things that their Children were being taught. Find out what it is. And and if you do run across critical race theory in [00:55:00] any of its forms, do not be afraid to take a stand and do not be surprised when they lie to you or try to Interfere and keep your child there.

You know, I don't need to tell you to be a papa bear when it's necessary. It may be necessary. Your child may be in a great school. I don't know, but they might not be. And you can't take that chance.

D Brent Dowlen: Guys, for myself and Dr. Maurer, thanks for hanging out with us today. Be better tomorrow because what you do today, we'll see on the next one.

David McCarter: This has been the Fallible Man podcast. Your home for everything man, husband, and father. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a show. Head over to www. thefallibleman. com for more content and get your own Fallible Man gear.

George Maurer Profile Photo

George Maurer

r. Maurer is an award-winning broadcast journalist with more than 35 years of experience. He's a retired Air Force Master Sergeant who deployed to Iraq during the Global War on Terrorism. He also served overseas in Japan, Korea, the Portuguese Azores, and Alaska. For his final assignment, he served in the Pentagon Press Briefing Room alongside all major news organizations. He's interviewed top defense officials such as Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen as well as rock stars like Sammy Hagar and Pat Benatar. During his career, he covered a wide range of major events such as the first military tribunals of enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Super Bowl XLII.